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Show TYPEWRITING AWARDS i Awards won during the month of h ! March, 1930: . L. C. Smith, bronze pin—Leona Johnson. Silver pin—Bessie Hoggan. Remington, certificates — Lavon Thorpe, Julia Berghout, Jennie Rob¬ertson, Masaye Kishida, Ardith Ashby. Silver pin—Frances English, Beulah Romans, Etta Froerer, Selma Rosenthal, Sidney Gordon, Dorothea Varney. Royal, certificate—Vera Drabble. Gold pin—Eugenia Geffas, Rachel Medoway. Advanced certificate of proficiency—Leona Johnson. Underwood, certificate — Florence : Yorgason, Julia Berghout, Helen 1 Simpson, Edith Konold, Emma : Newey. Bronze pin—Maxine Fox, : Marjorie Lindquist, Wilford Hinchcliff. Silver pin—Selma Rosenthal. ' —Ethel W. Franke, Teacher. COUNCIL Council was called to order by i President Stewart. The minutes ] were read and approved. Joe Foley reported that the Board of Educa¬tion had decided to take down the enclosure of the tennis courts now 1 and to erect a good one this sum- mer. The report was accepted by a motion. Ada Sailor presented a financial report of the one-act plays : given recently. It was moved and i seconded that this report be accept¬ed and that the Girls' association ' should be given a vote of thanks. : The motion was passed. The secre¬tary reported that the letter of ap- : preciation had been sent to the 3 manager of KLO. This report was accepted by motion. There was a j discussion on the possibility of fixing 3 up the courts of the Ogden Tennis 3 club. It was moved and seconded : that a committee be appointed to in- ; vestigate the possibility of preparing these courts for our tournament, 1 The motion was passed. The com- ! mittee consisted of Mr. Cartwright, Mr. Foley and Mr. de Hart. It was moved and seconded that the com¬mittee be enlarged to five members and that Mr. Bowman and Mr. McConnell be added. The motion was : passed. A short discussion was con¬ducted on the subject of a smoke- 1 less smoker. It was moved and sec- j onded that a committee of five be j appointed to take charge of this ac¬tivity. The motion was passed. The ; motion was amended to read that , Doxey Stone should be the chairman 3 and that he be allowed to choose 3 the other members of the commit- ] tee. The amendment was passed. ] Council then adjourned. — Rader Deegan. Secretary. Ogden High School News , April 4, 1930 R. O. T. C. The time is drawing closer and 1 closer to the day of the inspection. \ The companies are tightening up to '' put on the finishing touches for the j drill for the company cup. B com- ; pany has won the Kanzler cup twice jin succession and hope to win it I again. A company and C company 1 are working hard to prevent B com¬pany from again winning the frill and getting the cup again. The ju¬nior high companies are also prog¬ressing well and will afford the first battalion some stiff competition on the final day. OPERA The opera cast is rehearsing ev¬ery day now at 8:30 and in the morning before school in order that they will put on one of the most polished productions ever given by the music department of Ogden High school. The leads have the best talent and voices in some time and Mr. Hansen expects an espe¬cially fine work. Few student body activities present such a wide num¬ber of students at one time and give such a splendid opportunity for ad¬vancement of the individual and of the school. It certainly merits the support of everyone. When it is presented, within the next three weeks, every student should attends Let's show the music department the fine spirit and support that we have 1 given every other school activity this year. ONLY EIGHT MORE WEEKS Only eight more weeks and the seniors of the class of nineteen- thirty will have gone forever beyond the arms of O. H. S. Each week goes by more quickly and seems I more endeared. Graduation is a i 1 rather sad time for those who have I given a great deal to their school I and who have got something beyond ' the mere attendance and academic work. The association of the fellow classmates will end for the most part with the commencement exer¬cises. The roads through life will lead us apart and inevitably the cords of association will be served. Let's make the last weeks of school the finest we are capable of mak¬ing. ANNOUNCEMENTS In senior class meeting on Wed¬nesday the senior class chose the announcements they wished for the year. If you are going to send an¬nouncements, students, don't fail to ; put in your order now. Orders may i be