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Show MILITARY HOP IS GAY AFFAIR AT BERTHANA One of the largest functions of the i year in school social circles was the i annual hop given by the Ogden high j ' school cadets at the Berthana Friday , evening. About 1500 were in atten¬dance. A military atmosphere was in evidence, with a setting of American flags, banners and trophies of a warlike character. The cadets and j sponsors were in uniform. A feature was a drill by noncommissioned of¬ficers, and another was a concert by the band. Cadet Colonel Hugh May¬er, Lieutenant Colonel Gerald Stone, Major Leslie Mayor, Major Charles Ward, Captain Robert Parkes, Cap¬tain James Evans, Captain David Lowham, Captain Henry Aiken, Cap¬tain Richard McKee, Captain Don¬ald McCraley, Captain Ben Cart- wright, Captain Robert Barker and Captain Dale Read of the band. Sponsors were the following young high school girls: Colonel Maxine Fox, Lieutenant Colonel Beth Peck, Major Charlene Scowcroft, Major Athlene Budge, Captain Adjutant Shirley Halverson, Captain Ada Sailor, Company A; Captain Perry Yard, Company B; Captain Iras Leavitt, Company C; Captain Nelda , Allen, Company E; Captain Marjorie , Anderson, Company F; Captain , Guinevere Hess, Company G; Cap- . tain Eleanor Stevens, of the band. L Patrons were as follows: Colonel and , Mrs. Thomas H. Cunningham, Superintendent and Mrs. W. Karl Hoppins, Principal and Mrs. A. M. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Irwin, Mr. , and Mrs. A. B. Foulger, Mr. and Mrs. , J. H. Riley, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Nye, , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams, Mr. and , Mrs. M. S. Stone.- Mr. and Mrs. Wade M. Johnson, Sergeant Major and Mrs. J. W. Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Fox, Mayor and Mrs. Ora Bundy, City Commissioner and Mrs. Fred E. . Williams, City Commissioner and . Mrs. W. J. Rackham, and Mr. and , Mrs. G. L. Becker. A dinner, planned , by the sponsors to precede the hop, . has been postponed until Saturday evening at the Hotel Bigelow. BASKETBALL The big game with Bear River will be held Friday and at 8:15-so far as is now known. There is a j possibility that these arrangements will have to be changed. We now have only two games remaining and to retain our exceptional record which we have made so far this year we must win. To do this we abso¬lutely must have the support of every student who can possibly get to the game. Our last game will be with Davis on their home floor. We now have a fine line-up in the game. Stitt is one of our best finds of the season. "Doc" Stone is again in the game and doing his part like a veteran. Our other players are equally as deserving of meritous mention. Don't forget we need your 'support to win this game! Be there! THE OPERA The opera has been changed to "The Marriage of Nannette," a comic opera in three acts by Curtiss. "The Prince of Pilsen" was to be present¬ed but the music for the orchestra could not be secured and so this opera was laid aside. "The Marriage of Nannette" is a story of a duke who had been mar¬ried three times and is on the verge of doing it again. The mother of Nannette seeing a good chance of marrying Nannette to a duke and becoming wealthy, tries to persuade Nannette to marry the old duke. Nannette is in love with Rene, and a very beautiful story is woven about this action. The opera takes place in France some time in the eighteenth cen¬tury. There are bands of gypsies, counts and countesses, dukes and a large group of interesting charac¬ters such as bandits, bears and vil¬lage folk. This opera has many beautiful choruses and solos, it is full of wit and humor and the scenes being in France are very at¬tractive and colorful. ELMER BROOME, Reporter. Feb. 22, 1930 Ogden High School News Minds that have nothing to confer Find little to perceive. —Wordsworth. CLASSICALIA COMING It is time to start making your plans for the Classicalia. As you know the Classicalia is a costume party and every student should wear one. Arrange for yours at once. If you lack an idea confer with I Wannan O; they have some marve¬lous suggestions. Tickets will be 50 cents each. If you get a date, buy two tickets. However, don't necessarily get a date as the Classi¬calia is the stags' Utopia. The money made at the Classicalia goer to the support of the year book, so your money will be appropriated to a most worthy cause if you give your support to the dance. Buy a ticket for yourself and help to stimulate interest in your friends. QUEEN OF QUEENS The girls already brought up are fine girls and all that but none can compare with the demure Miss Peck, our hard luck girl. If you are, acquainted with Beth you know her fine qualities and her winning ways. She would make a most lovely queen and the students would get a j sterling miss, who is fine to every¬one and a favorite with all. Let's vote for Beth, even though she won't I be at school for a week or so to plead her own case. DO YOU LIKE IDEA? The idea that is probably going to be carried out this year at the Clas¬sicalia is the idea bringing together all the queens of former years and compare their charms and delights with those of our own queen. What do you think of this idea? AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Could you in¬form us whether or not the gradua¬tion exercises will be held in the morning or in the evening this year? Is formal dress and evening dress the apparel that should be worn? THREE SENIORS Dear Seniors: It is rather early to be worrying about commence¬ment, but if you must be answered you must. The time for the com¬mencement exercises has not been arranged. Last year they were held in the morning. I do not think for¬mal evening clothes at all appro¬priate. Dresses should be simple and inexpensive and as pretty as you like. It is a tradition with our girls to make commencement a hap¬py time for every graduate. For this reason no girl wishes to outdo others, but to dress in a simple, be¬coming manner. A dress which may be worn during the summer for afternoon affairs is appropriate. AUNT JANE. Dear Classicalia Booster: Your letter is not published because the student council has already gone on record for a popular election of a queen for the Classicalia. Since we need money for our year book, let's each one pledge himself to buy one ticket and sell one ticket to the Classicalia, thus making it a finan¬cial success and insuring the con¬tinuance of the election of a queen by popular vote. AUNT JANE. RADIO BENEFITS What is your reaction to the ra¬dio, fellow students? Do you think it is a waste of money, or do yoa get the huge amount of enjoyment from the programs that can really be obtained if you desire to do so? It seems that a number of the stu-1 dents are not content with Mr. Damrosch's splendid programs. It is ra¬ther deplorable, as these programs are recognized as the music of one of the world's foremost orchestras. Nothing but the most beautiful and finest pieces are given. This, to¬gether wtih Mr. Damrosch's splen¬did interpretations, goes to make an hour of music to be equaled few places, anywhere, at whatever price. Let's pay the radio our highest re¬spect. A few years ago a chance for cultural advancement such as this was unheard of. Sponsors for Cadet Dance, and Hostess Sun. Feb. 23, 1930 Tcse gYs were m charge of the an¬nual cadet hop of the Ogden high school Friday evening. Back row, left to right, Guinevere Hess, Marjorie An¬derson and Nelda Allen; middle row, left to right, Shirley Halverson, Iras Leavitt and Ada Sailor; lower row, left to right, Charlene Scowcroft, Maxine Fox and Athlene Budge. At bottom, Miss Betty Gunnell, who entertained at her home preceding the dance. |