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Show ALUM-LEADERS FERREL CARTER The The council, of which Weber State is UPDATED RAINBOW FINIAN’S Many Weber Alumni had roles in the tremendously successful WSC Summer Musical production, “Finian’s The leading role was held Rainbow.” by Alumni Executive Secretary Dean Hurst (48). Alma Hansen also had |. a featured part. The large talented cast also included alumni Dick Slater (50), Eugene Nye (45), Harvey board alumni (43) Neuteboom member, Kent Peterson (56), and Kent Hansen (63). ALUMNI REPRESENTATIVES ATTENT A.A.C. MEET D. W. Farr | | and Hurst Alumni President Alumni Incoming Dexter executive director Dean attended Council the American convention in San Francisco recently, meeting with representatives from has been an grams, library fund drives, alumni participation in the UB birthday party, sports events, the graduation Dr. Gale Keyes, Alumni Board Member and chairman of the Constitution Committee, will present. a modernized, up-to-date version of the alumni constitution for a vote of approval by the Alumni Association. The major suggested revisions to the constitution provides for a larger board of directors, provisions for balloting in a manner and time specified by the board rather than at a prescribed meeting and allows greater flexibility in governing the association. It was felt that a less restricted constitution with built-in allowances for growth and development of the association will result in fewer needed changes in the future. ) DEXTER DUANE FARR 1966-67 eventful one for Alumni President Ferrel Carter. As chairman of the board in its many activities, he has been involved in development pro- - UW-NOTES CONSTITUTION BY COMMITTEE year of college and univer- sity alumni associations throughout the United States and Canada. a member, provides background and assistance through classes, seminars and workshops to help member groups keep informed of Alumni trends throughout the nation. UNION ADDITION GROUNDBREAKING Groundbreaking ceremonies for an addition to the Weber State College Union Building was held July 6, 1967. The many facilities offered by the addition to the Union Building are a dream come true through 20 years of hard work by Alumni and students of Weber. In 1948 the Weber Alumnus featured an article by Allison Smythe which envisioned a large Weber College serviced by a union building with a multitude of facilities, including: “lounges, a ballroom, recreation rooms such as billiard, ping pong, and card rooms, a cafeteria, student book store, and a suite of useful ad- ministrative “Such offices dent of the lieutenants; per and and also offices. would serve the presistudent body and his the editors of newspa- yearbook highly and their staffs; important, the members and officials of the Associated Alumni of Weber College. “There may also be a barber shop where the scissors and razor artists give out with short or long cuts as desired, say for less than $1 a clip. And adjoining there should be provision for a beauty salon. Not that our coeds seem to need it much at present, but in time and the trans- formation to a four-year school some degree of sophistication may be felt necessary.” dance, board parties, socials, homecoming events, speeches, articles, etc. As a member of the board of CHAIRMAN, DEVELOPMENT FUND IN SECOND TERM trustees of the college he has played a vital role in the operation of the college. Richard Myers, past president of the has been board, Alumni Mr. Carter’s contributions to the col- elected to a lege through Alumni many years of dedicated lowing his present term will serve one additional second term as chairman of the Weber State College Development Fund at the board’s annual meeting held recently. A marked increase in interest in the Development Fund program at the college was noted by Chairman Myers in his report. He cited several examples of gifts or trusts naming the college as benefi- a total of six years Other members of the Development ~ Fund board to serve the coming year Vice Chairman Frank Fran- = cis, John Hinckley, Ted Schmidt” Perry Wilson, William J. Critchlow” III, Ferrel Carter, Dexter Farr, Dr. P James Foulger, liam P. Miller. and President of direct alumni involvement. In addition to the present term, Mr. Carter has served previously on the board when he filled