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Show SHAW ALL 2065 410 Becker Products Company | Phone 157 Drink | mi | I i i Tt Hi {ih | iii Pigg (MM f it quip ersr {Ati hone , if Hi Oniige- CRUSH Becker Products Company Phone 158 COAL BOYLE'S CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TELEPHONE 699 R. POLK & “EVERYTHING CO’S OGDEN Richins Hilda b 1018 Wash, av. Richins Ina student b 1018 Wash av. Richins Jos:O r’ 946 46th. Richins Roland CG delmn S& P rms 2244 Ogden av. Riehmond John C brkmn §$ P r 60 Argyle Apts. Richmond John C formn r 2117 Lincoln av. Richmond Thos W waiter r 663 21St. Richter Annie (wid Fred) rms 1720 Wash av. Richter Otto F jan Central Jr High Schl r 1741 River dr. Ricketts Arch H cond S Pr 2771 Wash av. Ricketts Gardell lab r 263 21st. Ricketts John lab Globe G & M Co r 365 22d. Ricketts Ruth emp Nat Pkg Corp. Ricks Mrs Della G drsmkr r 531 24th. Ricks Edwd F gdnr State Ind Schl r same. Ricks Grace tehr State Indl Schl r same. Rico Guadalupe lab S P Rico Jose lab O U R-& D Co. Riddiough Chas R elk OU R & D Co b 19 Marylyn Apts. Riddiough Fern student b 19 Marylyn ‘Apts. Riddiough Frank T moved to Denver. Riddiough John T insp OU R & D Co rms Broom Hotel. Riddiough Mrs Sarah A r 19 Marylyn Apts. Riddle John lab Amal Sugar Co. Rider Geo lab rms 128 25th. RIDGE ALICE M, M D, Physician and Surgeon, 46-47 Lewis Blk, Tel 155-W, Office Hours 10 to 12 am, 2’to 5 mm Sundays (cabola STONE & KINDS OF GOOD Washington Avenue and Evenings by Appointment, r 3065 W ashing= tom lav, Tel.165-I. Ridges Eugene C tckr Madison Schl b 3162 Adams av. Ridges Helen M elk Williams Mus Co b 3162 Adams av. Ridges J Harris mech Wattis-Kimball b 3162 Adams av. Ridges Lawrence W musn r 2552 Porter av. Ridges Lowell chfr b 3162 Adams av. Ridges Wilford O prin Wash Jr High Schl r 3162 Adams av. Ridges W Owen b 3162 Adams av. Riding Earl moved to Salt Lake City. Riding Richd rms 2438 Madison av. Rigby H L r Hooper. Rigby Pearl maid 1538 25th. Riggs Optical Co A G Eckenbrecht mgr 516 First Nat Bank Bldg Rigley Frank lab Am P & P Co r 1952 Stephens av. Rigley Frank ir b 1952 Stephens av. Rigley Harvey student b 1952 Stephens av. Riley Cath b 2820 Lincoln av. Riley Dixe W hsemother Utah Schl D & B. Riley Emily J (wid John) r 205 28th. Riley Geo P lab r 260 26th. Riley Hannah Riley Riley r £73 27th. Hugh E mgr Schramm-Johnson Ida nurse Dee Hosp. ; r 2628 Liberty av. J. A. McCulloch Agency REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS Office Telephone 301 Residence Tel. 2814=-Jd OFFICE UNDER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ——— FOR CITY THE HOME” ——, DIRECTO — RY 1924 411 RILEY JAMES H, 1st V-Pres Nat Bank of Commerce, r Lincoln av, Tel 269. Riley Jos RelnrO UR & D Cor 241 Patterson. Riley Mary A r 173 27th. Riley Verna clk E C Rich b 205 28th. Riley Winifred b 2820 Lincoln av. 15 Lincoln Apts. Rima Ora rms Rindlisback Albt mach § P r rear 2259 Monroe av. Rineberger. Dorothy clk r 521: Plaza Apts. Rineberger Maria laund U P Lndry b 521 Plaza Apts. Ringel Jos B rms 2839 Childs av. Rinko Manuel lab r 2275 Grant av. Rippe Ellsworth lab rms 2518 Lincoln av. Ririe Afton J student b 2050 Adams av. Ririe Alex farmer r 2050 Adams av. Ririe Annie B died Apr 15 °23 age 50. Ririe Eileen died Jan 7 ’23 age 18. Ririe Floyd H student b 2050 Adams av. Ririe Jos sec-treas Union Constn Co r 2670 Monroe ay. Ririe Lettie A b 2670 Monroe av. Ririe Milton J student b 2670 Monroe av. Ririe Olin H elk b 2050 Adams av. Riser Sarah L (wid Orson) r 813 25th. Rishton 4 S moved to Salt Lake Mary (wid Patk) rms 965 22d. Roach Thos F repr S P rms 965 22d. meee F A hlpr Shupe-Williams. Oark Blanche (wid Osear.J) hemstitching Robb Alex Cr Bs | AE § Robb Alfd Robb Bernice Robb Robb Robb Robb T. lab G b 586 steno 13th. Paine & Hurst b 586 Burton C clk Smalley Bros b 586 Clayton student b 586 13th. Jos B cond S P r 243 28th. Mongomery L mer Burton imp Co W. JENSEN, Pres-Mgr . C. | 2450 Wash Av. ‘‘ From Sales Agents OGDEN PORTLAN? CEMENT co. FRED UNION PORTLAND CEMENT | BUILDING Specialties r 46 Arevle HOME Apts. Hee 13th. 13th. r 586 13th. SCHADE, Producer to Consumer” 915 ECCLES BUILDING Sec-Treas.. Economy Butter Shop | “ummm SALES CO. City. Rishton Ruth maid 2540 Eccles av. Ritchie see also Richey and Richie. M r Riverdale. Ritter Edith Ritter Gertrude b Riverdale. Ritter Mrs Martha L Cily and County Matron r Riverdale. Ritter Ralph H lab U P & L Co r Riverdale. A firltr S P. Rivas Leon Riverdale School Riverdale. Riverdale Store (W J Greaser) Riverdale. Riverdale Wd Mtge Hse Riverdale. Rivers see Rhivers. RIVERSIDE SECOND HAND STORE (I V Alvord), Furniture, Hardware, Tools and Paint, Repair Shop in Connection, 1800 Washington av, Tel 826. Roach John lab r 2554 Lincoln av. Roach j David 2820 Tel. 542 |