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Show Charlene, so we hear, made a bis; hit With the Chi Omegas at the U last Friday. Well, Chuck, that's nothing, Dick McKey was the ob¬ject of a big hit at the smoker Thursday evening. ELECTION The Girls' association held their annual election In the library on Thursday afternoon. There are three olt'lces open, and the candi¬dates are chosen in a group and not for the individual offices. There are usually six candidates, but inasmuch as three twirls were so close for sixth place it was unanimously agreed that the eight candidates should be left In the field this year. The nominees are all very fine girls and will be able to fill the offices with honors. The girls nominated are: Boise Brewer. Nora Hawkins, Helen Van Buren, Julia Kane, Dorothy Knowlden, Ruth White, Nathalie Layton and Ruth Greaves. Here's luck to the winners. BOYS' ASSEMBLY On Wednesday morning at 8:30 all boys are asked to meet in the aasemuly room to hear an address OS the government C. M. T. C. pro¬grams. This will be of general in¬terest to all boys, non R .O. T. C. as well as R. O. T. C. Weber high School boys have been invited as the Bubject, of summer training camps concerns all boys of Weber county. Captain Thomas of Fort Douglas rill be the speaker. What Presi¬dent Hoover thinks of C. M. T. C. is expressed in the following personal lptli?r , "The citizens' military training camps have through ten years prov¬ed themselves important agencies of physical and moral health in the in¬dividual and civic welfare in the nation. The willingness of young men to devote a month to this training program for better citi¬zenship is proof of good-will in the feneration on which will presently drvolve the maintenance of our so¬cial and political institutions. I commend the citizens' camps to all fathers and mothers and to young men of suitable age in the hope and belief that the camps will show themselves as useful in the fu¬ture M thev have been in the past " May 14, 1930 Ogden High School News PARENT-TEACHERS MEETING. The last Parent-Teachers' meet¬ing of the year is scheduled for Thursday evening, May 15. The following interesting program is offered and a large attendance is Music Orchestra Talk—Physical Education for Girls Jessie Schofield Demonstrations—Tap Dances and stunts. Music State Prize Winners Clarinet Solo Lois Robinson Vocal Solo Rachel Meadoway Talk—Physical Education For Boys Frank Oberhansley Demonstrations. Music—Other Contest Winners. Election of Officers. Music. Refreshments, Under Direction of Miss Nelle Mealiff. They are slaves who dare not be In the right with two or three. —Lowell. WHAT CLUBS ARE DOING. Now is the time when the clubs of O. H. S. are taking in their junior quotas and happy are the juniors who are lucky enough to receive notes from the secretaries of the clubs, stating that they have been elected to the best club at school. Happy is the youngster who can respond to the slap on the back and the cheery congratulations of a fellow club member. We hope the clubs will fill their membership with the best of the lot and that the pledges of this year, the future club members, will carry on the ciubs and make them finer if pos- ' sible than they have been and are. Also now is the time of initiation. Sore, indeed, will some of the juniors be in the very near future. We lly, not mentally, for of course the spirit of the club would prevent an initiation from being taken too seriously. Clubs, we have been proud of your work during the past year. You have done yourselves proud in every ac¬tivity you have entered. You are stronger, more capable, more am¬bitious than ever before. May you who carry the clubs on carry with you the spirit of fraternity and fine and fair play that goes to make the clubs of O. H. S. really fine institutions. WHAT DO YOU RECEIVE? Now that the year is drawing to a close there is an apparent lull in student activities and the wind¬ing up of a fine year is paramount in every person's mind. Thus it is1 with the Notes. With a lull in stu¬dent life there is a lull in news. Nevertheless the Staff has and will continue to try to bring to you the best and the latest in student ac¬tivities. We will do our best in making O. H. S. send the class of '30 off with a bang. We hops you do enjoy the Notes. We hope they have proved as much pleasure to you as they have to the editors to write and to collect. We hope you may obtain something lasting from them and that they have done their bit to make our school a better, finer institution. If we do that our ambitions will have been filled and we will feel as though