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Show CHATTER AND CHAFF Mr. Cartwright missed the time of his life the other evening at council. Mr. Bramwell and his opponents had a discussion that only needed Bennie's influence to warm it into a right good debate. Will you play In assembly? Doil't _ be surprised if you are asked this .7 in the next day or two. We 13 is going to put on an assembly of en¬tire music and the committee in charge is having some time securing talent to entertain. Maybe you can sing if you can carry a tune like some of the fellows in the club. If you can, and Morse finds if out. however, you had better not let it be known. Do you see anything in Joe Foley that reminds you of Henry Clay? If you do you know Joe's best quality. - The West High cadet officers were so cordial in their desire to have Ogden High cadet officers to attend their hop on the fourteenth of March that a number are contem¬plating on going. Planning to give West a break, officers? One thing may we add. A rose under any oth¬er name would smell as sweet. Louies, do you get the meaning? Do you remember the marvel we had last year for queen? This year it might be a Sailor or a Fox. Feb. 28, 1930 Ogden High School News From thee, great God, we spring, to thee we tend— Path, motive, guide, original and end. —Samuel Johnson. OUR TENNIS COURTS Ogden high must improve the wiring around the tennis courts be¬fore we will be allowed to continue to use them. A committee was ap¬pointed last Tuesday in council to see what the board of education could do about the matter. Doubt¬less the board will do everything to ' give the students a fair deal and will endeavor to have the necessary wiring put on the courts. Few things give as much pleasure to the student body as do the tennis courts. We certainly hope that some definite action will be taken in the near future in order that the courts will be in playing order by the time spring tennis is here. CLASSICALIA ON WAY It's hard to believe, but it's true, students. The Classicalla is only a little more than 16 school days away, i It is high time the date was being i made if you are going to get one. And also the costume shops have only a limited supply of individual costumes. Let's have every one in costume this year. It certainly adds a great deal to the atmosphere that has made the Classicalla a dance cherished in the hearts of O. H. S. CHATTER AND CHAFF Borah with all his wranglings never created as much disturbance as was caused in the halls the other day by two opposing factions, or rather one faction and Grant Morse. Grant, so the opponents said, was an aristocrat. Morse told them if the being of an aristocrat meant supporting a certain candidate and not supporting another he was an aristocrat. Thereby hangs a tale. Bobby Pingree claims the world's record for making the most wise¬cracks at which there is no come¬back in one minute Bobby is our idea of the original wit. The fastest one she has thought of in two months Is the one in which she wonders what kind of a dress she will wear the night she is queen. Don't be surprised, girls, if some cadet officer comes up to you in the hall and asks if he can read your map. He is merely suffering from the after-effects of Colonel Cun¬ningham's super teaching. Famous last words: And we woulda beat only the other team pitched ten more baskets than we did in the ninth extra period of play. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Is it true that no high school dances are formal? I am interested in the fact that at the hop there were lots of flowers sent in spite 1 of the fuct that the Notes and the officers seemed to oppose the idea. It is too bad that all people cannot ' join in the democratic spirit if there is a ban on formality. INTERESTED STUDENT. Dear Student: It surely is a pity that all students do not partake of the spirit of de¬mocracy. Of course, there is no law against formality and it remains after all with the individual as to whether or not he chooses to in¬dulge in formality. Flowers should not be attacked especially more than anything else in the line, however. At the hop the officers agreed that there should be no flowers sent in as much that it was not the right dance in which to indulge in such things. I am sure that the hop should have had the spirit of in-formality. The prom and the ball, however, are the dances in honor of the seniors and at these two parties the seniors may do as they