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Show MUNICIAP T, COURP _ STATE Game Commissioner—F W Dairy aie Food Ins ector—Hebe Chemist—-Herman Barna. \ STATE ity. Judges—J E man, W M Terms—The at the and Salt Frick, Chief Justice; E E CorfMcCarthy. Supreme Court shall be held of the State and _ shall DISTRICT JUVENILE Judicial Fairview Apartments—579-587 27th. Mole Apartments—-2331 Adams Pearl Apartments—2705-2711 Peery Apartments—-w s Adams av. Grant av nr Industrial mile n e of in Apartments—3343 Washington Points. Henry V-Pres; F M Driggs, av, S Army E A S 201 . Plain Office—City 25th. Hall. Seventh Day—469 Pastor. Sergt T Corn, STATES n w cor City. Ogden. Geo Short- Rev First—2359 Grant av. Pastor. Wall Av—2701 Wall av. ley, Pastor. M A Hollister, St P First—780 First 24th. open from 8 am to 7pm. Wm Browning, Postmaster; R A Garner, Asst Postmaster. — Station A—-200 Washington av. Rev A F J Lowe, Billings- Mrs Stella av. Culp Kev Tripp, Reader. OF JESUS CHRIST DAY SAINTS. Office, ffice G Joseph’s—24th n e cor*Adams M Cushnahan, Rector. CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST. North av. Rev CATHOLIC. CHURCH POSTOFFICE. Grant. 29th. BAPTIST. af 24th and 20th, ADVENTIST. Ma UNITED Cemetery—North Humphrey, Navy Recruiting Sta—2408 Washington av, Lieut Edwin Guthrie in chg. ' Cemetery—Plain and CHURCHES. A Sta—-336 Bldg. City Weber 429 OF Lewis Watson, 816 W Stake. Eccles Bldg. Counselors, Shurtliff; Alva LATTER- Stake. 24th. Ward Evert Clerk, Scoville; Meeting METHODIST PRESBYTERIAN. e 4501 24th. cor Industrial Dept, 25th. Salvation Army—255 Hotel Hoyt CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS Eagles’ Club—2421-2427 Club—2527 F Rev F G Brainerd, G Brainerd, Grant ARMY 2, Lincoln Circle No 10 0 F Hall. and 2, REPUBLIC. P Ladies’ Freight TY “ ’ a Hall. Labor W Demurrage S av. av. R C—I of the Club—rear American L Grant 3—Union No Corps SOCIETIES. AND OF THE No (i-R 25th. 257 Agency, and Emp in charge. Post Wash Sunday Union Memorial Taylor Margaret School—519 W_ 24th. OS Rev B CHRIST Mission—282714 Buddhist ae Inter-Mountain CONGREGATIONAL. E os MISCELLANEOUS. Hellenic Warren—warren. West. Ogden—W Ogden. West Warren—Warren. West Weber-——W Weber. Wilson—wWilson la. J Presiding Elder N L Booker, av. Wash Dix- Leen Hal Taylor—Taylor. Rev REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. Dix-Logan City. Rev av. Wash Park—3111 Central Carver, Pastor. av s First—Adams Carver, Pastor. GRAND Riverdale—Riverdale. Slaterville—Slaterville. av. First-—-2464 Adams Pastor Points. Second—Five Pastor. EPISCOPAL. Rev /C R Garver, Pastor. 24th. First—-454 JIwWwuH Rev av. Pingree African—2817 Morris, Pastor. Elks’ av. O-A Rev 23d. Evangelical—575 Swedish Hanson, Pastor. Houses. odue74 26th. Ftno!-9199 Madison av. 5th++2580 Madison av. 6th—-682 23d. Wth—478 13th, 8th—506 7th. 9th—3104 Porter av. 16th. cor s w av 40th—-Wash 41th—342 31st. 42th—2604 Jackson av. Farr West—Farr West. Huntsville—Huntsville. Lynne—31 Harrisville rd. s 12th, 2 mi w Wash Marriott—n North Ogden—N Ogden. City—Plain Leesmann, BH Rev 23d. Paul’s—582 Pastor. DoF O G 242 A R— 25th. Bureau—-U P, Depots. av. Grant Assn—2480 Japanese Inter-Mtn i Col Hudson Bldg. K C K Club—403 Utah floor Club—top Matrons and Maids Nat Bank Bldg. Masonic Club—2550 Wash av. Nat Bank Coml Assn—s Plumbers’ Master Bldg. Mountain View ington av. Cemetery