given to Jack Rouse, Perry Warde, Doc Stone or Jack Reeve. Announcements are ten and one- fourth cents each, or one dollar and a quarter a dozen. Don't fail to put in your order early. I WANNON O In I Wannon O meeting at the home of Junior Cazier on Wednes¬day divers and various important things were discussed. A week from this coming Sunday we are plan¬ning a hike. The members left the choice of bringing females along to the members. Consequently two or three will have dates while the rest sit on and watch. The merits and demerits of the sun's and the moon's rays were hashed and rehashed with the su-periority of the sun's rays being manifestly stronger than the moon's rays. E. S. Smith says the moon's rays are extremely healthful but in a different way from the ultra violet rays of the .sun finmp members seem, however, to enjoy the moon's light much better than the sun's. CHATTER AND CHAFF The captains are so much in Idve with each other that they even want their companies to get together. And how! Carpe Diem is having an Easter breakfast. They had quite a discus¬sion aoout the menu. Is beef side more palatable than hog's head? Jim Hoggan says that he is re¬lated to Charley Paddock. Now Jim, don't you think that Charley might feel flattered to think he was related to a guy like you? Don't let him know it. It might go to his head. The sponsors want the band to teach them how to counter march, rhey sorta got flustrated the other morning in parade and turned and wouldn't play because the band :ould do something they couldn't. JOIE F NCAISE Joie Francaise held its weekly meeting—and it was no imitation either! It was called to order by President Favero, the roll was called md we then discussed the business f the day. Silence means secrets— md boy—wait till you hear of our 'utUre ambitions. We discussed the making in of new pledges for 1930-31. Of course this isn't to be done jronto, but nothing like early starts. Meeting then adjourned. Herbert Stewart, president of the Forum debating club of Ogden High school, in a special assembly of the students of Lewis Junior High school Thursday presented to the school the trophy given by Forum to the winner of the series of junior high school debates. The two victorious teams, compos¬ed of Francis Burton and Kenneth Boyle; who upheld the affirmative side with Dee Wangsgard as substi¬tute, and Charles Wood and Dell Towers, who spoke for the negative with Burton Benowitz as substi¬tute, held a non-decision debate be¬fore the presentation of the cup. The question was the same as that in the inter-school debates: "Re¬solved, that the quota basis of regu¬lating immigration now established for Europeans be extended to in¬clude immigration from Mexico." Joseph Fowler, chairman of the debating club of Lewis, presided. Two former Lewis debaters, George Thatcher and Andrew Brunetti, also congratulated the teams. These youig men are now members of Forum. Ogden High School Notes Mon. Apr. 7, 1930 Henry Aiken, editor-in-chief; Lucille Summers and Dena Liapis, assistant editors. "Glories like glow-worms, afar off shine bright, But look'd too near have neither ' heat nor light." —Ben Johnson. YEARBOOK NEARLY COMPLETED Within the next two weeks the : Classicum annual of 1930 will go to 1 press. It promises to be the best : year-book Ogden High has put out 1 in a good many years. The cover, according to the editor, will have a ; facsimile of the high school building on it and the pictures and literary work in it, Hod says, are the best that can be obtained. We are eag¬erly waiting this book and certainly ; hope it will live up to our expec- tations. WEBER COUNTY PROM On Friday evening the Weber County High held its annual junior prom. A number of O. H. S. stu¬dents who were there will vouch that it was one of the prettiest dances they ever attended and that the decorations were especially beautiful. The refreshments were lavish. The grand march, according to some of the Ogdenites who tried to participate, was very fine. Weber county certainly should be congrat¬ulated for such a pretty affair. It could almost compare with our dances. We hardly could grant them that honor, however. What dance, wherever it may be, can compare to our hop, our Classicalia, or our Holly hop? And now with our jun¬ior prom coming up in the next three weeks we hope we may extend to Weber some real hospitality and show them as fine or finer time than they showed us. HAVE YOU A DATE? With the Junior Prom almost three weeks