choose. Juniors are urged to attend ( all dances informally and the seniors, j too, if it would not make them I especially unhappy as it seems to make some. AUNT JANE. WHERE IS OUR NEW SCHOOL? During the past month or so the talk concerning a new high school has died down considerably and the 1 prospects are no brighter at present j than they were at this time last year. It is a pity that some united efforts aren't taken in behalf of the youth of this city in order that proper facilities may be insured for their welfare and future success. We, the students of Ogden high, sincerely hope that the board of education may take note of our wretched condition in regard to fa - cilities and organize in an effort to . secure for the youth of this city « the opportunity that the county . I high students, the students of otii cities of northern Utah, and the other cities of the state have. COUNCIL Council was called to order by President Stewart. The minutes were read and approved. Beta Zeta Tau was granted a party for March 1. Carpe Diem was granted a party before the game on February 28. and Phi Lamba Tau was granted a party after the game on the same night. Hod Nebeker asked for the approval by council of Preston Mulcahy and James Wilson as as¬sociate managers of the annual Classicum, and Joe Foley and Bob Kimball as associate managers of the quarterly. It was moved and seconded that, a committee be ap¬pointed to petition the board of edu¬cation to take some action on the tennis courts. The motion was pass¬ed. The committee consisisted of Joe Foley, chairman; Hod Nebeker and William De Hart. Dale Read asked council to charter a bus for the band to go to the Davis game. It was moved and seconded that a committee of three be appointed with full power to charter a bus to take the band to Davis. The motion was passed. The committee consist¬ed Dale Read, chairman; Wallace Manning and Jack Reeve. It was moved and seconded that the vote for the queen be made by the entire student body. The motion was pass¬ed. Council then adjourned. RADER DEEGAN, Secretary, DEBATING TEAM At last the finals have been held and the regular team chosen. The judges were Professor Harold Monson of Weber college and Judge John A. Hendricks. Their decision was thus: Affirmative team, Dor¬othy Nelson and Dena Liapis; neg¬ative team, Doyle Jensen and Her¬bert Stewart; alternates, Durnell Richards and Preston Mulcahy. It took some time for the judges to come to a decision, as the debaters were all verv p-nnH Tqse students i will represent Ogden High school in the debates of this division, consist¬ing of Box Elder, Weber, Davis, Lo¬gan, Bear River and Ogden. The r first debate will be held about three : weeks from now, and we wish our t debaters the best of luck. L MAY THE BEST GIRL WIN , What is all this chatter and chaff, I Around the halls these days? ; It's "Who is going to be our queen 5 And rule with royal sway?" 1 . Some say, "I'm voting for this one," 1 And others say, "Not her for me, 3 I want this sweet somebody, f She's my queen to a 'TV i . Now, you've all seen Nelda Allen, She's nice as nice can be. 3 And what about sweet Eleanor I With her bewitching smile so free? J; Maxine is queenly, to be sure, \ She is stately and dark and se- : rene. 1 And Shirley Halverson in contrast Has beauty that's rarely seen. i Iras is like a princess, anyway, 5 With her golden tresses fair. 1 Just try to find another like Beth. She's a peck of sweetness rare. s I mustn't leave the red-heads out 5 And so I'll add two more. 3 Peppy Marge and Ada, too, Would be haughty and different, I'm sure. Elda Skinner's new here, But we love her just a lot. And who could be more charming j That Miss Charlene Scowcroft? e Queen Guinevere of Arthur's time " Had beauty and the best. e Today we have another one, 1 Lovely Guinevere Hess. Perry Warde is a southerner And her musical pleasing brogue 1 Has caught at many a heart string t And held on mighty hard. 0 s Athleen is a tiny mite s And she's dainty and petite. Ogden High School News Mar. 3, 1930 This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. —From Hamlet. TIGERS TROUNCE BEARS At the Weber gym, Friday eve¬ning, the Orange Streaks took a hotly contested game from the Bear River team, 35 to 28. The game from the first was in the hands of. Ogden, but late in the game the Bears made such a rally that for a moment the outcome looked doubt¬ful. The opponents played hard and deserve commendation for