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Show ti ape ve eat og nearer eee R. L. POLK & CO’S OGDEN CITY1924 DIREC TORY XXvVIl SUPREME FE cx. x CITY GOVERNMENT CITY City Hall Washington Mayor— Pearl Recorder—J F av sw cor 25th. Kirkendall. Herman Knauss Milk Inspector—Chris A __—— COUNTY GOVERNMENT COUNTY Court ~ PRECINCTS 4, Hooper 1 Uintah, Burch first U U 5 wards same West Weber, 2, Randall, and Creek, Farr Monday in November. as city STATE GOVERNMENT Lib. Salt Lake City Governor—C R Mabey. Secretary of State—-H E Crockett. Auditor—Mark Tuttle. Treasurer—-W D Sutton. Attorney-General—H H Cluff. Adjutant-General—W G Williams. Alcoholic Distributor—Harry Joseph Chemist—Herman Harms. Engineer—R E Caldwell. Fish and Game Commissioner—\D H Madsen Insurance Commissioner—J W Walker. Librarian—H W Griffith. OFFICERS Supt Public Instruction—C N Jensen. Com] Agt State Farm Burean—Fred Math-. ews 510 McCornick Bldg. Landscape Gardener—C J Kemmerle. Custodian—M M Warner jr. DISTRICT County Wilson. Supt of Schools—B A Fowler. Sheriff—R D Pincock. Surveyor—J C Brown. Supt County Infirmary—Saml Tomlinson. Board of Education—L H Froerer Clk 306 First Nat Bank Bldg. Building, 201 J Holther Fred Judge J F COURT Kiesel Bldg. E E Corey M Driggs Sec; S G Dye Supt. UNITED STATE OFFICERS Located in Ogden Board of Civil Service Examiners—federal Bldg, A R Ward sec. Railway Mail Service—302 Federal Bldg. Wilford Danvers chf clk. U S Referee in Bankruptcy—S T Corn 311 First U Nat Bank Bldg ae S Ridg. US Jos Morman in Railway Mail Service—302 Federal Bldg. Wilford Danvers chf clk. Ogden Terminal Railway Post Office — 1 blk n of Union Depot; Wm J Manning in che. APARTMENT HOUSES AND FLATS Argyle Apartments—2640 Wash av. Astill Apartments—2266 Wash av. Avelan Apartments—449 27th. Avon Apartments—961 25th. Barnhart. Apartments—336 27th. Beck Apartments—527 24th Bond Apartments—688 23d. : Browning Apartments—2703-2711 Wash av Carver Apartments—539 22d. Claremont Apartments—26/80 Adams av. Corey Apartments—2566 Wash av. Covey. Apartments—447-449 21st. Doxey Apartments—changed to § C § Apts Nunn Apartments—531 24th. Fairview Apartments—2681 Madison ay. Farnsworth Apartments—2539 Jefferson av Flowers Apartments—2681 Madison av. Fox Apartments—369-371 22d, Geffas Apartments (New)—2675 Grant. Heiner Apartments—2341-2365 Porter av Helm Apartments—2248-2250 Jefferson av Hillcrest Apartments—2485 Monroe av and 2200 Adams av. Ivy Apartments—418-430 26th. La Frantz Apartments—j431-461 27th. Lake View Apartments—3600 Grant av. Lester Apartments—2102-2104 Jefferson av Lincoln Apartments—330 23d. Lindquist Apartments—2620 Wash ay. Wadman che. Post Office Inspector—H Federal Bldg. W Blake 216 es Office open from 8 a m to 6:30 Rufus A Garner Postmaster Beation A~205 Washington av. Station 1—2479 Washington av. Wilson Wright Apartments—365 pm. 28th. Apartments—278114 Wall av. Apartments—3343 Wash av. BUILDING, UNITED STATES POSTOFFICE 24th nw cor Grant av, J 415 HOUSES Weather Office—City Hall. Chas Bass Marylyn Apartments—486-490 26th. in chg. Apartments—4529 23d. U S Dept of Agriculture (Bureau Animal | Mattson Adams ay. Industry) — 218 Federal Bldg. E D| Mole Apartments—2331 Nelson Apartments—2854 Wash av. Kennedy and L C Henderson agts. Overmyer Apartments—22121%4 Wash av. U S Dept of Agricuiture (Extension SerOwl Apartments—22101% Wash av. vice) — 220 Federal Bldg. W P Park Apartments—2583 Grant av. Thomas agt. Pearl Apartments—2707-2711 Grant av. U S Dept of Agriculture (Farm Bureau Peery Apartments—jAdams av nw cor 25th Office) —,222 Federal Bldg. W P Piper Apartments—429 Binford. Thomas agt. Plaza