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Show Apr. 30, 1930 Ogden High School News Discontent Is the wan' of self- gtance: it Is Infirmity of will.- OPKRA TWO NIGHTS. Thursday and Friday nights the presentation of "The Marriage of Nannette" will be held. The last I rehearsals readiness, ling, stu- )dy tickets sh to sit in mts to the one of the On Friday dy tickets you come ay the full 75 cents, he citizens opera. We e treats of tfr. Hanson the utmost uses both exams in english were They were, stiff. The ecially dif- ren out by ion and all take them, ists in the 1 by a fine st part of dy was the gave us a ow. the boys' ils year, to girls. The e and the give its a since the mber. The ractice for )lace when Dn May 7. ;d to turn pe that a s will also jarade and monotony out your head and WE 13 IS NOSED OUT. what I was hectic : the first s on Monday behind the mouth Ogden can¬yon two at jf the fifth ded in put,- onents but hey finally a runner on home, i be espe- i made his pulled in was from eing tem- speed of Hart's fast ed a nice lespite the to 2. We !lf in the who seems' le favored Rader has during ind a good seem to i block O. lent body, las shown cer and a O. H. S. Classicalia , in which : degree re- 1 in which er. Rader shouldn't 1 is TIGERS-WEBER TO SEND FINE SQUADS NORTH Apr. 30, 1930 Ogden's delegation probably will number 17 athletes. Howard Greenwell, Jim DeVine, H. Mayer, Gus Vaughan ana Jim Hoggan appear to be the outstanding threats for the Tigers. Other tracksters expected to wear Ogden colors Friday are as follows: Bob Chez, Junior Cazier, Harold Taylor, Bob Parks, Bill Burbidge, Gordon Lund, Cal Carr, Les Mayer, Darwin Van De Graaff, Lynn Foley, Gordon Finch and Duane Darling. Tiger tracksters captured first places last week end at Provo in the broad jump, pole vault and dis¬cus. Hoggan, premier middle distance star of the O. H. S. lair, suffered a leg injury, but expects to be in fine form for the northern meet. Athletes who qualify at Logan Friday will be eligible to compete in the state tournament at Salt Lake May 10. Ogden High School News May 1, 1930 How near to good is what is fair! —Ben Johnson. TONIGHT, TOMORROW NIGHT Tonight and tomorrow night the opera of the student body of 1930 will be presented for your approval. "The Marriage of Nannette" is truly the most colorful of any of our long train of successful and lovely pres¬entations. More tuneful than "Sweethearts," more picturesque than "The Mikado," it is a super- production and every loyal son and daughter of O. H. S. should make every effort to attend. Tonight is your night, students. Your student body tickets are good and they will admit you free of charge. Of course, if you want an extra good seat you will bring an extra 25 cents which will bring you right under the noses of the performers. Tomorrow eve¬ning will be parents' night. We hope a big crowd will attend. Student body tickets are not good for this performance. A. C. DAY TOMORROW Tomorrow is A. C. day in Logan. A number of our students are en¬tering the various contests to be held at that school. We wish them success and hope they may walk off with a lot of honors. The students who attend will get a fine opportu¬nity to watch in operation the regu¬lar college life of one of the coun-try's best agricultural colleges. We hope to enjoy the day tomorrow, seniors. HALF DAY FOR GRADS On Tuesday the seniors had tests in English, chemistry and physics. They worked so hard and so long- that the administration thought it advisable to give them the rest of the afternoon off. An assembly was held for the juniors this morning. Mayor Bundy spoke. The seniors enjoyed their fun in the afternoon and came back on Wednesday refreshed and ready for another dozen tests. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: When is the senior reception held? It is open to all? A number of the graduates would certainly appre-ciate your informing us all about it and clearing up differences of opin¬ion. HOPEFUL (OF GRADUATING). Dear Hopeful: The senior reception is held the night of graduation. The com¬mencement exercises are held in the morning and the board of education entertains the graduates in the eve¬ning at a party where hands are shaken, tears are shed and a gen¬eral feeling of happiness prevails. The object of the party is a gener¬al farewell of classmates who have spent two years together. Only sen¬ iors may attend and no one comes with dates