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Show January 15 for Ogden With a tield goal; buty Millspaw came back with another from the field to give Ben Lo- j mond a five-point margin once ' more. |. With the score tied at 13 all,’ | Gary Kapp hit one from the COr-» ‘ner and added two foul shots' | just before the first quarter ended to put the Scots ahead 17-13. | The» halftime score was 24-21, after a very slow second quarter. Brittain used his height to advantage in pushing through two quick field goals midway in. the third period to knot the count at sn Lomond Scots’ pernightby beating the i , 28 all. From then on it was any-| /one’s game. | ‘Lead Changes Hands | _. Kapp moved his team into a game played on | ya ‘insp 7 od, oards) behind in ‘hit the 0 hard- s: Was filled. 'Rampton ites of the third ost both Gary : Easley, 6n peruntil that point, en- the big scor-| 0 a 4, @ nin | th Box ee GTFP the tall an cen- Only He got the Scots ‘tne start of the Pat of foul shots. Ss mates into amaze with a t and one from pton broke the’ ice ‘ 0 0 Chatelain 17251246... rom un- basket. emerk and Brit-' ' | i Ben: Gomond Ogden nf. Vie rs as Conneliy et (0222 Barney 93 11)Weathere 154 6 Lundquist 5 0 010 Allen ah ~— 3117 Daines 40408 Pierson 10 0 2 Hunt ee oS > Bye Lomon R oes ‘Cole 0000 0000, Potals ! asaaare | PO Pteob4 oped 43°35 J, ppsen 7 3115 | ‘Thomas 4119) erson 3°217 | Taylor 0211) 9 0 0 0 Swenson ~ pa 24 40 46 21°37. 48 15 128 88 | | WI | 3539 and Sallo, ~ ai ‘Ben Tl| | } aT A | 0 59717} 1.73 5) 1 31 3 ¢ So | Totals foi one... 17. eee 13 game: gden - + 1811844 GTFP| Brittain | | | Ogden Connelly 0 00 Officials Hancuk 1 EP (4008 : Tomlinson Meacham Thomas pion 47412Kapp. + 73 115 Millspaw Brittain secore, Jim Card had tied @ tree. throw. 14 scores: 00.0 0 Peterson 1 6 3,5 Marshall 45 3N Ballantyne .1 002 Easley: Who dunked the ne Tigers. With at 46 all and less Up : , %2 unds. tain, collected behind to win, 44-38, sley had done a mas-| ii game- tain had nine, | |_ Millspaw hit for 15 for Ben’ 'Lomond, Kapp scored 12, and Ballantyne netted 11. | In the junior varsity game, Og: den High School also came from was seriously hurt 7 once _ Tomlinson was the top scorer| on the. floor with 17 points. —. | Seven of them from the foul line. | ed a ball-control. bts led most of the way, » by. more than - five and Rampton the stage for Brittain’s ‘ winning ‘bucket. _ during the latter part st half when Ben Lo- cots and | more at 44 all. Rampton moved| _ Ogden into a 46-44 ead when ‘he got loose underneath the bas‘ket and layed it up and in. | .Kapp and Card tied it up again | With a foul toss apiece to set. ith tempers flars and officials. shades of “Old saw for a couple | drop one to tie ‘e the game began controlling and out-hustled game | | | 42-37 lead early in the final sared od, only to have Roger Tomlinson ed Ogden team ‘rom | | | a‘i tH | | | |