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Show A oy ao* 501 ECCLES BUILDING|| __ TELEPHONE 425 |f “ | National SURETY BONDS, FIRE, ACCIDENT LIABILITY AND BURGLARY Bank FEDERAL RESERVE ‘ih Mi I Hi hi mil mp tltty | BUSINESS Let Us Help YOU with Your WIRING and LIGHTING Problems EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL . Rulon § surfacer Riggs Optical Co WHERE CHILDREN ii YOU BUY AND 2355 WASHINGTON RIGHT WOMEN’S ‘‘Watch b 307. 8th. Our FURNISHINGS TELEPHONE 31 or Taylor W Lucile student b 854 Wash ay. Taylor W Russell b Farr West. Taylor W Walter supt Hylton Flour Mills r 3040 Porter av. Taysom Henry € lab U P & L Co r 203 W 21st. Teachman Mrs Nellie r 2539 Grant av. Tearl Geo lab rms 144 25th. Teeter Harry Lswehmn OUR & D Cor 2818 Pinegrece av. Teets Apartments 2634 Quincy av. ‘Teets Pursell E eng r 2634 Quincy av. Telford Bryant slsmn r 243 22d. Telford Chas H farmer r Plain City. Telford Nellie elk rms 941 20th. Telford Sterling D dep Sanitary Insp r 2979 Porter av. Telford Wm R vr W Weber. Telleson Christina (wid Frank) r 3175 Quincy av. Telleson Grover W (Ogden Sheet Metal Wks) r 37th and Riverdale rd. Telleson Jacob N mach § P. Telleson John lab rms 148 W Patterson. Telleson Lillie b 3175 Quincey av. Telleson Peter H mach § P bh 3175 Quincey av. Temmar Peter jan r 3234 Wall av. Fen Krink Abram painter r 2475 G av. Tenney Raymond Tennissen Tenth Wd Tenth Wd L clk T H Carr Pharmacy John hipr § P. iAmusement Hall 1625 Wash Mtg Hse 1625 Wash av. r 22 Avalon Apts. av. ee Ci E. Armstrong & Co. Sporting Goods, Photographic Supplies, Developing Johnson Bicycles, Edison Talking Machines, Arms and : and Printing, tver Ammunition, Franco Lights with Radie Butte ies, Nedaks, Radio Supplies, 26th Street 306 Westinghouse : @ieses, Teys, Mas, | | THE DESERET NEWS’ Devoted to is Delivered | Promotion in GQ@DEN a ARI oa Ogden of Each GFFICE, the Interests Evening OZy-E6Le 4sul4 Windows” AV. Tayl Co. in of Ogden Time BASEMENT for and Early REED the Whole Evening MOTEL State Reading ung | Taylor-Wright . 33gS 26th. Richd porter W H Staker r 135 W Binford. Richd C coal oil insp City Hall r 1165 25th. Riley KE r Farr West. Ropers Srv 18th, Rollo supvr Utah Schl D & B rms. same. Rollo J b Plain ‘Citv. Rosetta b 2201 Jackson av. YO r 1059 Liberty SNOHd livestk Co b 2614 22d. ak: Chad Reuben, W 622 R M rms Ray Hotel. Sarah b Farr West. ‘Faylor Sarah J (wid Pleasant G) r Harrisville. ‘Faylor School Taylor. ‘Baylor Selena M r Plain City. Faylor Spencer C r 459 32d. Taylor Stanley lab Utah Gang Co b 2851 Reeves av. Taylor S P.lab Amal Sugair Co b 3377 Childs av. ‘Taylor Mrs ‘Thelma r 8-2346 Wash av. = havior Thelma b Plain City, 6%. Daylor Thos E swehmn rms 2-276 28th. Taylor Thurman P hb Harrisville. Taylor Timothy agt Beneficial Life r 706 29th. ‘Taylor Thos H emp G A Lowe Co r 450 30th. ‘Taylor Vera b 460 29th. Vavlor Vera tehbr Madison Sehl b 7466 26th. Tavlor Vernon W whsmn Scoville Paper Co b 268 4th. Taylor Violet L. emp Amer Linen Co fb 854. Wash av. Taylor Vivian A confr Riverdale r same. Taylor Waltar hipr S P r 3464 Grant, av. Taylor Walter E brkmn §S P r 3007 Wall av. Mtge Hse Taylor. Taylor Wd Tavlor Warren L dairy r Harrisville. Taylor Wilford J farmer r Harrisville. r 2034 Wash av. Taylor Win chf clk D & RG W Taylor Wm hipr r 2040 Monroe av. inspO U R&D Co r 744 Ogden av. Taylor Wm U Pr 2614 Liberty av. Taylor WmAeng 'A farmer’r Farr West. Taylor Wm Taylor Wm A metal wkr r 1609 Wash av. y Flash 1 Woolworth pitt ita | an to Taylor 8 clk F W SHYSQNIIS BUILDING Princess Raymond A cond U Pr Reed b 854 Wash av. Taylor Wm A spl agt r 275 21st. Taylor Wm CG slsmn rms 2563 Adams av. ‘Taylor Wm H v-pres Union Constn Co r Harrisville. Tayldr Wm'L cond S P r 2748 Brinker av. Taylor Winford student b 956 Rushton. TAYLOR - WRIGHT CO. C H Wright Pres, W S Wright Mgr, Women’s and Children’s Apparel, 2355 Washington av, Tel 31. (See adv.). sAudg 0} ssoui sng ung si} ‘SHSQNIIA SNOHd HO 33S ‘ 97e4Sy /eoy 0} Huluiequod u OUUPW TTIW Ul NOA Aug 0} Ss} SsouIsng ECGLES ig 431 SYHSACNITS Base 006 ASSET DIRECTORY — 1924 "Ajuodoud NOA soueunsu]‘ suvo7] obebywow Printing Mailing Addressing i ih | CITY OD Stenography LIGHTING ‘OGDEN Norma G tehr rms 1086 Doxey. Norval G hipr Jackson & Pace Co b 934 Rushton. Olive clk rms 234 23d. Mrs Olive jan S P r 2658 Wall av. Orrin b Farr West. Parley P r Plain City. Parley P dairy b Harrisville. Peter C repr S P rms-rear 2071 Adams av. jeuolzeN SALES LETTERS’ Hil | ey CO’S ‘pig Advertising Multigraphing Mimeographing Mil & LOLL MILL” DIRECT .Phorie’690 POLK | ——__—__. Bp The LETTER L. SAVINGS i Yueg Service Co. Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Tavlor Taylor Taylor Tavlor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Tavlor Taylor Taylor R. | | AND Y¥YOoOLTWVAY 480 AVENUE COMMERCIAL SYSTEM aah Commercial of Commerce 2453 WASHINGTON MEMBER SNOHd J. M. Forristall |