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Show Ogden High School Notes Henry Aiken, editor-in-chief; Lucille Summers and Dena Liapis, assistant editors. INSPECTION On Wednesday morning, amid the cheers of the bystanders and the pouring of the clouds, Ogden High school's R. O. T. C. unit received its benediction and post-mortem for the year of 1930. The drill on the Tabernacle park was postponed on account of wet grounds. Next week, however, the drill for the Kanzler cup will be held. The cadet offi¬cers received a good grilling after the inspection of the corps and more than one left dragging his tail feathers. All in all, leaving room for eccentricities, the corps did itself proud and we are sure that the little red star will still remain to add a bit of extra punch to next year's regiment. U. DAY Tomorrow morning the seniors will attend U. day events at the Uni¬versity of Utah. Juniors are re-quested to please remain at school. Their turn comes next year. We wish our entries the best of luck and hope they walk off with more than one prize. CHATTER AND CHAFF Only two men absent in the whole corps. That was some attendance, no fooling. Howard doesn't know Mr. Fox from Mr. Beuhler. This isn't grounds for a fight, but it might be. Beech McConnell thought the dull thud of Deegans glove hitting against his face was like that he received one day when one of Bill De Hart's fenders nearly floored him. Doc Stone says he can't stand cheap things. That's why he's so fond of diamonds. Eh what, Stoney? Dave Mattson is one alone. We're worried, Ted. Can you stand the gaff? MAYER FOR A BLOCK O? A number of requests have been made that Hugh Mayer be consid¬ered well for receiving an award on award day. Hugh certainly should be considered. He has been very prominent in athletics. For two years he has been a letter man in track and football. This year he was captain of the football team. He is cadet colonel, in which capacity he has worked hard and well. Awards will be chosen next week. Remember the captain of the foot¬ball team and colonel of the R. O. T. C. CONGRESS Forum won the first debate of the series Monday evening, thus de¬feating congress for the first time in its history. Preston Mulcahy and Dee Bramwell of the affirmative won the decision from Marion Ensign and Ruth Ames of the negative on the question, Resolved, That the air service be maintained as a separate department in national defense. The next debate will be held May 12, and congress promises some heated competition. Alumnae heed! The annual ban¬quet will be held May 16 at the ho¬tel Bigelow. Committees have been appointed to make this banquet a huge success, so don't make other arrangements for this night. SMOKELESS SMOKER On Wednesday evening the senior class staged its belated smokeless smoker. It was a big success and was well attended. The bouts, while impressive, were as a whole more picturesque than aggressive. A num- ber of the contestants left the ring in a rather doubtful condition, but other than a few black optics the men escaped without much bruising or battering. ORATOR, READER CHOSEN At senior class meeting on Mon¬day evening after school the senior class elected its orator and reader i for the commencement exercises. Herbert Stewart was elected orator and June Orden was elected read¬er. The students will do us proud and will have something above the usual excellence to give us on eve¬ning of the 29th. i OUR TALENTED TEACHER. Mrs. McKey, one of the shining lights of our faculty won first place and twenty-five dollars for her play, "The Redemption of Johnny Average" in a contest conducted by the Educational Thrift Gazette magazine. We are proud, Mrs. Mc¬Key, that you are one of ours. TYPEWRITING AWARDS The typing awards for the month of April are as follows: Underwood: Ida Mae McGregor, Ruby accuracy pin; Venna Hokanson, pearl pin; Lois Robinson, pearl pin; Thora Nelson, gold pin; Flor¬ence Gay, gold pin, silver pin; Elias Negus, Lucile Hales, Violet Stan¬ford, Beulah Whitcomb, brone pins; Leonard Hart, Mildred Stromberg. Remington: Gold pin, Lois Robin¬son, Dorthy Woods, Greta Higginson; silver pin, Elias Negus. Royal: Ida Mae McGregor, Royal medal; silver pin, Ruby De Haan, Lois Robinson; bronze pin, Elias Negus, Lois Robinson. L. C. Smith: Ida Mae McGregor, gold pin; Verda Hope, bronze pins. B. Farnsworth ,teacher. May 9, 1930 Ogden High School Notes To know where you can find any¬thing, that in short is the largest part of learning.—Anonymous. YEAR-BOOK OUT SOON The publication of the annual Classicum will be completed earlier than last year. The yearbook prom-ises to be a fine one and certainly the staff should receive the highest congratulations for a speedy and fine piece of work. A yearbook is a prodigious undertaking and those who are in charge of such a task should receive the thanks of the en¬tire organization. Mrs. Newcombe and Mr. Coray, the advisors, have given much of their time and effort to the making of the Christmas of 1930 the best possible. We thank you for your efforts in our behalf. NOTES EDITOR NEXT YEAR Students, if you have any literary ability or knack of writing good, snappy news in little time without revision and you are a junior, don't fail to try out for editorship of the Notes. If you are interested, make it known to your English teachers or put in your application to the editor. We are anxious for a fine field of juniors to choose from. There are few student body activi- ties that present such a varied scope ' of