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Show an |iM 1 = si se , 5 +2 : : oo i = ap =e ' 4 aA i Se Seine to the | She will alae host of the. | ‘annual spring convention | Utah Industrial Arts Assn. at Ben Lomond High School. eaa ig d | a The : association is comprise ct subje ‘teachers of the type of al which was once called manu t years = training, put in more recen : | ee become known as the indus once consisted { \ his field, aiich only woodworking, has now | broadened — into a program ‘in- — in cluding thetraction and work er, ‘wood, metals, plastics, leath al automotive, printing, mechanic many drafting and are girls Bo th boys and understand the process"I as me ee | — — l a H| U ii entativ | a to Wiclospate an explain. j ‘developments fecindustrial fields that students should know. a! | | According to Pete Evans, pres- | ident of the asconition and in- © at Morgan High School, a ee gaan will open at 9 a.m. a general meeting, . after — the wi be devoted cussing ne\ ideas and seethe | products of industry. “Man “Ogden firms have been inVited to. participate. Carl Wallis and Elmont Bingham, shop instructors at Ben Lo- | ‘mond, will conduct the teachers — ‘through the new buildings In conjunction vention will be with the nt et en the pice ene = con- con- dil llathieinelbihas TIA AVANT AW HN | 4 | | | i\| 1 HHI MN) } Hi WHI A |