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Show AVELAN a8 449 27th St. | IB.H.Goddard 'NSURANCE a FIRST CLASS MOD . # Telephone 197 429 Twenty-Fou eer rth ELECTRIC RANGES IN E Tel. 1217-R <<< MEH 4 eh ih eligi (Ay it i ! a t Mea HH iii Het i 2 4 av. — Ruby emp Scowcroft’s rms 2060 Liberty Rulon J student h 2024 Ogden av. Doxey Doxey ee 27th 367. & DCor MoroniH clk OUR& student b 152 Doxey. Roy: W Doxey Doxey Dranev Draney Draney Draney Jas P rms 2251 Jos E extractor Jefferson av. Troy Lndrv r 2868 Vera aud Wright’s b 2868 Grant Virginia FE h 582 21st. Waldo lab Van Alen Can Corp r to Los Angeles. H moved Wm Lndry 3235 rms Dranev W Dransfield Elmore driver Troy Albt hlnr § P. Dransfield Dransfield Arnold driver Ogden Stm Lndry r 518 Herbt painter S P r 3237 14th. Mransfield Thos Draver Draner Draner Draner te m Tee lah ine Taglia DRAPER Tol lab S P r 1314 Jefferson Amv C (wid Henrv) r 173 234d. Andw 7 farmer r N Ogden. Jesse Heelk OU R&D Cor 337 r RElk ROSCAL 374. rms 1943 PG Stenhens & FH Nent rms Madison av, ants | Merch EFFICIENT BONDED The TO THE PROGRESSIVE STATE OF UTAH Merchants Credit Bureau Collects More People than All Other Ogden ‘201-202-203 Eccles Bldg. "Driver Geo Driver Geo ebay supt Utah Utah Schl Schl D D & Br & Bb av same same : _ & E, Prescription r 2637 Druggist, 2349 Hudson av a 1 ‘ Washington av Virgil student b 2605 PROPERTY Monroe Prysdalc Jas clk OU R& DCor ale Jas LOANS 325 27th. r Adams ay cor s 34th. mee ea = TySdale Jas aejan Virst Utah Nat Bank Bldg r 2368 Quincy av Drysdale Lewis mach § Pp ae Saml bolt mkr § P r 2768 Monroe avy ale Thos M hsemn b 2368 Quiney av oe Sdale ts Warr arren slsr: nn Ogde nl rdenn Furn Fur & €! Co rms 2151 Reeves ay, ie eM tee S P b 2368 Quincy av ys ~ sarah (wid Wm) r 28479. iney av D rs ty i p ek By oe io BUOUE lin Ocey vdn in Hunsaker Tive Stk Com Co. Sic. ee & MARINE INS CO (Dubuque), DUBUQUE Pe 2500 Wash av. Soh oe me On lew - MARINE Kell! INS CO (Dubuque), J 8c} Agt, Under First Nat Bank Bldg 4a rence r 2864 Libertv av a & Co Chinese eds 2464 Lincol l Aline M pb 2237 Grant av fad .. b 2237 bh 2237 Grant Grant 2 R lab r 2937 Blanche student : eer student F ii Zs & Phones” a A RTISTIC | | y Dual Richd H lah y Sen7 sold Ants More Money and Ef Agencies Combined FIRE AND AUTO D 15th _RELIABE FOR, $5,000-0 | R painter b 325 26th W brkmn r 230 29th b av & A ‘ HUDSON _PHONE 31st: E eddin .."9 i s, 2516 Wa.),: Decoration ashington ta PIECES, Ferns, Av~= Orpheum Gl eo Co., Inc. CUT oe FLOWERS Vases, Jardinieres, Theatre” Bldg: o—. a ae | 2409 on oral FLORAL SURETY BONDS AND FARM LANDS hs Grant av. b Slaterville. f | INSURANCE Exchange i McCul av. 134 | | | We Buy Sell or H 1461. Bu } Froerer ; av sted Louis D messr Nat Bank of Com r Roy heal el Chas R furn rms 507 Wash ay 1535 sa Wumiler Elbert P elk b 535 Wash av on ies ee dale David C clnr § P bh 2768 Monroe av Pine aa 322 Ecc peak 1924 ives John phys 325 26th pr same river John J drugst CG E Driver aa uifor Driver Mary H died Mar 14 deat es maa Droesbeke John B clk SP rg Covey Apts Drollinger Rodney clk Hirschman Shoe Co b 1424739 Drollinger Roy O auto mech r 41424 24th avian Droubay Geo R slsmn r 2605 Monroe av," Dudey Avelan Tel Credit 334-J, df pel 14 M C tchr CHAS Tel 22d. oneal f Frank Nell Driver Eliz b 325 26th. av. Surgeon. and L. Physician 2458 av. — Driver Anna E b 325 26th. ; a City a Plain priges Driggs DRIVER i Grant ay; av. DIRECTORY Driggs Thos lab Amal Sugar Co. : Driscol] Art E blrmkr § P r 14-19 7 a Driscoll L Clinton lather r 444 baie Bry r 152 Doxey. formn Thos Doxey Patterson. 8 P b 241 W Doxey Thos E brkmn av. M student b 2024 Ogden Doxey Vonda City. Lake Salt to Doxey Willard R moved Doyle Albt B (College Inn) r same. Doyle Helen G clk College Inn b same. Doyle John W brkmn S P rms 14 Weber Hotel. Draayer John rms 3267 Wall av. Drabble Erma student b 2827 Porter av. Drabble Norman V clk r 1024 Oak. Drabble Oak. Roy student b 1024 3: U Tel Co rms IDrabble Tressa clk W Drabble Victor messr b 1024 Oak. Drabble Virgie r 2827 Porter av. : H died July 2 °’23 age 50. Drabble Wm Drabble Zelma steno Burton Creamery Co b 1024 Oakey ‘a la. r Wilson Danl Drake r 2644 Hudson ay, a (Drake & Davis) H tDrake John Drake Kenneth lab r 650 -28th. Drake Rose L b 1020 Liberty av. Drake Saml R gdur r 1020 Liberty av. Drake Wallace C lab r 18 LaFrantz Apts. Drake & Davis (J H Drake W R Davis) confrs 2002 y Draney Mrs Ethel r 582 21st. . By Angeles. to Los moved M Florence Draney Draney Geo M driver Troy Lndry r 306 32d. a Draney Draney CITY Automobile Surety Bonds Work fl eee Compensation prew Henry lab U P & L Co rms 629 Canyon ra Drew John cooper O UR & D Cor 3124 Reeves a av. r 2776 Wash Doxey Mary R (wid Thos) St k OGDEN a CO’S & POLK L. R. 142 Fire, Life Accident and Health Plate Glass Tornado, Burglary Etc. Tel, 52 : | | AV. 917. | | } | | |