we have done to the best of our ability to make Ogden High worth while. May the editors of future years give you the best and finest in school news. —The Editor. AUNT JANE'S CORNER. Dear Aunt Jane: To me there seems a dire need of changing the method of electing class officers and class representa-tives. There is such a gross un¬fairness about the elections I hope you could help a change to be made. Cliques control the elections and factional interests destroy all idea of ability and worthiness. Can¬not some change be made? —A Future Big Shot. Dear Big Shot: In a sense you are right; in a sense you are not. True it is that our class elections are not the most ethical in the world. But is there a better way? I do not know. You are right about the fact that there is a lot of clique and factional in¬terests. You are right that this sometimes destroys judgment. Also it may be added that the Juniors who attend the meeting to elect officers know nothing of each other and that only a small percentage attend. To a lesser extent the same thing is true at the Senior class elections. However the elec¬tions are democratic in form and are open to every member of the class and we have quite generally had capable class officers. This does not, I agree, compensate for the seeming unfairness which comes from lack of interest. Also it may be argued that the interested attend and that they are only the ones who should be represented. All in all, however I am inclined to ad¬mit that we would get better stu¬dent body spirit and better class representation if something like student body elections were carried out. I would gladly see a change made. Who will make it is the ques¬tion, and what will be the change? Aunt Jane. CHATTER AND CHAFF. Hugh Mayer should have drilled the awkward squad Monday morn¬ing. About nine-tenths of the bat-talion were in it. B company di¬minished to a1 platoon while A and C companies as bad but didn't show it. Forum has bought Mr. Willis Smith an alarm clock. Reason? Forum banquet soon. Nuf sed. Famous last words: Sir, first battalion all absent or in awkward squad, sir. The I Wannon O's are the ficklest bunch in the world. So say about 10 girls who thought they were attending the I Wannon O banquet Scientists last ) week and decided to masculinize their banquet. Frailty thy name is I Wannon O. Joe Foley, you old philanderer. What do you mean by doing what you shouldn't do while Nebs is watching? The dear boy is quite provoked at you. Now let us join in the refrain of that old melody: I sat by the window and smoked my cigar with my old Paw. Chuck Ward says his black eye is O. K. again. Chuck is champion rough houser in the school, believe it or not. If not ask anyone who was in the ring while his long arms were flying at random last Thurs¬day evening. STANDARD-EXAMINER AWARDS. It is the custom each year for , The Standard-Examiner to award 1 to a boy from the Ogden High, from Weber County High, and from the Weber college a gold watch for outstanding work for the year. The boy is judged by his standing in athletic events and in scholastic i attainments. This year. Les Mayer, popular athlete, has been given the distinction of receiving this watch. This is one. of the highest compli¬ments of the year, and we wish to compliment Les on his fine work for the school in all the athletic events of the year. The prize will be given to Les in the annual award assembly which will be held May 23. SENIOR MEMORIAL. The senior class is endeavoring to leave a picture to the school as a class memorial. This gift is made possible through the courtesy and kindness of the Ogden Kiwanis club, which is giv¬ing the school one hundred Ki¬wanis lecture course tickets, the proceeds of which are to be given the school. With a class of more than 600 progressive patrons who are interested in the excellent lec¬ture course offered by the Kiwanis club, there should be no difficulty in disposing of the one hundred tickets. BREEZY PAPER. The high school has received the spring issue of the Lewis Chronicle , a very interesting, lively issue. We congratulate Lewis on their energy and commendable efforts in putting on such a creditable oaoer Best Scholarship Records Rewarded Bernice Hall (left) will be salutatorian and Evelyn Upton will be valedictorian of the Ogden High school graduating class of 1930, at commencement exercises to be held Thursday morning, May 29, in the Orpheum theatre. About 320 boys and girls will be graduated. Miss Hall and Miss Upton were selected for these positions on the program because they had the best averages in scholarship during their high school course. |