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Show March 25, 1930 Ogden High school Notes Henry Aiken, editor-in-chief; Lucille Summers and Dena Liapis, assistant editors. TRACK Gradually Coach Kapple la round¬ing the track squad Into shape. The pro6pccts, although new at the job, arc working In fine form and it looks as if it is to be a banner year for O. H. S. on track. Jim. Hoggan Is doing some fine things in the longer races and is In fine form to win the cross country again this year The Mayer brothers are in fine form and promise us some good running and weight throwing. The sprint; races have a number of speedy exponents. Good luck, men. Let's clean up in track. R O. T. C. '11 ie companies are beginning to ' lighten up for the final stretch be- 1 for the inspection. The fellows have got tho spirit of drill and, ac¬cording to the present outlook, little seems to be in the road to hinder us from taking first place this year. The officers are working hard and the band is far above normal. All in all we have & cadet corps of which we are very proud. The sponsors add a lot to the fine-ness of the unit and their encourag¬ing little talks certainly do their bit to pep the fellows and drive us on to bigger and better things. Ca¬dets. let's hit the bull for the rest of the year. Remember, there are only about six weeks left for us to polish up the rough diamonds. Let's build up the attendance and keep up the old morale. COMMERCIAL CONTEST Have you noticed the nice, pleas¬ant smile Mr. Farnsworth is wear¬ing ;he days? If you are one of , his students you have. Well, here is 1 the secret, if you must know. The 1 smile is the result of fine work of ] the typing team which Mr. Farnsworth is coaching for the commercial . contest to be held in Provo. Friday. . The team is doing wonderful work in the way of speed. As there are , only a few remaining days before r the typing artists meet the wizards ( of the state, suppose we take this t opportunity to wish them the best , of luck in the contest? With such c a fine coach as Mr. Farnsworth and such excellent students on the team we are right in the road of sev¬eral silver cups as well as the mi¬nor prizes, such as gold medals. n CHATTER AND CHAFF Babe Foley says the team he plays w against had better hire an airport i when he gets up to bat. Look out, q he's hit one. b Warren Wattis and Johnny Carver a were up looking things over the oth- j, er The old school looks q pretty good, so they say. b In a debate you shouldn't think. n Thinking is only for the judges. So p the Smart Set decreed the other n morning. The Smarties seem to know what they arc talking about. Anyhow, ino.su of their number will be able to live up to the ruling very Speaker DeVine has the rules of n Robert down pat. He even knows st how to adjourn a meeting when the "i bell rings. oi QUARTET SINGS The bovs' quartet sang Saturday ni evening over the radio. They did hi well and were well received by m their Invisible audience. Marian Ensign delivered her winning D. A. R. :i also, and George Thatcher ration. Accord- both did splen¬didly. Congratulations. Thanks, our generosity is ap¬preciated. CLASSICALIA Only three more days, students. - days for ticket ly adopt the slogan, one." If and it will be, the Classicalia will po over in a big way. The pageant is more colorful all ready nd Olie Reeve practicing how! Come on, gang! Let's go! COUNCIL [. Council was called to order by President Stewart. The minutes were read and approved. We "13," Zeta Phi Xi, Beta Zeta Tau, and it the Gregg artists were each granted T a party for Friday, March 21; Carpe . Diem was granted a party for Wednesday after school. The club presidents were asked to hand in writ- n ten requests for parties hereafter. s A discussion on the tennis courts a followed. It was moved and second- rj cd that the tennis committee be ex- e tended in order that some action f can be taken. The motion was l passed. It was moved and second¬ed that a committee of one be ap¬pointed to inform the Parents- Teachers' association of the condi- 5 I tion of our tennis courts. The mo- . tion was passed. Athleen Budge was s appointed as the committee. It was . moved and seconded that council ; give Horace Nebeker the right to r send for a copyright on the year j book in the name of the Ogden High r school. The motion was passed. Mr. E. S. Smith gave some further in- t formation about the Classicalia. A . discussion followed on the subject . of this dance. It was moved and . seconded that a special assembly be held tomorrow at a time when the j students can't go home. The mo- . tion was passed. It was moved and ; seconded that Mr. Smith be in- j formed of the assembly and that he i be allowed to draw up some kind of i advertising for the Classicalia. The motion was passed. Council then adjourned. RADER DEEGAN, Secretary. THE TWO O CLUB Talk about pep! We have sure got it. Who? Of course the Two O club. If you have not seen our new sweaters, just ask the first per¬son you meet and he will tell you all about them. Sure they are black and orange, a color that belongs to Ogden High school, and we are mighty proud to wear these colors. The club is another booster of the Classicalia and we all expect to be three with colors flying. You ask what colors—black and orange, of course. Good-bye till later. —Elmer Broome. PHI LAMBDA TAU Phi Lambda Tau held its regular meeting Wednesday afternoon. Af¬ter President Van Dyke had collect-ed all the money she wanted, things went on much the same as usual. The main discussion centered on our Classicalia booth. By the way, this booth is the best booth in the hall, I and, of course, it will be decorated just lovely. Then a very weighty question was settled which has been bothering Phi Lambda for weeks, namely, when shall we go shooting? Phi Lambda Tau shall go shooting next Wednesday. Remarkable! —Pat. BETA ZETA TAU "Dust thou art, to dust return- eth, was not spoken of the soul." Nevertheless, use your shoe soles and step quietly to the door of the "vault." Olah! Oh! Oh! Look out or it will grab you! This and many others as good, led us on a merry chase Friday night. When it was finally over we had a bonfire and amid toasted marshmallows and "chain stores" we enjoyed the evening immensely. —Florence Dawson. Ogden High School News Mar. 26, 1930 Truth is the sovereign good of human nature.