individual growth as working on a newspaper or a publication staff. We hope many of you will make an ef¬fort to try out. You will be repaid for your pains. Besides the editor there are two or three assistant edi¬tors and reporters to be chosen. We hope all juniors will lend a hand. SPEAKER At the Baccalaurate service for the graduates, this year, the sermon will be delivered by Monsignor D. G. Hunt of the Cathedral of the Madeleine, Salt Lake. We are proud ! to have Father Hunt give us the ser¬mon this year and welcome him with much enthusiasm. The bacca¬laurate service will be on Sunday morning in the Orpheum theatre. Commencement will be in the morn¬ing of the 29th, the last day of school. Do you realize that there are scarcely three weeks remaining? It hardly seems possible that by the first of June the clas? of '30 will have become a tradition? Here's to a glorious three weeks in every way! Let's make 'em that way, students. DOES SHE DESERVE ONE? One girl that has certainly labored ! hard and long for the student body of Ogden High is the vice president j of the Girls' association, Guinevere Hess. Guinevere has been a fine vice president and has worked splendidly in that position. Last year she was associate editor of the quarterly, in which capacity she did fine things, too. Guinevere is spon¬sor of the diminutive company G and is a member of Carpe Diem. She is a fine student and certainly should be seriously considered for. a Block O. ORATORICAL CONTEST In the Lewis oratorical contest the other day our entrants did some fine i work, but were unfortunately bested by Weber county and Davis. We are proud of Iras and Ray and con¬gratulate them on the splendid re¬port they bring back of themselves. CHATTER AND CHAFF Students, we are sorry that there were no notes on Wednesday and the day before. The staff serit them in, but they were unavoidably left out. We hope it will not Mppen again. General Hines was in Ogden to¬day. He is the commanding general of the Ninth corps area and it was a distinct honor that he wished to inspect the Ogden cadet corps. How¬ever, the officers and some of the other cadets, besides the band, were to be in Salt Lake, so we were un¬able to have an inspection for him. We hope he likes Ogden. Dick McKey swears that the Salt Lake police are as strict as our own. He says he knows from previous ex- - perience. Parker Woods says his platoon was a marvel in the inspection the other day. What kind of a marvel, Parker? I Wannon O still owes the avia¬tors a sword exercise. Lack of funds and procrastination are responsible. The scientists remind us of Ham¬let. The school authorities are going to chip in and buy Porky Greenwell a razor. (This is a suggestion of a certain gentleman who was a visitor of the cadets, Wednesday.) KANSLER CUP DRILL The drill for the Kansler cup will take place next week, The corps will parade on the tabernacle park and will present a review then. The regular drill for the cup was to have taken place on Wednesday, but the grounds were wet and we had to postpone that part of the drill. The companies are on their toes for the anti-climax. The corps has a feel¬ing of intense rivalry this year and the company that wins will certainly have to be a good one. The attend¬ance was wonderful the day of the inspection. Only two cadets in the entire regiment were ill. We hope they will keep up the old spirit and morale. It is truly fine. UNIVERSITY GUESTS Today the Ogden High school students are the guests of the Uni¬versity of Utah. It is an annual event for the university to entertain the various high schools of the state. We certainly hope that this fine old custom will live for many years , and that the students of the senior classes to come will have the privilege of enjoying such a wonder¬ful program as we will witness to¬day. The first contests are in ath¬letics, dramatics, oratory and music. The Tigers will today make their final bow in athletics for the year of '30. The students are then asked to visit the deans of the depart¬ments to discuss the future of their education. At nine o'clock the pro¬gram will close with a large dance. The university deserves the highest of compliments for this fine enter¬tainment which they extend to us and the other high schools. May 12, 1930 Ogden High School News Mind is the great lever of all things; human thought is the proc¬ess by which human ends are ulti¬mately answered.—Daniel Webster. UNIVERSITY DAY At the University of Utah last Fri¬day the seniors of O. H. S. and oth¬er schools were royally entertained by the university and a great time j was had. Ogden came away with two scalps. One was the first prize in humorous readings, won by An¬drew Brunetti; the other was third place in the extemporaneous speak¬ing contest, won by Herb Stewart. We are proud of our students and congratulate them. Andrew is one of our coming youngsters. He is only a junior and has still another year to make good in. We are proud of his work and hope he will walk off with even more laurels. Herb made a splendid speech and the Ogdenites who attended the contest agree that he should have been placed higher. The luncheons were excellent. The drilling by the U. ; senior cadet corps was wonderfully j performed, especially the splendid horsemanship displayed by the ar¬tillerymen. We all had a fine time and the Salt Lakers have our thanks for showing us fine hospitality. DON'T FORGET TO TRY OUT The editor of the Notes urgently requests that a large number of juniors hand in their