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Show p ; § - UTAH KNITTING 2357 Washington Pe hit aisny we ees ; as bil ail iif — Pi aii 1 ge ali ie : Hi i nent i i iy Melani oP ih i ont aM i bi l Met ) {it 4 | || iN a i Hh a | GWILLIAM Boat) | Federal Geo O als, | ‘Wall av cor 22d, Tel wi! | | LUMBER, | (4 WALL LATH, AVENUE, ge 4 | meee Gwilliam Gwilliam \ Orson Ralph GWILLIAM ii wee and Gwilliam Hendershot - Southeast Manager Gysin ROSCOE TROY WAY | iS THE ‘ RIGHT way | WALL Tel. ; Paul a (See G mech Wash ay. (Gysin — KINDS OF Corner COAL 22d B Howell, Bldg, Ogden Tel Stine 396, Motor Car r 2874 2575 av. r 2248 Ogden ay. a eh 548. AV. |i Hackett L, Supt Chas C Southern carp Hackley Finis § mech r 2120 Pingree Hadfield Cecil b 622 234d. Laura a — L (wid r 1470 Geo) r 622 S 7 . Cahoon | s ay. av. 187 Jefferson oe Hadley Hadley Hadley R opr Tel moved to Irvin J barber 205 26th. Weber: Co rms Salt 460 Lake 29th. Royal r 2060 Barber Liberty Jos r Taylor. Jos baker Ogden Bkg Junius hlpr 8 P. Leonard baker Ogden eeronze f W’ Co Bkg eee Lorenzo A repr § Pr Mary A r W Weber. Nina tchr Taylor Schl Oscar Percy R (wid Rufus) Br W R repEe: Eugene Saml Sam] clnr jr. 2 carp r r 2128 ayn b Jefferson Liberty av. Liberty av. 2060 Liberty ai pallock adlock | PHONE 156 ee ew Wa av. —— r Taylor, rms 964 r 2123 G@ rN Aree: Wash OG ay. 24th. Quincy r W 2 Writer Weber. r 1003 HO 24th. Oren farmer Orlando D J chfr Hadlock Walter r 3220 Fire Dept r Roy. Monroe r 3197 H telr Ogden State and Supplies Liberty av. r 2940 Adams av. yceen Jos O delmn § P Co r 178 334. Hager Harry a W - hipr S P r 255 ECCLES BLDG. TEL| E NE 6 set a ‘ ;+ cy ae fb Adding Machines ae WHERE SMART DRESSERS TRADE 2470 Washingtonio Av. ae a Av Tel. 236. -. (eu | Hudson ho ——— ? Sundstrand 2422 334d. 8! Wakamatsu emp R Nagatano rms 2422 Grant av. .. Real Estate Loans ~ Insura nce — NY ak 7 =SURE ae TY BONDS j a 602 Repaired Typewriter ay. 2621 /@8ans Stephen J stereo Standa miner Hagen Chas J delmn § P Co b 178rd-Exa 33d. E Propr. All Makes Sold, Rented av. Quincey US H. C. CHAPIN Lisle E farmer r 2867 Liberty av. Lloyd tmstr b 3197 Quincy ay. Lyle. tmstr b 3197 Quincy av. Roy EN av. Ogden. C r Taylor. Walter D Type- Bank r Hagan John lab rms rear 2337 Adams av. BS » ; ae av Taylor. Weber. Si-Pop.. 1083 UI 2060 Co 29th. : Shop A blksmth § P r 1000 21st. W atdt Cont Oil Go r 2060 Hadley Stephen Hadlock © a ee Hadley Hadley Hadley Hadley Hadley - a av. — 234d. Florence Hadley John Hadley John Hadlock Hadlock Hadlock a r 885 r Kanesville. 24123 Quiney ay. & L Co pb W UP Wadley Geo W farmer r Plain City.City. Hadley Herbt chfr Gwilliam L & G'CGo pr 525 Hadley Wm ! 1924 Hadley Thos A r Taylor. © {4 eng S P r 1108 24th. Hackwell R Jas eng S P r Grant Haddanham Wm lab Am P 2111 & P Cor =! Hadfield Co, Hadley Hadiey Ophelia ‘i —— °e Pacific est linmn H Hadley Hadley » a ee Chas [ » -a Shop) Hadley » » . (P A Gysin J L Griffin F L Bu 8 Barber real fiadley Co r 454 Cro: Adams W | Sw a — Hadley Chas W r 885 26th. Hadley Clarence moved to Salt Lake City, Hadley Ezra R r W Weber. Hadley K Earl farmer b Plain City. » Hadley meenadiey » Hadley & Gwilll r Albt farmer Alonzo Chas E lab b Howard hlpr S P r 544° 24th. Hyrum se zr see . —_ "g : Cross. Hadley Hadley Hadley Hadley Hadley » Ee DIRECTORY = » :‘ TEL. CITY 459 Hadfield Martha tchr Wash Jr High Schl b 622 234, . fiadiey Jas F tmstr a \VILDI 4 St. OGDEN Telephone Geo | “- ALL AND Avenue Hadley e ff Coal in (DeVine, Eccles ) g aq U J C r 629 b 870 POs ¢c ie _ adv). & Gysin Paul E moved to Los Angeles. on 2074 A ; Eecles Bldg 550 25th. Barber Shop Gysin 2538-40 Wilford 2475 % THE “| - P hipr C bkpr Gwin Blair firmn Gymnasium The e Gwilliam Pres, } and Building Ma Dealers MATERIAL , Washington a Lumber & Goal« Retail! SHINGLES, Lawyer, 625-629 pl, Tel 2079-W. ) i ~ p ee eee ‘ : Bakeries / Lumber Wholesale | | \ 446. ’ | ids ge | Co. & H. W. GWILLIAM, President iy WE Ti: t D & COAL CO, H W All Kinds of Goal : meh i] ; & Rm mlnr Wright’s MInry Dept r 454 Gpo W, Pres Gwilliam Lumber & Goal, HENRY AM LUMBER C Gwilliam Mgr, hagweacae i } Lunch R | CO's ©, Mgr Gwilliam "870 23d, Tel 414. GWILLI Gwilliam Ant hwnug ee Me ie U & Decorating Co. | = WALL PAPER -PAINT--GLASS 2318 POLK System pumper HENRY |} GWILLIAM ia eh Wide i, i H L. TSTRATF ORD Avenue 2308 Van Buren av, Tel 3188-M. Gwilliam Mrs Jane ope weit a! ie Hil oh Gwilliam } yal (eth. | Thos Hotel. 7 Ld i aN | i ee a R. Guyon : ew | 204 | sagen" ue : = | 4 > an ! i‘ STO "2087 Washington Avena? } ane eT OGDEN ; alin inci . tga | cnc alr a eR ome} ee Sr ul oF a Me o— |