as a rule. It is informal and friendship and good will are the keynote. AUNT JANE. BOYS' AND GIRLS' PARADE This morning every school child from the second grade up to and including the oldest high school student marched in the Loyalty day parade. The R. O. T. C. did itself proud and is in fine form to walk off with first place in the inspection on May 7. Next year, we under¬stand, the business men of Ogden are going to march and give the stu¬dents a chance at the side lines. SMOKELESS SMOKER Doc Stone and his band of seniors are promoting a smokeless smoker for May 9. It promises to be a gala event. Get behind the smoker, men, and if you have any desires of giving the guy who cheats you out of your girl a black eye now is the time to apply and give him a public beating. Faint heart never won fair maid. A number of profession¬al demonstrations in boxing and wrestling will be arranged, besides a number of uts of local color. Don't forget the smoker on the ninth. CHATTER AND CHAFF Besides a lot of local color in the form of the bouts we predict quite a bit of rather personal local color i in the form of mourning and sky- like hues. Have you a blister on your heel this evening fellow students? If you haven't you're a better man than we are, Gungi Dhin. Do you know Iras Leavitt's latest favorite? It's "I'm Looking at the World With Rose Colored Glasses." Perry is looking hard for a piece of rope that is strong enough not to be broken, nor gnawed, nor bent. Any applicants? ANOTHER APPLICANT Another girl who has done great i things for the student body is Bernice Hall. Bernice as editor of the I quarterly Classicum has kept us in touch with the finest things of O. H. S. Never have we had a more i competent editor than Bernice. She has filled a big position with fine¬ness and quality work. The stu-dent body appreciates her work and : a great number of the student body hope she will be another of the lucky few who get a Block O. She has been active in the Girls' asso¬ciation and belongs to Zeta Phi Zi. Will Bernice get one? FRENCH CLUB The weekly meeting of Joie Francaise was called to order by Presi¬dent Minnie Favero. The roll was called and the minutes were read and approved. By the way, have you heard about our slumber party? Gee! It surely was a success as far as the party, but, Oh! the slumber! Guess what? We had our election of officers for next year and we surely got some snappy girls—Mar-garet Scoville, president; Dorothy Varney, secretary; Marian Gimlin, ] vice president, and Naomi Wall, re- ] porter. Well—aren't they a snappy bunch? I'll say they are. We cer¬tainly are proud of them. Come , girls—let's go! LOST Will anyone who found a cameo 1 ring Tuesday evening, kindly return it to the office. This ring is prized as a gift to the owner. It was lost either in the school building or some 1 place on Twenty-fifth street, be- 1 tween the building and Washing¬ton. ART STUDENT WINS PRIZE . ( Anna Van Comer, one of our art students, won five dollars as first prize for her fine poster that was 1 drawn for the Ogden chamber of commerce's clean-up campaign. Fine work, Anna. No notes in May 2nd, 6th or 7th. Mon. May 5, 1930 Ogden High School News It is the mind that makes the man, and our vigour is in our im¬mortal soul.—Ovid. OPERA A BIG SUCCESS Given before full houses on both nights, "The Marriage of Nannette" was certainly a success and a credit to the performers and Mr. Hanson. The audiences were well pleased and at the last performance the show , had tobe held up after songs to , permit applause. The cast did fine ' work as a whole and a few did re- ; markably well. The superb voice of : Rachel Medoway was one of the : truly fine things that. has come to . O. H. S. in a great many years. She carried her part to perfection and did herself proud. Burke Frye, as i the duke, was the hit of the opera, , taking his part with absolute mas- : tery. His acting was fine and his own personality threw a lot of ex¬tra fun into the already funny part. Dorothy Knowlden sang well and al- i so did Elda Skinner. Joe Foley has , a voice of promise and he filled his place remarkably. The singing of ' the hero was of fine quality if not of quantity. All in all, Mr. Han¬son can well be proud of his work. The student body is certainly in1 debted to the music department. TRACK MEET AND A. C. DAY On Friday at the A. C. our men, while not starring, did some fine work and a number took a lot of places. Porky