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Show and Snore y Jones the faculty had it Of course, wa and also had to get into tite act. Boy, what players. At 3 rate, with all those d figures on the floor, the| ties really had a good time. Things that the referee qlee see—very obviously — didi - count, of course. - Ready to Go ae oe State > The Scotties learned their lessons that day, but: good. The Scotties are now in the process of getting ready to. go to state next week. Again this year, the pep club is ‘mak0 ing Scottish hats to sell. th students. But also, “™ phones are being made. LU of the credit should go Connie Garr, who is in chat of the hats, and. Margaret Gardner has spent. much, time preparing megaphones.. - = Es So let’s get those megaphones and hats, Scotties, and really support your school, It Was a Thriller. ~~ & Last Thursday’s game with Ogden. was certainly a thriller and one that will be long remembered by students from Ogden and Ben Lomond. Laur- els should ball. go to- thé Basket- team for thé showing they’ ve : Scotties. ® cs {splendid ; Free Bwimeding Areas Instead of mud ane anew Ben Lomond now has fr - 3 Swimming areas, At ‘least all the students go” wading at least once a day. What we _ heed is improved swimming 5 eu or so Jane — ~ > thin is Thought. of the Week The thought for the week at Ben Lovee is: Swim or crown? : : |