away it may seem to some of you that you can postpone getting that date for another few days yet. Don't forget, students, that the prom is, perhaps, the biggest so¬cial event of the year and that dates go mighty early. Be wise, Mr. Ear¬ly Bird and get a date tonight or tomorrow. Seniors will be admitted free to this dance. Juniors will be charged a dollar a couple, the or¬dinary admittance. You'll have to work hard to make this dance a fin- j ancial success, juniors. It takes ai lot of effort in as much as the paid admission is only what the juniors make it. I WANNON O TROUNCES WE 13 In their first game of the season We 13 was rather disastrously defeated by the tight pitching of Junior Ca¬zier and the general hard hitting of the Wannon O's team. The main trouble with the We 13 team was the inability of the pitching staff to be effective against the big guns of the opponents. The final score was 34 to 12. At the end of the sixth in¬ning the men were so tired, after playing about an hour in the last inning, that they were unable to continue. The reason for I Wannon O's tiredness was that they were fagged from running around the; bases. 'We 13 got tired from chas- j ing fast balls up to the mouth of i Ogden canyon. A big crowd was on hand to cheer the tired players and holler "Nice eye" to the umps, Ed Smith and Leonard Robbins. Some of the business-minded of both clubs thought that maybe paid ad¬mission would bring in some cash for the depleted treasuries of the clubs. On second thought such a course was found inadvisable in as much as the spectators came to see the game as a monstrosity rather than a game of skill or enjoyment. Watch our next game, students. Maybe We 13 will be able to get a pitcher who will silence the big shots of I Wannon O. SMOKELESS SMOKER Some of the seniors are urging the smokeless smoker of the sen¬ior class to come off in the very immediate future. Council granted permission to the seniors to stage a smoker for the purpose of raising funds for paying the radio debt. It is a worthwhile effort, students, and you should all get behind it. Doc Stone, as president of the class, is in charge. If you can fight, wrestle, or do the jiu jitsu, make your abili¬ties known and you will be staged as a big headliner. CHATTER AND CHAFF Beecher McConnell tried to lead the grand march at Weber County High on Friday evening, but evident¬ly the county authorities had al¬ready arranged for someone else and Beech was left hanging in the balance. Howard Tribe made three runs for I Wannon O. This is a request number and we certainly hope the whole high school knows of How¬ard's stellar work. By the way, Don Bowman got up to bat three times in one inning in the game Friday. This is going some, eh what. No doubt We 13 would be chagrined if I Wannon O made less than 15 runs in one in-ning. In the parade Friday morning the officers were rather off of their usual form, so Sarge Holloway thinks. His views about the officers are thus: Hod is a pretty good major (as an adjutant), but he rolls too much when he walks and when he salutes he shouldn't bow his head; the adjutant is all right, but he can't take a report worth two cents; the band captain is keen stuff, but he is all worried about what the score is; the other officers are mode or less null in Sarge's opinion. Ed Smith makes a right nice um¬pire. He attributes his eagle eye to the fact that he wag brought up on Eagle brand milk. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Why is it that seniors can not be taken into clubs after mid-year. It seems to me that this is a very foolish and selfish attitude to take in as much as several fine students are kept out of clubs when they could as well fill vacancies as not. Cannot something be done about this matter? —A Club Member. Dear Club Member: I agree with you that there is ab¬solutely no sense in this ruling of council. A number of times clubs have had vacancies that could have been filled by very worth while stu¬dents, but because of this ruling have not been able to. It is a ruling that council made a year or two ago. Council has the right to change her rulings. It seems to me that it would be a distinct service to the clubs and the students at large to have this silly and nonsensical ruling removed. —Aunt Jane. Apr. 8, 1930 Ogden High School Notes CROSS COUNTRY RUN In Salt Lake last Saturday Ogden High did mightily with her three runners who entered the two-mile race. Jim Hoggan, distance star of the Tiger