Greenwell, our prize sprinter, took second place in two events. He is a fine runner and as he has another year to run, he ought to be state champion next year. Hugh Mayer took third place in the javelin throw and Jimmie DeVine walked away with second in the 220 low hurdles. The relay team won second place also. Good luck men, here's hoping the state meet will find a lot of Ogden men placing. The fellows who went up to the A. C. enjoyed themselves a lot, yelled for their team more perhaps than any other bunch there. We wish to thank the A. C. for their cordiality. INSPECTION On Wednesday the annual R. O. T. C. inspection will be held. The cadets are priming for the big show. Colonel Waddell is a bear about drill and knows his stuff, as "Sarge" says, from the spots on a sponsor's cap to the drilling of a battalion. The school that takes first place under the inspecting and grilling of that gentleman is some school. Our cadets are in fine form and will place high. CHATTER AND CHAFF Burke Frye is in a bad way. He can't seem to hold his calories in place. We couldn't either, Burke, in your position. Ted Mattson has been in Salt Lake over the week-end. Teddy, you little scamp, what have you been doing? Glen Judd did some mighty fine work as the town crier. He assumed the angle so long that at the time the second performance was over his head and his feet were within a foot of each other. We 13 is still waiting for their coffee and doughnuts. If the pre¬dictions hold out all they may get will be a glass of water and a two- by-four. Bob Chez, sometimes known as Skib, says he would have won the 220-yard dash but he got his engine cold and the ignition wouldn't work. H. Tribe, pugilist, says he is the toughest guy in ten states. You couldn't get H. Malan to believe that. Are you going to the U next Friday? Hod is going. They are giv¬ing away a free lunch to all high school students. Beth Peck shone as a chorus girl in the opera. This was a request number by . SMOKELESS SMOKER We might have a smokeless smok¬er yet. According to the reports of Doc Stone there will be one in the very near future. We hope it will be a big success and that all the fel¬lows will give it their whole-heart¬ ed support. Don't forget, promoters, to come and look over the army once in a while. There are a num¬ber of promising youngsters who are too modest to make their ability known who will be glad to show how good they are. R.O.T.C. DRILLS FOR INSPECTOR Inspection of the R. O. T. C. unit of the Ogden High school was held this morning with Edmund C. Wad-dell, Ninth corps area, Presidio, of San Francisco, as chief officer. The drill was held at Twenty-fifth street and Monroe avenue, and, al¬though the rain bothered the troops somewhat, a splendid exhibition was made. Competition for the Kanzler cup, put up for the best drilled company in the unit, was postponed because there was not enough room for the troops to put ojg complete drill. OGDEN CADETS' WORK PLEASES Hines Makes Inspection; Returns Tonight For Officers' Dinner Condition of the R. O. T. C. fa¬cilities at Ogden High school was declared highly pleasing by Major General John L. Hines of San Fran¬cisco, commander of the Ninth corps area, this morning following an inspection at the high school and a meeting with Principal A. M. Mer¬rill and Colonel Thomas H. Cun-ningham, professor of military sci¬ence and tactics. General Hines, accompanied by Staff Officer S. W. Singleton, ar¬rived from Salt Lake and spent an hour at the high school before con¬tinuing on to Logan to inspect the R. O. T. C. units at the high school and Utah State Agricultural college. He will return to Ogden at 6 o'clock this evening when he and Colonel Singleton will be guests of the Ogden chapter, reserve officers of America, at a reception and din¬ner. "I am very well pleased with con¬ditions at Ogden High school," Colo¬nel Hines said. "We inspected the uniforms, arms and equipment on hand there and found everything in splendid shape. "The attitude of Principal A. M. Merrill and other school authorities of Ogden is very favorable to the R. O. T. C. training and we, nat¬urally, are very responsive to it." Due to the fact that today is high school day at the University of Utah and the graduating seniors of the high school are in Salt Lake, Gen¬eral Hines did not inspect the cadet corps. General Hines has charge of army affairs in the Ninth corps area, comprising the intermountain and |