—Francis Bacon. [ LAST ISSUE QUARTERLY Material for the next issue of the [ quarterly Classicum must be in no ' later than April 7. The issue this ' time is the "Wild West" in idea. The articles will breathe the spirit of the wide open spaces. The staff ; urges that the student body make 1 this issue the Dest yet and hopes , that every one will contribute. Let's ' put a bit of extra into this issue, , students, and help the staff in their ' work. After all they are but the servants of you and their work is , handicped or helped by your work. If you contribute they will have a good magazine for you; if you fail they will not be able to make a good quarterly out of thin air. Hhere's to a continuance of a bigger and better quarterly. The editors and business managers of the quar¬terly do an untold amount of gooa to the student body as a whole and every student should appreciate this fact. Remember the material must be in by the seventh. WHAT YOU GOING TO WEAR? O. H. S. is a scnool of fine and lovely traditions. Bac'i into the years of parents the traditions of Ogden High go. Each event has its particular significance and tradi¬tion. Each dance has its own hal¬lowed atmosphere. The hop is mili¬tary. The prom bespeaks the spirit of farewell. The Classicalia tells a story of joy and carefree happiness. To make each tradition a living thing the student body must each year contribute to the spirit. After all, traditions are mere feelings handed down from senior to junior. To make the Classicalia what it has been and what it should be every one should wear a costume. Plan yours now if you haven't done so. Let's have a host of new ideas. Make your costume worth while. A bit of added effort means so much. REJUVENATE HALL OF FAME Sad to say, the hall of fame for misplaced heroes of O. H. S. has burned down. Consequently a re-juvenated hall has been dedicated and the cornerstone has been laid. Many have been nominated. Owing to the fact that they must be dead 10 years before election, only a small number of those nominated have been chosen. We elect to our rejuvenated and reorganized hall of fame: Herb Stewart. Because you can tell Mr Merrill's temper by Stewart's shirt If Mr. Merrill is feeling well on Fri¬day Herb wears a white shirt. If not he comes in his drill shirt. The cause of the effect is an assembly or the absence of an assembly. Be-cause his mother wakes him up in the morning by pounding a gavel on his head. Because Hoop isn't a contraction of Hooper or Hoople. Burke Fry: Because women do fall for the dopiest people. And they don't sometimes, too. Because he is a swat king. Because he would wear pajamas to the Classicalia but Rader's feelings would be hurt and he wouldn't think of doing anything to hurt Rader's feelings. Because when he went in the band he wanted to sing, "You're in the Army Now." Iras Leavitt: Because she ran 'em a hot race for queen and lost by only a few votes. Because her favorite song is "A Glass of Water, a Toothpick and You." Dick McKey: Because he recently took out his P. H. D. (Pool Hall Duke). Because he might be able to pitch if he knew what the score was. Because he called time out when his charges started doing stack arms. CONTEST Not much has been heard of the typists of the Ogden High school as yet, but they cannot be overlooked for the next few weeks at least. The annual typing contest which is spon¬sored by the college of commerce and business administration of B. Y. U. will be held Friday. March 28, in Provo. Mr. Farnsworth and Mrs. Franke are planning on delegating a large number of students to rep¬resent Ogden. Things were pretty much undecided last year, but prep¬arations have been made in advance for the present year. They plan to decide the delegates by the process of elimination. We are going to bring home first place this year in-stead of second. WHO? What's all this Chuck-le and Pat¬ter about? Vote for Chuck! Vote for Pat! Was there ever such doubt? It's for queen of ye old grand Classy Calia A crowning event! A proud para¬phernalia. This is the night gentlemen prefer And there's ever that quiz that is causing a stir. Which is the blonde who will win? Doesn't thou knoweth? Why it's Chuck! No, it's Pat! Oh why can't it be both? —R. G. NATIONAL CONTEST District contest in the national oratorical contest, held in Ogden High school on Tuesday evening was, according to Principal Merrill, At¬torney Wilson, several high school principals and teachers present, the very best that has ever been held in this district. Davis, Box Elder, Logan, Randolph. Weber and Ogden High schools were each represented by most capable representatives who gave prepared and extemporaneous addresses in first-class style. i Ogden was represented by Henry Aiken, who did himself and his school credit and honor, winning third place. One wise judge gave Henry first place and we certainly feel that he has unquestioned judg¬ment and wisdom. Ogden High School Notes March 27, 1930 Henry Aiken, editor-in-chief; Lucille Summers and Dena Liapis, assistant editors. No pleasure is comparable to the : standing upon the vantage ground of truth.