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Show and appointed a committee to see about the lost telescope. And, Oh, say, Stellae, don't forget you haven't had a party in some months. Beecher McConnell insists that his debate should be counted. If you don't believe him ask him. He has been seen for some mysterious rea- son walking up and down Grant avenue trying to find out where the pavement ends and where skyscrap¬er;. hinder the building of a through highway. Elmer Shurtliff wants publicity. S Now you've got it Elmer. What do you want with it? . ! Horace Hyde wants to know how j much a taxi ride from here to Salt Lake would cost. If you know he would appreciate the answer. What kind of pajamas do the Rus¬sians wear? I Wannon O wants to j know. Rader Deegan is going to write a book on the styles of pa- Jamas of foreign countries, so I Wannon O can be in the right at-mosphere wherever it goes. ONE-ACT PLAYS Do you remember that wonderful play, 'The Poor Nut?" Of course you do. It would be difficult to forget it. Well, we're not going to have it shown over, but something equally as good. The dramatic art department is to be seen and heard from again in a series of three one- act plays to be held here Friday, in the Central Junior auditorium. Miss Phyllis Stohl, our inspiring fac¬ulty member, is in charge, and well.i don't you think that is recommenda¬tion in itself? But just wait until vou see the cast, and we are con¬fident that you will get to those plays even if you have to become a professional door-breaker. FORUM Control yourselves and count the days! Forum is preparing the big¬gest and best assembly of its en¬tire history. Those who have at¬tended previous entertainments will understand the importance of the affair, and those who have not will receive a thrill that only Forum participations can give. Indications point to a great success and with the addition of three new members, Andrew Burnetti, Sheldon Winkler, and George Thatcher, stirring events are bound to happen. D. J. CONGRESS Vice President Sailor presided over the meeting Monday evening. A report on our coming assembly was given, and plans are being made for its advancement. Interest¬ing current events were given by several of the senators, and a gen¬eral discussion followed each topic. Congress then adjourned. PHI LAMBDA TAU Have you seen our pins? Don't you think they're snorky? We like them a lot, and we know they are the most appropriate for the club that we could possibly have found. Of course, you all know that Phi Lambda Tau is a rifle club, and you understand why our pins bear tiny crossed xuns. Oh, we're proud of them, all right. PAT. S. A. R. ASSEMBLY The S. A. R. contest assembly on Tuesday morning was a huge suc¬cess The girls' string quartet gave l a choice selection, "The Bowl of Pansies, after which patriotic ora¬tions were delivered in fine style by Raymond Raty, Jim DeVine 1 Thatcher and Andrew Brunetti Judges. Stuart P. Dobbs, Fred M. Nye ,atnd J M Dumke, ren¬dered the decision in favor of George medal &nd bestowed uPn Mm a the D- A- R- con¬test Miss Marian Ensign and Mathalie Layton, as also the winner of the national contest. Henry Aiken were introduced by Principal Mer¬rill. supt W. Karl Hopkins was an hiterested auditor at the as- , march 13, 1930 Ogden . . High School News Henry Aiken, editor-in-chief; Lucille Summers and Dena Liapis, assistant editors. ONE-ACT PLAYS The Girls' association is urging the student body to make a big ap¬pearance at the one-act plays in Central Junior auditorium on Friday ; evening. Tickets are low priced, j Buy one for yourself and one for the family. The dramatic art classes ' are working hard to make these plays a big success and they promise you some fine entertainment. CHARLENE FOR QUEEN In the balloting on Friday last the students chose the eight girls of their choice to be candidates for queen and to be maids at the Classicalia. The race was close and the three or four leaders were bunched within a few votes of each other. With so many pretty, fine girls to choose from, one hesitates to make the leap and come out openly for a choice. But considering all of them, popularity, brains, fineness, 1 charm, beauty, and all the other requisites of a true queen, the girl for the job is certainly Charlene Scowcroft. Let's register the same . favor for Charlene in the finals as we did last week in the elimina¬tions. Chuck for a real queen. (Another political ad, also unpaid.) ANNOUNCEMENTS The senior class committee on an¬nouncements met on Tuesday and chose the six or seven announce-ments which they thought were the most appropriate for commencement. These will be on display in the trophy case for the next week or - so. If you are a senior, take note of them and decide which you like . the best. The class of 1930 will vote ' on its choice un a class meeting 1 soon. Be prepared to make your decision. GOOD LUCK, WEBER We wish Weber County High the best of luck in their game next Fri¬day. They have a splendid team and they and their coach, Dick Thorne, deserve commendations for having a spirit of fair play and fight that never says die. We hope you do things in your first attempt at tournament work. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: What is the senior reception? A popular teacher recently informed several of his classes that there would be no senior party this year, Did he refer to the reception? II he is right, why is it so? —Id Like Tono. Dear Id Like Tono: The teacher who made those re- : marks was either mistaken or re¬ferring to something of a different category. Yes, there will be a senioi , reception again this year. This par- 1 ty is the farewell dance given to the 1 graduating class by the faculty anc ; is a party for graduating seniors only. It iS one of Ogden High's most sacred traditions and is indeec an especially lovely and hallowed dance. No one ever wants to miss the senior reception if he is a senior and can possibly go. It is usually held on the day of commencement. Don't be misinformed. Come again. —Aunt Jane. CHATTER AND CHAFF Virginia Clay is on the road to recovery. Her second period Eng¬lish class wishes her a speedy re¬covery. Have you read Hazel Hilton's lat¬est book on "Why I Love Red Hair"? The awkward squad is in full sway now that the boys are drilling out- Side. Here's to smaller and weaker awkward squads. There's more truth than poetry in the fact that most of the pictures that are being taken for the year book look too much like us. A few of us can hardly stand the shock. It certainly is one tough break that nature gave to some of her less for¬tunate offsprings. That's all right,! gang. There are worse things on; earth than an ugly map; take a head full of hot air for instance. The Nci;es have a competitor m the Classicalia News. They put out; some original stuff and their humor is good (at tifmes). The latest song out is "I'm Just a Salior's Sweetheart." This is not the battle ax of the republic; it's the rally song of the Girls' association's choice for queen. BIG THINGS It is almost beyond comprehension that so many big things as we have \ scheduled can actually take form in less than twelve weeks, for, as you know, that is all that remains of this year. The three one-act plays, the opera, the Classicalia, and any number of things must be made a success as they have always been and, we hope, will always be. In the athletically inclined portion of the school there are the preparations for track, and then the work on ora¬tions, of course. In May all seniors will turn their undivided attention to graduation, at least nearly all of them. Can you imagine all of these as a howling success? Maybe the juniors can't, but, well, the seniors have seen it done and know that it can be done. We hope that all the students will co-operate and help out these undertakings over with the loudest bang ever yet heard in I the Ogden High. Judging from the noise and bangang in the Ogden High halls at noon, the bang will have to be extraordinarily loud. No fooling! COUNCIL Council was called to order by, President Stewart. The minutes were read and approved. Tau Eta Nu was granted a party for March twenty-first. The tennis committee reported that the matter of fixing our tennis courts had been put be¬fore Superintendent Hopkins and that some action will be taken on it Friday. It was moved and sec¬onded that this report be accepted. The motion was passed. The com-mittee that informed the student body of the buses chartered for the last game reported that everything had been done. This report was ac¬cepted by a motion. A brief discus¬sion on the tennis courts followed. Council then adjourned. —Rader Deegan, Secretary. march 14, 1930 Ogden High School News Earth is here so kind that just tickle her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest.—Douglas Jerrold. PLAYS TONIGHT ! Tonight is the night of the dra¬matic arts group. They will present - tonight four one-act plays. Their splendid work surely warrants your attendance. This is another chance to secure a cheap means of enter - tainings the girl friend. Get a date, buy a ticket, two for 25 cents, be at the Central auditorium tonight and there you are, a date with the only girl in the world, to see the best show in town, at the cheapest prices in the state. If you! hate the other sex bring 15 cents, be it boy or girl, and be assured of some high class entertainment by Marge Anderson, Grant Morse, Maxine Fox, Dick McKey and a host of other future Mary Pickfords and Ben Turpins. YEAR BOOK PROGRESSES The pictures for the yearbook are slowly but surely coming into the hands of the yearbook staff. The dummy has already been started and work in earnest is now in full awing. If you don't believe it ask Gray. Are you sure you have the right number of cuts, students? The yearbook is yours to make or break. Let's have a full representation of everybody, [including the seniors and the jun¬ iors. The staff is working hard ana they assure us that the publication j will be a big success. TENNIS COURTS The board will take action or have taken action immediately on the ten¬nis courts. Let us hope that they will soon be in condition to play on. There are few sports