the unexpired term of a director. He is also a member of the board of the Weber State College Development Fund. His involvement on campus goes even further since being appointed a bishop ZS college ward of the L.DS. urch. He is president and general manager of Carter Supply Company in Ogden. : Bend “thanks” to President ciary. include work spans service. Folof office, he year to make Wil- Carter, who has carried out his a in the true Alumni ation and zeal. spirit of SQUAWS PLAN ALUMNI EVENTS SLATE OTYOKWA ALUMNI CONGRAE FOR ANNUAL BALLOT ULATES Weber State College 08 I 9 JOR to deposit the treasury this year at Weber. money will be used as a loan fun before Homecoming, have lost track of former second vice presi- AM, '53, assi i , car : is loan DOROTIS , OREYear director ¢ 2 please 3 depart- 1677 North Forbes, Layton Vag 395-9676, SEE YOU Ad ies SYCAMO teacher, civic club RE and Wanis, | oe ad Fung Fe stors. Ee Industri worker dent, Bank of » member Ki- and cheer’ GRay, reh Worker. q State "52, housewife, he was 1 a personalities on campus. He is the general manager of Farr Ice Cream Co. in Ogden, and is a member of the Weber State College Development Fund Board and the Ogden Exchange Association. He is married to the former Derrita Ebert and is the father of three children. Best wishes for the term ahead, Dex with that background, help but go forward? ANN Junior ) ’56, where how can we PREPARED LUND League, MOYES, ’51, church f viier irmz chalemam, caiet “Gen seus, 51, manager LindRotary ae ons, member Ogden Jaycees, H WIGGINS; ’50, acountan iggi ane ao ae Ogden hanes Council of onnen. president State Planning OERER, ’49, attorne Jaycees, Children’s Aid Director end Wore Bony Young Republican chairman. aoe ELSON, ’53, vice president Commeroa ecurity Bank, general manager Snow asin, member Chamber of Commerce Bes . AX J. MALAN, dent-elect ber KiwanisOgde n Dental1 ’58, denti hay Cink, Study Club, _’60, and i Deen mem- presid Se Pee and Heating enbee Dean chairman. ature, Weber County Republican erms Shue taiaN,V ERDEN, °36. Mary fessional Worker, cher, ANcivic club’ and VAN HES inspector TyMissi +50 ’ on GOLLINS, State in ALVERSON, 38Und homesE, CHRISTE wor, CONOmics te eN ker, Seng desperate smoke signals to Sue COMING. ee Gu siMGsy Hisaiaing geen and ofLoan,the active opponent, Member Lions and let us know. ‘This coulda you. who will m affairs. ayeees ational Chats: t,ViceOgden ‘aycees, and activeBank,in ‘past civi President Metropol itan Lions If you don’t receive our club nev per FARR, ment m Y NE UTEBOO Presiq ne ager, Citi tuition be used for active squaws i prospective FLOR, the year ’67-'68, and nt, who ent of wit $105 president Utah member of Blue Key, Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity, president of the Weber Club on campus and a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. He served as Student Body Vice President his senior year when he was honored as one of 12. outstanding DIRECTORS A new Breond Move to first vice president. and eight ney Se President will be elected yams and 6 fe girectors exe 6 or dovear 1 ysident ballot are: On the second event all former squaws at all of the Z this year. able and AND ni Banquet Piece on at the annual wee DEXTER DUAN ay, November 2, Includes: school a very exciting and “crowded Homecoming. We are anxious to were OFFICERS fficers many years of success and wish thé We OF Incoming Alumni President Dex Farr is no stranger to work, as can be attested by his past record of achievements. Moving up from first vice president position, Dex previously served as second vice president in addition to two previous years as a board member of the association. He has actively participated in many phases of alumni work as committee chairman. A member of the class of 54, Dex was sophomore class president, board of control member and Phoenix men’s club president. He received his B.A. degree in Business Management from ERRILL officer, First JENKINS, Security ’38, Bank assi state selintcr, member Plain City Lions. ’ ’ mee ee coo e attorney, for; r, .S. con chairman Weber County Taxpayer: Accocat tion. WILFORD FOWERS, e E : ’36, 4 m ana Clothing, vice chairman roa ceo ) : ; Distri Scout Planning City Riverdale Contalesian vice president °35, J. KLOMP, SPENCER omer and Klomp Parking, civic and church worker. CARTER |