—Bacon. KEEP BALL ROLLING Classicalia ticket sales so far are \ almost as good as could be expect- ( ed. Let's keep the old spirit and ( buy out the house. This year above , all years we must make the Classicalia a success. Expenses are very heavy for this beautiful carnival and to meet them we must have the support of everyone. Anyone, almost, is selling tickets. Buy one today or tomorrow at the latest. Let's support one of the biggest projects Ogden High has to put over. A good time is always had at the Classicalia. Who can deny? If you want that good time don't fail to come. Stags are in their glory at this dance and almost everyone comes that way. Alumnae, we again urge your attendance to our home¬coming Classicalia. We'll show you a good time and make you wish you were back in the old school. THANKS TO KLO Radio Station KLO has very kind¬ly consented to permit O. H. S. to advertise the Classicalia every day at 6:40 p. m. This is being done without cost and it is a distinct favor to the school. Listen in for the advertisement, students. We ap¬preciate the spirit of the radio sta¬tion in granting us favors like this all year. It is a spirit we would like to have breathed into some of the people who can make possible the fixing of our tennis courts or the building of our new high school. HOME COMING ASSEMBLY Tomorrow at 12:45 o'clock Ogden High will have a home-coming as¬sembly for ex-Tigers. If you ever attended O. H. S. you are cordially invited to come. The program will be made up of alumni entirely and, according to Herb Stewart, it will be a good one. Drop up to the school and once more feel the old spirit. BAND IMPROVES The band is still on the road to improvement and never has it been in higher spirits or more in a feel¬ing of good sportsmanship. When, this is instilled into an organiza¬tion nothing can hold it down. The band has a fine brand of music and bids fair to do some big things for Ogden High. No little credit must go to Instructor Hanson for his untiring efforts in behalf of the fellows. Their marching is far ahead of any band in years. This will shine especially on inspection day. WHO WILL IT BE? Charlene is home spending the evening biting her finger nails off. Eleanor is mumbling to herself. You know perhaps the strain they must feel. Who will wear that crown? Will it be lovely, queenly, charming Charlene or will it be sweet, ador¬able, lovable Eleanor. It is a tough race and the one who wears that crown tomorrow night may certainly be proud of winning over the field of lovely maids who were up this year. Never has a more queenly group of dears been in such hot competition for the highest honor Ogden High can bestow on one of her favored daughters. REJUVENATED HALL OF FAME To our rejuvenated Hall of Fame we nominate: Rader (Dizzy) Deegan. Because Rader's hairs of gold have turned to gray over the Classicalia. Be¬cause the world goes around for sec-ond lieutenants. Because pajamas are to sleep in, says Rader. Be¬cause his favorite flower isn't the tuliP- , i. -a , Doc Stone. Because he wants dark horses for queens. Because the first time he ever tried to "Skinner,"j Skinner skinned him. CHATTER AND CHAFF Charlene says that she wears a six and seven-eighths crown. I'll bet if she should get it she might need a size larger. Don't take us too seriously.—CHUCK. "Heaven's gift to the women," is going stag to the Classicalia. Who is he? Either Little Bennie or Shrimp Bramwell. Tickets to Classicalia will be sold at half price Saturday. i - THE LEWIS CONTEST On Tuesday evening the repre¬sentatives of Davis, Box Elder, We¬ber and Ogden High school met in¬formally and decided on the follow¬ing points: Each school will be represent¬ed as heretofore by two speakers. The contest will be held the latter part of April, at Davis county High school. Judges will be obtained from the University of Utah if possible. All speeches must be abso¬lutely new material; i.e., no ad-1 dress heretofore given will be ac¬ceptable. The length of the speeches will be from eight to ten minutes; i.e., eight minutes minimum, ten minutes maximum Ogden High School News march 28, 1930 ' All that is human must retrograde ; if it do not advance.—Edward Gibbon. TONIGHT IS HERE Tonight .students, is the night of : King Carnival. Tonight revelry 5 reigns supreme. Tonight is the night i of the Classicalia. Tonight every loyal son cf O. H. S. will be at the Berthana at 8 o'clock sharp. Fine music, joyous laughter, unique cos- ; tumes, pretty booths, lovely maids, a bronde for queen, all at low cost, l You are certainly doing yourself a t distinct bit of harm by not coming ? to the most beautiful of all our I dances. If you haven't made up - your mind whether you will come i or not, do it now. It's too bad you t haven't done so before this, but it's V not too late to mend. Rig up a cos- i tume if you have one, if you haven't s come anyway. We must clear on the y dance, and, besides, make about t three or four hundred dollars. We r cannot anticipate doing this without f the support of everyone. Come on, gang, be there en masse. Have a good time and get more for your money than you ever did before. |