Assn—2482 Toe President, Jas Wotherspoon; Counselors, John Vv Bluth and Francis ‘Ww Stratford; Clerk, David W Evans. EVANGELICAL. St Wards——Clinton, F E Mitchell; Geo Kanesville, R_ Beus; Jas Ensign; H_ Datus First, Ogden Green; Ogden McQuarrie; Robt Second, ‘Ogden Wilford Ninth, Ogden Ure; ‘Fifth, Jas W A Nathan Eleventh, Ogden Ridges; ie B WheelThos Ogden Twelfth, Tanner; Roy, ; wright; Riverdale, Adam A Bingham Jos W Weber, South P Brown; Martin .Fife; Uintah, Alma T Keys. Plain ne Shepherd—24th Good of The Church Fleetwood, W W Rev av. cor ae Rect St, Paul’ 's—_Plain City. Fuller ; Neuteboom. budua City Cemetery—bet 19th Madison and Adams avs. Ogden. ne Recruiting John Section. Mountain View Cemetery—bet 33d 35th, Jefferson and Madison avs. en in chg. S Bureau of Crop Estimates—Federal Bldg. E C Paxton, Field Agt. S Dept of Agriculture (Bureau Animal Industry )——Federal Bldg. E D Kennedy, Insp in chg. U S Dept Agriculture (Forest Service)— 201 24th. L F Kneipp, dist forester. U S_Internal Revenue Collector—W R McBride dep, 360 24th. US president, CEMETERIES. the Blind— M Babcock, R A Moyes, Stumpf in chg. Referee in Bankruptcy—S Federal Office, LOAN — OFFICERS in ee dg S Weather av. % Gardner, N A Tanner, Supt. STATES Located S Army Federal av. 25th. Bishops of Hooper, Union UNITED Classified A Geo Wards-—Eden, Thos Law- A M Liberty, J L peterson; ‘Huntsville, Bingham; Francis Middleton, Ferrin; Ogden ; Barker ick Freder Ogden, North Owen Sixth, Ogden E A Olsen; Fourth, A wm Seventh, Ogden Sonderson; M ; Rawson W_ W Eighth, Ogden Budge; Ogden T Rhees; Reuben View, Pleasant Thirteenth, John H Jenkins. Weber See School—Washington Five Walsh, of Bishops EPISCOPAL. LUTHERAN. Bldg. Eccles Counselors Thos B Evans; President, Clerk, Hoyt; Timothy€ McKay, rence A Van Dyke. Gunnell, Ogden. : Treas; Geo A Goates, Sec Utah School for the Deaf ata 20th cor Monroe av. Maud - Pres; Mrs E F Corey, Sec; Treas; Rone 26th. 27th. Stake. 816-817 Office, 439 INSTITUTIONS. Located Utah and _ Herrick av. Astill Apartments—2266 Wash av. Avon Apartments—921 25th. Browning Apartments—2703-2711 Wash av. Carver Apartments—539 22d. Corey Apartments—2560 Washington av. Wright Cc Ogden FLATS. av Se h and COURT. District—V STATE Pres; John it AND Wash BUILDING, SAVINGS AND ASSOCIATIONS. i k HOUSES Apartments—-2640 Ivy Apartments—-418-430 Lueaton Apartments—-231 COURT. Judicial District—A E Pratt Agee, Judges; S P Dobbs, atty. Second Judge APARTMENT Argyle ishops ige: Lynne, Jardine; H Wm Taylor, Slater; A -Jas Ogden, West T Wayment; Warren, Wm Geo Weber, West Walker; Ww Fredk m. Bingha A Edwin , Wilson ; A Heslop Lake convene and hold’ three terms .in each year, viz: On the second Mondays of February, May and October. The Court may adjourn from time to time, as it may deem proper. - Second A W J Carr, , gden Terminal Railway Post Office—Bri hohe Bldg. -E H Dunsmore, Clerk Bldg, Moroni West -Wards—Farr of Brown; D R Richd Harrisville, Thos tt, -Marrio r; Sherne W L B RichE Powell; Ogden Third, Myron P Terry; ardson; Ogden Tenth, Timothy Slaterv ille, Plain City, Gilbert Thatcher; COURT. County Capitol r _ City co 15 CHURCHES OFFICERS—-CHURCHES Station 1-—2479 Washington av. Station 2—2401 Washington av. Station cs mae av. oe 4—101 ; y chiefMai Ck, W Servinetiveseral B ldg. Cham- JUDICIARY. SUPREME ieee S. Se eeand GOVERNMENT—U. ee 14 MUNICIPAL AL CURT, wash-* |