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Show AlumNus MILITARY SPEC. 4 RALPH C. AARDEMA, ‘69, interning as a school teacher in Roy, was named Soldier of the Month at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Residing at Lawton, Oklahoma, with his wife Sheila and their 10 month old son. JERALD R. ALLEN, ‘70, received the commandant’s award as the outstanding cadet at the ROTC field training encampment at March Air Force Base, Calif. FIRST LIEUTENANT LYNN R. BEENS, ‘68, was awarded silver wings upon graduation from the U.S. Air Force navigator training at Mather AFB, Calif. His wife, Kristine Van Flint of Kaysville. JOHN K. BROCKBANK, ‘70, has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force upon graduation from Lackland AFB, Texas. His wife is Susan Calderwood. SECOND LIEUTENANT KENNETH R. BURTON, ‘69, has been awarded U.S. Air Force silver pilot wings upon graduation at Vance AFB, Oklahoma. His wife is the former Susan Wideman. HOBART T. CHARD, ‘48, has been promoted as Colonel in the Ait Force at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico. He is married to the former Ardella Sargent, received his BS from the University of Utah and has done post graduate work in Business Administration. JOHN E. DAYHUFF, ‘39, has been promoted to Colonel in the Air Force Reserve. He is commander of the 733rd Military Airlift Squadron of the 945th Military Airlift Group which trains at Hill AFB. Married to former Shirley Critchlow. WAYNE N. DEVERAUX, ‘70, has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force upon graduation from Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Texas. CAPT. STEPHEN ELLERTSON, ‘67, just recently promoted to the rank of Captain is on duty at Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai AFB, Thailand as a computer programmer. GEORGE N. GEORGE, received the Bronze Star from the Army for being instrumental in saving lives while in Vietnam. He received his basic training at Fort Ord, Calif. COL. MILTON C. MECHAM, Dean of Admissions and Records at Weber and Commanding Officer of the Army Reserve 163rd General Support Group, has retired from the military after 32 years of active Army and reserve service. DENNIS L. NEWHOUSE, ‘70, has completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Texas, and assigned now to Chanute AFB, Illinois for training in maintenance analysis field. His wife is the former Barbara Simpson of Page, Arizona. MICHAEL PALES, ‘70, has been commissioned an ensign in the U.S. Naval Reserve after completing the Naval Reserve Officers Candidate program. Married to former Diana Johnston of Roy. IVAN J. RAY, ‘69, has been commissioned an ensign in the Naval Reserve, following completing of a phase of his training at Pensacola, Florida. His wife, former Shirley Byington. CAPT. MICHAEL W. RODEN, ‘66, is a missile combat crew commander in the 12th Strategic Missile Squadron at Malmstrom SEE. Montana. He was commissioned in 1966 at Lackland AFB, exas. SECOND LIEUTENANT PAUL R. SEAGER, ‘70, has been awarded silver wings upon graduation from U.S. Air Force tevigetor training at Mather AFB, Calif. His wife, former Dianne eterson. ORLO E. CHILDS, ‘35, resigned as President of the Colorado School of Mines and now is Vice President for Research and Special Programs at Texas Tech University. FORTIES DANNY LEE TESCH, ‘66, has earned a Master of Education degree in Secondary school administration at Utah State University. He is the son of Chris J. Tesch of Ogden. L. NIELSEN, “44, was in Chicago recently where he graduate courses on the fitting of contact lenses by methods. Dr. Nielsen has the distinction of being individual ever to be admitted to practice optometry FIFTIES SPEC. 4 GERALD I. THOMPSON, ‘69, has been assigned as the training non-commissioned officer of headquarters company in Fort Carson, Colorado. He is married to former Mary Ann Beazer. AIRMAN ROBERT E. LONG, ‘70, has completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Texas, and has been assigned to Sheppard AFB, Texas for medical services specialist training. BRYAN A. TOBIAS, was named outstanding airman at Hill AFB. He is in the security police at the base, and is married to the former Jennie Carlsen of Riverdale and they have one son. JAMES S. MCGARRY, ‘68, a Second Lieutenant, awarded U.S. Air Force silver pilot wings upon graduation at Webb AFB has been assigned to Abilene AFB in Texas. His wife is the former Judy DeGroot. PFC RICHARD ZUNDEL of Willard, has received top scores in proficiency tests as well as awarded the Infantry Statuette and a Certificate of Achievement for being top graduate in his company. Burton VANDER HEIDE, ‘64, is chairman of the Language at Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York. He MA at the University of Utah and studied in Spain, and at the University of So. Calif. DR. VERNE attended post computerized the youngest in Utah. FRED S. BALL, ‘52, has been named Executive Vice President of the Salt Lake area Chamber of Commerce. He will resign his job with IML Freight, Inc. He was Student Body President of the class of ‘52 and editor of the Signpost, student newspaper. He is married to the former Joyce Worsencroft of Salt Lake City. j RALPH P. department received his Switzerland WILLIAM O. SHERMAN, ‘66, has Central Connecticut State College, assistant professor of Psychology. Nessen Sherman of Centerville, Utah SECOND LIEUTENANT RICHARD D. STOUT, ‘69, has been awarded U.S. Air Force silver pilot wings upon graduation at Williams AFB, Arizona and is being assigned to Lockbourne AFB Ohio. His wife, Joan McFarlane of Layton. EVERETT A. TEACH, JR., ‘67, is first Lieutenant and has received a regular commission in the U.S. Air Force at Mather te Calif. His wife, Johanna is the daughter of Mrs. Paula Boer in gden. OLIVER J. LARSON, ‘64, a tax examiner for Internal Revenue