be¬ing a sporty bunch, full of pep and fight. Our men played hard. The game, at times, seemed to assume a rather burlesque attitude. Doc Stone seemed to play with the oppo¬nents dribbling to them and then1 just as they thought the ball would fall out of his hands would recover it and dribble out of his tight pinch. Les took some beautiful nose dives and was literally all over the floor. The fellows deserve commendation for a fine spirit of sportsmanship and a gameness that is surely fine. The scrappy work of the two for¬wards, Clyde Hunter and Bill Stitt, was marvelous and, as A1 Warden calls him, the elongated center did his usual share of the work. Davis now gang! QUEENS' CONVENTION In the "Auditorium" last Friday afternoon the queens' convention was held. . The queen this year, from all indications, will certainly win over a great gang. There are more pretty and fine girls this year it seems, than ever before. There were seven girls chosen on the first ballot and eight on the second, mak¬ing a total of 15 in all. There were no indications of a dark horse on the ballot and the already popular girls seem to hold the upper hand. J?he first seven were: Eleanor Ste- Bedell Austin's adorable. You can't denyshe's sweet. ' A slender, splendid queen, I'm sure Would be Clarissa Gould. Beth Story might take us all by storm And be the best that ever ruled. Why not have a coquette queen Quite different from the rest. Bobby Pingree might be Better than the best. Oh, there're girls and girls and girls and girls And the queen is for you to choose. After all, the best will win, For someone has to lose. AN UNDECIDED JUNIOR (YVONNE PEIRCE) BIG GAME TONIGHT All students and friends are ad¬vised that we play Bear River High school tonight in Weber gymnasium. Although Bear River has won no game this year, they have a very snappy little team and have given others schools a good rub. We simply must beat Bear River to¬night. vens, Iras Leavitt, Charlene Scow¬croft, Maxine Fox, Shirly Halverson, Elda Shinner and Ada Sailor. The other eight ran a hot race to re¬ceive the honor over a field of about twenty-five charming misses who would all have been equally as lovely or fine. May the best wom¬an win! GAME AT DAVIS THIS WEEK This week will probably be the last time the entire student body of 1930 will be able to assemble to support a team. It seems funny, but nevertheless it is true. Unless all the students turn out to the game at Davis on Friday evening, they will have missed seeing the last : athletic event that their school has i the privilege of playing in. True, there are track meets next spring, but the spirit of basketball and foot¬ball and its cheering will be lost after that night. Let's all turn out, Friday down at Davis and cheer the best team Ogden High can produce, I a team of fine fellows and a won¬derful coach. ORATORS IN CONTEST On Thursday evening after school the constitutional oratorical con¬test was held. The students parti-cipating all prepared excellent speeches and the extemporaneous work was very fine. The first place goes to Henry Aiken. He will compete now in the regional contest with the other schools in this part of the state. The winner of the re¬gional contest goes to the state meeting. Let's hope the Ogden can-didate will bring baa: more laurels for O. H. S. YEARBOOK WORK Work on the Classicum year¬book has started in dead earnest. Any night after school now you can see Hod and Gray up in the student body room puzzling their heads about how to make the year-book of 1930 the best that O. H. S. ever published. The pictures must be in right away, students. They should have been in on March the 1st. If you haven't had them taken, don't delay another day. In another day or so it will be too late. Let's have everyone's picture to adorn the pages of the Classicum. Suc¬cess and best wishes, Hod. CENTRAL JUNIOR PLAY It always seems great to go back for an evening to the junior high from which you came. Last Thurs¬day evening a number of ex-Cen- tralites went back to the old alma mater to see a new generation of j students, their successors to Ogden High in the years to come, put on the school play. It was well worked 1 out and the faces of fraters of two or three Ogdenites or ex-Ogdenites could be seen. Young Bramwell, young Aiken, young Miss Tanner (a cousin of Hod's), young O'Neil, and other kinsmen of Ogdenites showed that all the brains of the respective families didn't go to the elder sons. |