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Show 66. Fundamentals of Finishing and Adjustments. A theory course dealing with the adjusting of watches to both position and time. Special emphasis on the finishing and polishing of the watch case and its effect on the public is also studied. Five quarter hours. Winter. McCormac DEPARTMENT OF WELDING The curriculum in welding is designed to prepare a student for apprenticeship training as a welder. The Department of Welding is equipped to give instruction in fusion and bonding of metals using both oxygen, acetylene and electric arc methods. Courses are planned for a transfer as well as for a terminal student. CURRICULUM Welding (Pre-Apprentice) Freshman Year A. W. S. English 81 3 Mathematics 81, 82 5 4 Orientation 11 2 Physical Education 1 1 1 Technical Education 81, 84 3 3 Technical Education 91, 92 2 2 Welding 51, 52, 53 5 5 5 Welding 61, 62, 63 5 5 5 19 19 19 Sophomore Year A. W. S. Economics 81 3 Health Education 1 2 Physical Education Ill Sociology 81 3 Technical Education 87 2 Technical Education 93, 94, 96 2 2 3 Welding 54, 55, 56 5 5 5 Welding 64, 65, 66 5 5 5 17 16 17 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Shop Practice 51. Elementary Acetylene Welding. A course for those with little or no training in acetylene welding. The student is taught how to set up an apparatus, secure balanced flame, reducing flame, oxydizing flame; how to control molten puddle and uniform puddle across work with uniform overlap of ripples; how to make uniform bead with torch and filler rod; also how to join pieces of metal up to one-fourth inch, by butt weld, fillet weld, and lap welding processes. Five quarter hours. Autumn. Staff 52. Elementary Acetylene Welding (Continued). Training on pipe welding of different sizes; T-welds, butt and fillet welds; also steel welding of heavier gauge, brazing of different thicknesses, joining dissimilar metals together, and silver soldering. Some cast iron welding is given. Five quarter hours. Winter. Staff 53. Elementary Acetylene Welding (Continued). A continuation of the skills learned in Welding 51 besides light aluminum welding. Repair jobs of a small nature are encouraged to develop welding skills in a new light such as putting parts back into useful operation. Some metal welding and hard surfacing are given. Five quarter hours. Spring. Staff 54. Elementary Arc Welding. Arc welding of different gauge sheet steel. Striking the arc, controlling the head, selecting amperage and proper rod for the job, joining two pieces together by butt weld. Fillet weld and lap weld are skills mastered in course. Five quarter hours. Autumn. Staff 55. Elementary Arc Welding (Continued). Arc welding of vertical, horizontal and overhead welding, along with welding heavy gauge steel. Some cast iron and pipe welding. Five quarter hours. Winter. Staff 56. Elementary Arc Welding (Continued). Continuation of skills learned in Welding 54. Welding of heavy structural steel, welding of heavy castings, stainless steels and steel alloys. Five quarter hours. Spring. Staff Trade Technical 61. Elementary Acetylene Welding. The scope and application of oxy-acetylene flame. Historical development and processes of manufacturing oxygen and acetylene. The oxy-acetylene flame. Equipment for the welding process. Set up and operation of equipment, along with general precaution in welding and cutting work are discussed and studied. Welding rods and their applications. Five quarter hours. Autumn. Staff |