lair, was out in front when he caught a cramp in his stomach while within a half mile of the tape and was forced to withdraw. Too bad, Jim. You cov¬ered yourself with glory as far as you went. Junior Cazier won eighth place out of a field of sixty. This is a splendid record in as much as Junior is comparatively new at the long distance runs. Cal Carr, the other Ogdenite, won twenty-fifth place. We made twelve points in this race, a place not to be laughed at. It proved that we have some splendid distance men and that Og¬den will have a fine year at track this year. FORUM ASSEMBLY Forumites are practicing hard for their annual assembly, which will be presented in a week or two. If you remember their unique assembly of last year you will eagerly antici¬pate this year's. They are keeping their plans secret, but under Mr. Smith's fertile brain and the senses of humor of Messrs. Cartwright, Bramwell, Morse and Stewart we are assured some unique things in wit. ORATORICAL CONTEST The Lewis contest for orations will be held in the very near fu¬ture. If you are entering don't fail to have a finished product ready this week or next. The contest merits your best efforts and every student will do well to try out. An eight- or ten-minute speech is the desired length. The subject may be of your own choice and anything political, economic or national, of in¬terest, will be suitable. Don't fail to j memorize your speech thoroughly. Delivery counts a lot. The winner of this school competes with the winners of Davis and Box Elder fori a fine wrist watch and a second prize of a $15 strap watch. BAND BANQUET J On Saturday evening the band held one of its semi-annual ban¬quets. (Grant Morse wishes to cor-j rect us. These banquets are spas-J modical. We stand corrected.) Ap¬parently a good time was had by all ] except Dale Reade, who says he al¬most had a good time. After the banquet the musicians went to the Berthana and danced. They have a splendid spirit in the band. Their banquets create a fihe feeling of fel- lowship that will be a big factor I11 the winning of first place by the It. O. T. C. unit. OGDEN HIGH HONORED Our cadet corps is not only thel pride of the school and the city; it ! is the pride of the Ninth corps areasI This fact is evinced in the letter received by Colonel Cunningham to the effect that Major General HinflM commandant of the Ninth corps! area, will personally inspect the , Ogden High unit on the niath of 1 May, two days after Lieutenant Col-; ; onel Waddell gives us the annual in] spection for our year's rating. Thw reason for this inspection is the lact that we have been honor school fal about eight years, twice taking third place and once first. This is a redj,] ! ord that speaks well for Ogden and : especially well for Sergeant JrloUo- Tfray, who has been with Ogden High for a good many years. Both Captain Dockler and Colonel, Cunningham have been splendid: commaMlants and, due- to their en- thusiasrii, the city as a whole has been interested in the corps. CHATTER AND CHAFF Week-ends are disastrous to les-j snns It is a fact that spring, warmj I weather, moons and the proverbial fever that accompanies the afore¬said is not exactly conducive to work and lessons. Don't blame us, 1 teachers, we were born that way. i Rader Deegan lives above John's.' , He is in a fine position to do bad 1 things to little boys who croon drag : store harmony under his window.] The other evening a number of young bloods received a cool recep-i tion from the window above when - the entrancing notes of "Sweet Adeline" floated discordantly on the) air. We wonder if the Deegan fam¬ily has had a water meter put in. The census takers are in town. The' . other day one of them came to Vir¬ginia Hyde's home and asked what 1 her mother's name was. Also he! asked Jim DeVine what his occupa-: « tion was. Jim said he was a student.I " The census taker put down "No oc« cupation." He asked Dave Wangs-1 gaard where he was born. Mr. Wangsgaard said, "In the east." He wouldn't tell what part of the east, j though. Famous last words: Gedunk, : DEBATES This week Ogden High will open! its debating campaign. With carl material above par we stand won-derful chances of Walking off with; high honors. Herb Stewart, veteran) of last year, and in the Juniors will lead his mates into action. The I q uestion is on the compulsory age j limit for school attendance in Utah, j If you are interested and we sin-; cerely hope every one will be, don't fail to attend. |