Service of Ogden was awarded $755 by suggesting potential audit cases be selected prior to preparation of the audit examination record assembly. Married to the former Marie Van Orden, they have 2 children. E. LAMAR BUCKNER, ‘42, was named President of the Lake Bonneville Boy Scouts Council. He is President of Buckner Insurance Counselors in Ogden and is married to former Melba Hale. SAMUEL O. STOCK, ‘70, completed basic training and is assigned to Sheppard AFB, Texas for training as a medical services specialist. His wife is the former Christina Hanson of Ogden. SGT. WADE R. GIBBS, participated in a massive NATO training exercise in West Germany for a month. He has served in Vietnam and his wife is Lynda Smalley. Seager Lithoof the DEE HUTZLEY, ‘49, is the new President of the Ogden Chamber of Commerce. He attended Stanford University, and California Institute of Advertising. He has been in the retail grocery and drug business since 1940 and is presently General Manager of Wangsgard, Inc. Married to former Beverly Edsinga, they have 6 children. LARRY D. SELLS, has been selected Sailor of the Month at Chase Field Naval Auxiliary Air Station in Beeville, Texas. He is married to the former Sharon Watson of Bountifui. MICHAEL I. TIMOTHY, ‘70, of Kaysville, commissioned an ensign in the Navy, received his bars after graduating from Officer Candidate School in Rhode Island. He will leave soon for a 36 month tour of duty in Hawaii. McGarry THIRTIES MAX WHEELWRIGHT, ‘32, President of Wheelwright graphy Company in Salt Lake City was elected Chairman Board of the National Association of Photo Lithographers. CARLOS F. MARTINDELL, ‘52, has been named executive director of the Ogden Housing Authority. His 14 years experience includes work as Senior industrial engineer in the management engineering dept. at Thiokol, for the LDS Church and Senior master planner for CCI-Marquardt. CURTIS B. WRIGHT, ‘52, director of the Northern Utah office of Rehabilitation services and a member of the Mt. Ogden Toastmasters club where he won the area humorous speech contest. His wife is the former Joyce Parry. PAUL T. FURLONG, ‘53, received his doctorate in Educational Psychology at the University of Utah. He is married to the former Mary Diane Fouyer, and they reside in Bountiful with their 3 children. RONALD counseling English at Freshman Thomas. D. BINGHAM, ‘56, has received his Doctor degree in at Pennsylvania State University. He was a teacher of Ben Lomond High and Weber College and serving as admissions director at Penn State. His wife, Marjean BRUCE A. JACKSON, ‘59, former director of Corporate Development for the Browning Arms Co., Morgan, Utah, has been appointed Vice President for Manufacturing and Finance at Computer Synectics, Inc., Santa Clara, Calif. He received his MBA in ‘62. SIXTIES MELVIN EDVALSON, ‘60, earned the degree of master of arts in Music Education at Utah State U. He is a teacher at Weber High school and married to the former Diana Dalby and father of 3. REED J. PAGE, ‘60, has been appointed Chief of Rural housing, Farmers Home Administration for the State of Utah. He has worked more than 19 years in the FHA in Utah. MARTIN S. ROBINETTE, ‘63, has been awarded his doctor of Philosophy degree by Wayne State University, Michigan. He and his wife, Helen, and their 2 sons reside in Laramie, Wyoming. been appointed to the staff of New Britain, Connecticut as His wife is the former Jovan and they have 2 girls. J. DAVID BOURLAND, ‘66, earned his doctor of jurisprudence from Texas Tech University and passed the Utah State Bar exam. He is currently serving a one year appointment as a law clerk to the chief justice of the Nevada Supreme Court in Carson City, Nevada. He is married to the former Janet Reeve of Ogden. VAL T. COOK, ‘68, has been named Manager of the Westinghouse distribution center in Tukwila, Washington. He has been working for the Westinghouse firm at the Clearfield Freeport Center. He is married to the former Pat Thornley and they have 2 children. JANET HOBBS, ‘68, has been awarded a graduate assistantship carrying a renewable 2,200 stipend for a 2 year semester period at Morehead State University, Kentucky. She taught school at Hillcrest Elementary in Ogden for 3 years. ROBERT A. HUNTER, ‘68, is serving his third year with the Peace Corps in Jaipur, India marketing their eggs. He was an art major at Weber and member of Blue Key honor fraternity. BRENT ANDERSON, ‘69, was granted master’s degree at the University of Utah summer commencement in 1970. He is married to the former Renae Dow of Vernal. BRUCE BOTHWELL, ‘69, received his Masters degree in English from the University of Iowa in August, 1970. SEVENTIES JEFREY E. BOOTH, ‘70, has been accepted to the University of Utah Medical School. He majored in pre medical science and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Booth of Ogden. DARRELL R. DIXON, ‘70, has been accepted to the University of Utah Medical School. Majoring in pre med science, he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Dixon of Ogden. GARY GOUCHER, ‘70, was accepted by the Georgetown University, a medical University. He majored in pre med and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy E. Goucher, of Ogden. EDWARD K. MADSEN, ‘70, has been accepted to the University of Utah Medical School. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Madsen of Ogden. RAYMOND PF. MOSS, ‘70, has entered the Air War College, the U. S. Air Force Senior professional school at the Air University, Maxwell AFB, Alabama. His wife, Ernestine Mael, is from Sacramento, Calif. BARBARA STOCK, ‘70, has received a rehabilitation training program grant to attend the University of Utah. includes full-tuition plus $1,800 for the first year. After eo she plans to obtain work in the Ogden area in ield. counselor The grant the 2-year her chosen |