which the whole student body enjoys and par¬ticipates in as much as tennis. It is truly the game of everyone and the courts are certainly appreciated and loved by the student body of O. H. S. It would surely be a pity not to have them fixed. Everyone is speculating about the outcome. Will it be the winsome Iras? Will it be the chic and dar¬ling Eleanor? Could it be the love¬ly Charlene? Maybe it will be the fine and superfine Guinevere? Per¬haps Ada, nice and peppy, will get the big share of the votes? What about cov Beth Story? The charm- kig editor, Bernice will get a big share of the votes. And what about pretty, demure Shirley? Who will it be? Who will it be? They are all so sweet, so popular, so winning, so lovely. Who is sure? Who is out-standing? CHATTER AND CHAFF The sponsors' rally song is We 11 Meet Again Tonight, Boys." The fatted calf will be served on a silver spoon tomorrow evening if all goes well Ben is the elephant's garters as an ; inspector. He is one tough army : officer. The only guy who can call ; his bluff is "Cadet Sergeant Bramwell Say, fellow students, who is go¬ing to be student body president : next year? Have you thought that , it won't be long now until he is 3 elected? , . . . 1 Famous last words, and how! 1 "Well, I hate to deprive you of my 5 company." , . . The teachers don't appreciate our true ability, do they, students? "Them's my sentiments, too, en, r what? After the report cards reach- ,! ed home the other evening we 11 bet there was more than one fly in the 1 , ointment of more than one student i Have you ever called him ipson 3 the great? That's what he wants ' to Sunday - Mar. 16, 1930 Classicalia to BE A COLORFUL RUSSIAN AFFAIR Committees of the Ogden high school first annual homecoming, Classicalia report that every effort _ is being made to make the social! affair the most beautiful and color¬ful of all the past events. Russian settings and traditions are being" studied to form the central idea. Booths will represent the central idea of pageants during the pastj five years. Serpentine and balloons] will be dispensed from a Venetian i gondola; candy from a Chinese pagoda; games of skill will be played t in a booth decorated with a spring s effect, and tea in a Japanese garden. The various concessions were auc¬tion off last Friday in the school assembly by Jack Bell. The Hamilton club won the soda pop conces- r sion; the Zeta Phi Xi the serpen- r tine concession; the O. H. S. girls' e association the candy concession; . We 13 the games of skill; and I- Wannan-O the Japanese garden ,t and tea room. i Eight girls remain in the queen y contest, the number to be reduced t to two by voting Tuesday. The s eight girls are Bernice Hall, Shirley Halverson, Guinevere Hess, Iras Leavitt, Ada Sailor, Charlene Scowscroft, Eleanor Stevens and Beth Storey. The committees are very desirous y of getting in touch with all gradu¬ates of the school. Those not re-ceiving invitations, through the fail¬ure of the committees to secure — their addresses, are cordially re- l quested to be present the night of j March 28. e t O. H. S. Sponsors Give Party For Officers Sponsors of the Ogden high school R. O. T. C. gave a party for their officers and invited guests in the Spanish room of the Hotel Bigelow Saturday night. Invited guests included Super¬intendent W. Karl Hopkins and Mrs. Hopkins, Principal A. M. Mer¬rill and Mrs. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Irwin and Colonel and Mrs. Thomas H. Cunningham. Sponsors and their officers pres¬ent were Maxine Fox and Colonel Hugh Mayer, Beth Peck and Lieu-tenant Doxey Stone, Charlene Scow¬croft and Major Leslie Mayer, Athlene Budge and Major Charles Ward, Ada Sailor and Captain Da¬vid Lowham, Perry Ward and Cap¬tain Henry Aikens, Iris Leavitt and Captain Richard McKee, Nelda Al¬len and Captain Don McCralley, Marjorie Anderson and Captain Ben Cartwright, Guinevere Hess and Captain Robert Barker, Eleanor Stevens and Captain Dale Reed, Shirley Halverson and Captain Rob¬ert Parks. j Invitation To Parents Issued March 17, 1930 Association Will Conduct Meeting Wednesday Evening Parent-Teachers' association of the Ogden High school will meet at 17:30 o'clock Wednesday in the school building, according to William A. Budge," president of the association. Mrs. Chester B. Morse, vice presi¬dent, will have charge of the pro¬gram. All parents who are interested in the high school, eith because they have children attending the institu- " tion now or will have next year, are invited to be present and become better acquainted with the school. Special features to be emphasized will be the R. O. T. C. and the clubs. „ , , The program follows: Selections by the Boys' Glee club; speech, "The Function and Place in the High School of the R. O. T. C.," by Colo¬nel Thomas H. Cunningham; speech, "The Function and Place of Clubs in the High School," by Ger¬trude C, Irwin; oration by Marion [ Ensign, representing the D. A. R.; ' oration by George Thatcher, repre- ; senting the S. A. R. i Refreshments will be served, su- t pervised by Nelle Mealiff, domestic i science department. |