Apartments—2518 Wash av. U S Dept of Agriculture (Forest Service) (Poplar Heights Apartments—437 24th. — 203 24th. R H Hutledge dist forRaine .Terrace—2610-20 Monroe av. ester. Reed Terrace—2339-43 Adams av. U S Dept of Agriculture (Grain SuperRich Apartments—2463-2469 Jefferson av. vision)—-315 Fred J Kiesel Bldg. J F Rose Apartments—-304 2%th. Welch supvr. S CS Apartments—231 27th. U S Bureau of Public Roads—403 Fred J Schwartz Apartments—2234 Jefferson av. Kiese] Bldg BJ Finch dist eng. Smith Apartments—663 25th. U S$ Internal Revenue Service—201 Federa;j Stilwell. Apartments—2773-2785 Grant av Bldg. J.C Littlefield dep collr. and 272-278 28th. US Army Recruiting Station—310% 25th. Stuart Apartments—2942 Wall av U S$ Marine Corps Recruiting Station—-+224 Teets Apartments—2634 Quincy av. Federal Bldg. C A Pope in chg. Upton Apartments—439 Binford. U S Navy Recruiting Station—202 Federal House Second Judicial District—G s Barker, Kimball Judges; J E Evans Atty. L Mrs COURT Court JUVENILE Pres; Treas: Wilson, Executive. (By The time, Industrial School—%4 mi ne of Five eoints . T A Williams Pres; Mrs E W Bowman V-Pres; W N Farr Treas; Mrs E Dalby Sec; R H Hodge Supt. Utah School for the Deaf and. the Blind— 20th cor Monroe av. C Clarence Neslen Riverdale, West, S Senators—Reed Smoot and W H King. S Congressmen—E O Leatherwood and Don B Colton. Capitol bA s 24th bet Washington and Adams avs. Commissioners—Moroni Skeen, C E Pettisrew, J M: Child. Clerk and Auditor—Lawrence A Van Dyke Recorder—Mrs “Mae F Bramwell. ‘“sossor—A.G Berrett. - Treasurer—D W Evans. J 3. Bews erty, Roy, Warren, West Warren and Taylor. Election for County Office — Every four rs years except County Commissioners and County Attorney every two years lection day first Tuesday after the House—n Attorney—4D 2, Kanesville, Christensen _ of Mondays second the STATE INSTITUTIONS Located in Ogden election districts; Huntsville, Eden, North Ogden, Pleasant View, Plain City, Harrisville, Slaterville, Marriott, Coal Oil Inspector—R C Taylor. Sealer of Weights and Measures—Chas R Bass. Sanitary Inspector—A G Sneed. Sewer Inspector—Jas A Alsup. Sexton—A E Wilson. Pound Master—Lawrence Noble. Board of City Commissioners — Pearl F Kirkendall Mayor, Supt Public Affairs Finance and Public Safety; A F Larson Supt Streets, Public Improvements and Health; Christian Flygare Supt Water Works and Parks. Election Precinects—One precinct in each ward. . City election, first Tuesday after first Monday in February, every two years, On viz: —_———~ ELECTION Ogden—1t, ei the State, and s a three terms In. eac October. and May vebruary, Court may adjourn from time to as it may deem proper. 1924) jr_ Treasurer—tThos Clarke. Attorney—Thos J Maginnis. Engineer—Jos M. Tracy. Auditor—Mary E Farley. Purchasing Agent—A T Hestmark. Chief of Police—cCurtis Allison. City Court Judge—D R Roberts. Juvenile Court Judge—L J Holther. Chief of Fire Dept—G A Graves. Physician—R H Wilson. Street Supervisor—G H Welch. Building Inspector—C C Garff. Meat Inspector—C M Dee. J E Val. shall be 16 i" Court at the Capitol of convene and hold Physician—R H Wilson. Crop Pest Inspector—D J Hammon. State Road Agent—A S§ Allen. Farm Bureau—222 Federal Bldg, J R pres. OFFICERS City Chief Justice; S R Thurman, Supreme Terms—The INFORMATION Secured, Lake Salt Corfman i: Weber, ontine Gideon; H W Griffith Clk. year, (Copyright COURT Building, Capitol VOL. MISSELLANEOUS JUDICIARY STATE xoc__k APARTMENT — CERS OFFI S U — GOVERNMENT STATE See BUILDINGS, S4vV'NAS AND ASSOCIATIONS Classifled Section. BLOCKS; Armory The—215 24th. Berthana Bldg—325 24th. HALLS, LOAN ETC. |