names as nominees for the positions on the Notes staff. There are few posi- i tions in the student body that have ! so many possibilities as those con¬nected with the Notes. We hope you will become interested, if you are not already, and hand in your name j either to your English teachers or to the Notes editor. You will certainly not regret taking your bit of inter¬est. CHATTER AND CHAFF A number of the fellows who at¬tended U. day were invited to have lunch at one of the various frater-nities on the campus of the U. The fellows showed our men a great time and we wish to thank them for their hospitality; also the sorori¬ties who entertained our fair ones. Sox, oxfords, Beecher, what does this remind you of? Are you glad Sarge Halloway insists on wearing shoes? We know the answer. We saw a number of familiar faces in the suburb to the south that did not bear the stigma of seniority. We hope the juniors spent a nice day—in school. Did you hear what broke loose at Beth's house the other night. Well, it was Stellae. Twinkle, twinkle, lit¬tle star; how we wonder when you're going to hold your next meeting. Dee Bramwell sings like Nick Lukas. Beech McConnell warbles like Al Jolson. G. Addison Morse is Ca-ruso in disgust. Now you have an idea how five orphans of the storm sang "Old Black Joe" on the way home Friday eve. We asked Frank Rose, our colonel of '27, if Colonel Waddell remem¬bered him when he inspected the U. corps the other day. He says that Colonel Waddell doesn't even know such a thing as a cadet colonel at Ogden High exists the moment he is past the last farm house to the south of Hooper. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: What kind of a suit should I wear to the baccalaureate and the com¬mencement exercises? Is the sen-ior reception formal? Could you help out a number of students by answering this question? —A Senior. Dear Senior: Wear any suit you have, or are able to wear. That's the best ad¬vice to give anyone who is- in a dilemma and is, as most boys, not over-supplied with suits. A dark suit is preferable, but if you have a light one wear that. There will be all kinds and all colors. At bac¬calaureate a light suit is just as good as a dark one. At commencement a dark one is a bit better, but don't let a mere thing like color worry you. If you are intending to buy a suit, of course, it would be advis¬able to get one of a darkish color. The senior reception is certainly ail formal and no one should condM anything except the making of m last party the most hallowed of fl his high school dances. Absolut! no flowers or tuxedos either to m graduating exercises or to the sew reception. —Aunt Jane KANZLER CUP DRILL Cadets, don't forget the Kanzler cup drill this week. Keep the urn form pressed up and the shfl shined for this drill. A parade v be given and the same maneiml as in other years are to be Ml on tabernacle square. We bn there will be a large attendance. May 13, 1930 Ogden High School Notes O. H. S. SHINES AT U On Saturday at the state tH meet two of our men placed. "PoS Greenwell took fifth place inM 100 yard dash and Hugh Mfl was second in the javelin thfl Porky is a junior and should do9 things for O. S. H. next year. Bm ! sides the number of places thatM rious individuals took in the evtall on Friday, our boys' and girls' JH uses were placed second. Mr. Hanson deserves much praise faeflH work in chorus work. Besides; group winnings our musiciansM high, individually. Rachel Medoway is the best singer of her claaH Utah. Charlene Scowcroft is tH best pianist, and in the French Dee Richards took second place, i Robinson took first plare in elm J net, Walker Lowe took third in bH 5 itone solo, and Pauline Butler H second in alto voice. Herb Stewart took third place in extemponjH speaking contest. This is fineH students. The school is procdH 1 you and your work. LES WINS WATCH Les Mayer won The Standard-Examiner award for being the bHP around athlete at O. H. S. Les M star in basketball and football a capable performer in track JM has been a two-letter man fofjH 1 his years in high school. Hugh ; brother Les a close race but ul was incapacitated in football ' honor goes to the elder fratoH i are proud of Les. Also we fiojH watch will keep good time. KANZLER CUP DRILL On some afternonnsooMheB dets will drill on the tabenjfl square for the Kanzler cup. BedS the usual company competition td platoons will compete in a dn&l review will also be given in vjH Hugh, Les, Bob, and Chuck wilM their opportunity to strut their iH B company has won the drttFM two years. If they win again H year? If they don't? NOTES EDITOR Don't forget the race for eJB of the Notes for next year is 9 Here is an opportunity to give sH ice to your school and at the fld time give yourself a splendid chi to make a real writer of yotna Make your interest known to J j editor or to your English teadM You won't regret it. CHATTER AND CHAFF I H. Ipson is always in a scrape. Don he even admits it. Our sympstfctag Happy. Lester park was a veritable jH course on Sunday afternoon. H notable champions as "Mashie" Morse, Birdie Greaves, and Niblick Nebeker were running off their iB season fat. This Brunetti chap is some rH er, he not only won first pm the humorous readings as wasflHp l in the Notes last evening but ftyH the Sorab and Rustum. We iH proud of our diminutive giant fl H. Nebeker got poetic in huin ! utes for the history club the morning. Therefore, Dee Bramwell critic, proceeded to Duncture "poetic bubble. Are you squelched Neb? |