OCR Text |
Show SAVINGS Colvin Wm 3 é . ai af Oat NX |}CGombe av. Combe Combe Combe _ a% SALESE Ceres Stenography Printing F firltr 2 ° 8S P r 14 Argyle S S Apts. ra Combe Sorat Wm . driver Uintah Ne re 2. Dairy O r 3673" 13 Mary A clk Amal Sugar Co b 10 Wayne L slsmn Amal Sugar Co Gomer Comer ECCLES BUILDING Comerford Wm M electn r 555 7th. Comfort Stations City Hall and Wash 600 ed cor Go 9 & 2 Ath « & ¢ , Peake ’ Agts, G A © Stein mpi : Agt, 2374 ASSURANCE Hudson CO ay. on , m UTAH iy ante . $100,000 oe a ia? a x , ae | A I: ime ha eee 3: Sf ey A Ry Rise $125 eas WIRING — PATRICK anne DAVID Problems EVERYTHING W. | | G. 7 u rol HEALY, HICKEY, ) JR., President y oe n Cover chipron J G Ndie 652 Condi 1’! (Com \ONpPton r{ lab eeary He Na iv : Furn CoY Amal-Sugar ‘ Auto Co. W storekpr rms Er Eng’ 2642 . 20¢ § P r 2319 : ‘0 . Ts lab rms firmn U 55 p rms Sholem é - eee Grenier (Hebrew) ac Ison Sic. : dee Madison artha M (w; at Pt ville, mo ay PW W : ay. Jefferson Sect te way h av. we Hotel. 2750 | Grant ay Pac Fruit Lincoln Exp rmsay. 2619: Grarit av. we eao9 ert ( ay Rist: Harrison ck Wright's b 2007 Madison Student: p 299 : é presn LonleyAlden ie . ic }_ ponn a Monroe 10 } r 652 Co) j ie Tat risville Schl b M 2007 Madison av 'Thos A) r 2007 lison = : 1 Conkle wie”. Brith oe av 6 «, Vera eich Vers big ¢ and stge repr reprs s (Wid rn ‘Ya .oc" ala enires ) Co 2790 R i A. S. PATTERSON, Vice-Pres. Fe EMLEY, Cashier H. W. HINLEY, Asst Cashi AV. , | sro 2107 Madison elkoe b pes 2107F) Madison av. av same, C. E. Armstrong & Cail | THE DESERET NEWs | Sporting Goods, Photographic Supplies, Developing 4 : Johnson Bicycles, Edison Talkin y Machines, Arms and Flash Globes, Lights Toys, with Etc, Radio and Printing, " F a " 306 25th Stra 5 52 Ammunition, Batte ies, Kodaks, Radio Supplies, Westingho et 21st Boyl- e J F ¢ aulo Condie 1, a Steno Last & Thomas h 2220 Sees. LOY b 2990. Jeffer : e ferson av. Te safeties . le Olive | Sfudent , yea Vice-President Wilbur Mondie. AliceIC ; es r cta RoseSa Ste no Gondie At, ™3 N39 LN Ws LIGHTING a aD ASSET to BUSINESS mock 2 e (London), Porter John Moroni ton eon ‘a l| Ne Bldg. LTD Nat Bank Bldg. anEne Auto ne Co C (W J J Co Comp|ton) / Compton Delma rms 422 W' 417th Compton Geo A dep Co Treas r 2963 Compton 5 LIF ee 31st. as pean . Under First Nat Bank UNION 2631 Gran wompton Mary CA rms bh 652 2461. tiay. pompt CAPITAL 451 as Commissary Building w s Wal] avy bet 25th and 26th . ; COMMONWEALTH INS CO (N Y), Froerer & Fowles Agts, 2409 * Hudson av. : mn Communit y Free CcClinic IMrs Lyaynne Eise Ei nberg nurse : 5 First Utah j he 5 Commercial Nation: OGDEN, rms Oe “if You — Can At for You,” t[ a 24th. An loch Agcy ry . Peery Apts. r 2029 Monroe . Knit Ogden-Utah Cashr, 369-371 We COMMERCIAL _ ea CO (RP Snyder), Direct Advertising, Handle More » Business & 7 7 DUSINESS, Sae Us, Room 006 Base Eccles Bldg, TelWe eeeWil Phe left side F lines) ei. : 7 > COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURAN . CE co (London tf av ne h ; “a Creek. C ‘!Combs Chas Belk UI Cr 2259 Childs av. Combs Minnie (wid Jas E).r 2259 Childs av. | John agrist Amal Sugar Co r 10 Peery Apts. anebi crue AD 29. Leon J died Apr 27 ’23 age 28 Mailing Addressing Base. 006 mee —_——— Gommercial Nat Bank Bldg 369 371 24th. COMMERCIAL SERVICE aea TRaire Siiley Asst Sand adv). . O;er} aa “g rj {Burch SS Gomish John S$ formn Amer Ry Exp r 24 Argyle Apts, Commercial Danas Coa, Cendagorta) 200 25th, hea g Pauses Patrick Healy Jr Pres, David ‘a Co -—<sttt Arvilia a opr fomish a : rane comes 2906 Lincoln av sees anr Henry ji h Dairy A see-tre sec-treas teUintah Dairy Prods / At ey 2 : Israel P farmer r 3647 Hudson av. Julle mech r 1521 Ogden av. Mary (wid Jos) r 3651 Ogden av. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY —1924 ———< ee, > in Ogden Promotion OGDEN OFF Each of £ tha CE, : , vening In Time for Early Evening Reading Interests of Oade gden BASEMENT and REED the Whole HOTEL State —» — - | ey Argyle heApts. hiasin Abie | a oO ung Ae 14 1s en eee J t Poni Ree Morons eee \ 3s 9Aue S 0} S! ssoulsng ‘ Colvin Orlin jr plstr b 140 Willow. & //Colvin-'Thos formn Beason Constn Co r 504 Canyon rd, a eens j Muitigraphing i Mimeographing hone ra OAUO S 0} ssauisng unp sz ‘SH3QN oBbebzuojg ‘ 9387Sq |eoy 0} Buju douUrIA IIW Ul NO, SYSQNIIN4 SANOHd ¥O #338 Colvi agen Aolgi «| r, a NOA E a 7 "A[4O doug Co 17 ’ ‘suvo7y ail Lil I COMMERCIAL AND SYSTEM s0ueunsu] isha FETTER MILL” iL | RESERVE Zy-S Ly | df hod i tlitl \{ FEDERAL 40 { Service DIRECT Mf ya e if (i, ) 1 4p L o f 112 Commercial Hit ‘a Ts obtfi | i i TELEPHONE AVENUE cts Ln Gee ‘ih i | qi BLDG. WASHINGTON ‘Bpi@ Yueg peuoizeN ysuy 501 i/ ( i 2453 MEMBER YOLTIVAN ai [national Bank of Commerce | a S3NOHd i Real Estate, Loans, Rentals and Collections — ECCLES LOLL J. M. FORRISTALLJ§) |