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Show February 6 iE . 4 ses gond Trio GetsTrip; ’ Fi tent 1s Male Assembly an. ee esi = 401 th ‘Scotties are looking 39 forward : . to. High of | Wrestlers Busy, Too Ben Lomond has another Poa. iMZ elves. | group of boys who are fast | reaching fame, the wrestling hone team. These boys are really .S good at their job and have audia = cure made a good name for abe» on the Hi past i) WA IAAL Skiing Clan Lésine How | ‘The skiing clan at Ben Lo- | mond is going right to work, y must be really learning to ski by the looks = of Oh best of people. well, Barbara, Did Bus Break Down BP Tkeofenthe hillthe anemones if a “s Noij Foughtgirls ~.-.. a aa % + - oe before Wwante er r : » an Hlar Hop... ue 2 But the bus fooled them and. a whole group of Scott Cluding Leslie Horspoolies, in, got to net tga ~ euthenneaiel —— en Saleh aee eer Ts eeare oe things like that happen to the This snow has been a real advantage to a great many students lately. It seems, the =o. story was Tuesday, that me they bus broke down, but it’s the Ee well known fact that the Scot-a ties tried e and in their te. > Power to. ‘fhink Up ways to ns bus at the bottom t Sigh they 0 ‘“ of HAN AT | | | | Hh | Hh i # = { é : WA Wn I I | | I really % Re ief Well Scotties, now 8rades are raedthat the’ te es. the retty great wf 5 li : Whea tfa big “RSC of relict feelne ar term 4 HH WAN a Especially Barbara Salter, who didn’t actually break her leg, but just.made-it so she : has to hobble around every where. 0 A | things; 2-- | AT A al It was really one evening of grand entertainment for all wrestler lovers. how | AN tri-meet, including wrestlers from Ogden, Weber, and Ben Lomond. e ago they It La a during week. Thursday was the big kK ia ie) themselves as ac- | ends. ris ¢ il the mt mel ne WH) A le is |