OCR Text |
Show ‘OGDEN PORTLAND CEMENT M UJ A PHY Grocery & Drug Compan , es WHOLESALE ONLY Groceries, Drugs, Cigars, Importers & Roasters of Fine Coffees || 2435-41 HUDSON ne AV. ) UTAH ‘Auto Top OGDEN, UTAH 306 R. L. POLK Opheikens Mrs Jansje, r 1863 Opheikens Jens, lab, r 588 2d. Opheikens Opperman Trimming Co. Mfrs. of Automobile Tops Seats Covers Side Curtains Cushions, Etc. 427 23rd & CO.’S Park John, lab, b 1863 Park Mrs Georgia, rms 1960 ay. Oppman Rose, died Dec ORACLE THEATRE, Photo Plays and Oram ington av. David, b 2930 19) 4b aoe BO” Adams . Oram Jos H, blksmth, r 3120 ay. Oram Wm R, swchmn O UR Grant av. 3 &D Co, r 2930 Adams ay. Orchard Station, SL &O Ry, 3 mi north. Order of Railway Employes, O’Regan Geo, plstr, r rear 313Ogden Div No 41, Eagles Hall. 27th. OREGON LUMBER CO, David C Eccles Pres-Gen Mgr, George Romney V-Pres, Charles T Karly Sec-T 621 Eccles Bldg, Tel 2761. OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD W H Chevers and Tkt Agt, 2 inside back cover ) reas, Lumber Mfrs. Co aceon reine eer mannan ecarEaneeneET NER Realty and Brokerage Co. _ Real Estate Fire Insurance and Loans Business Opportunities | and Investments Basement Utah National Bank Tel. ae 913 Commissary Bldg, Union Depot, Tel Exch 2500-19. jO’Reilly Annie, nurse, 2341 Madison av, rms same. Orell Chas L, firmn § P Co, r 2120 Royal av. ORIENT INS CO (Hartford, Conn) , Federal Land Co Agts, 416 24th. aici Necay CO (Hartford), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wa ington av. Ormiston Francis W, firmn S Ormsbee Wm H, swehmn § P PCo,Co, r 2361 Jefferson av. rms 213% 25th. Orpheum Block, 2514-2524 Wash av. ORPHEUM CANDY CO (Andrew and Fine Confectionery and Ice Cream Parlor James Karas), s, 2522 Washi ae 1941-J. (See left bottom lines, left side ngton av, lines an adv). Orpheum Theatre, Grand Opera House Co proprs, J F Gos mgr, 2520 Wash av. Orpheum Theatre Orchestra, Frank Jaggers leader, Orpheum heatre. Orr Jos, lab, rms Central Hotel. Orr Lewis, carp § P Co, r 2552 Orsel Nanno (Riverdale Dairy), Butler av. r 3319 Wall av. Orton, see also Horton. Orton Chas E, hlpr § P Co, b Jos Orton. Orton Delbert, lab, b Jos Orton. Orton Ellen A, b Jos Orton. Orton Esther, b H J Orton. Orton Francis H, insp S P Co, r Orton Fred, farmer, b H J Orton.473 4th. | Jogalong Transfer Co.| MOVING VANS, STORAGE 328! Twenty-Fifth Street AND FURNITURE PACKING Telephone 283 CITY 307 DIRECTORY—1917. |: C. GENERAL SURETY BONDS ae Orton Jos, r N Ogden. Orton. " . J Orton Jos A, ceca rton, Leon, b rms Co, Meat R, ctr Ind Osborne Albt L, hlpr Angus Kennedy, Osborne Geo, lab, r 552 27th. E, aud horns Osborne Osborne Osborne Osborne Osborne Overland Lbr 2482 Washington Ave. ae SG b 2011 clk Wright’s, ‘ Orton Thos BE, clk Last & Thomas, Orton Wm, farmer, b Z ; Orton. Orton. lab, b Jos ie hae Herrick 428 av. b 2665 Wall Co, rms av. 654 24th. aan wea weeny janOL&I,r1314 ft ay Lambeth, chef Angus Kennedy, r Lillian E, b 2665 Wall a fies Ruth F, student, b 2665 Wa CEN as) Thos §, propertymn, r 2953 Bie Wie ah Walter C, enor ee ie 4 ay 2, ’ . Too CoaneLIN G. Dentist, $21 Eccles Bldg, Tel 511, 1026 24th, Tel a ere : ee Shau . Bence ay ee OUR&D Co, rms eee pee Osmond Walter J, ee a Oy.T Hall, Cigars and Confectionery, ey os gg Se 24th, rms same. Otello Mrs Gertrude, clk, r 446 are i oe oT ee : 7 pone Sa ellie, Mee : ae Gis 1 cae me rms , eek Ons Ivy ee ee ° Cz Armstrong Co. r 361 bcos a Bc troct Anais B, dour Utah Schl D and B, rms 2546 Ada Overstreet ania Grace B, matron Clesely Connocted with TANNERS AND PULLERS Tboth East and West elephone 781-W 0 Utah Vi s R UJ @ x Schl D and B. N y A Ri P Dealer in Hides, Pelts Always in the Market at Top Bove: _ e ee Ogden State Ban peer 2263- 4 KODAKS Supplies and Finishing Bicycles ae 2841. Tel Sporting : Goods Playerphones Apts. ea an V_Pres R E Boyd Sec-Mgr, C H B Seybert Treas, Retail Yards 24th and Wall av, Tel 470 ( en Bldg, 3 AGENCY CO. Orton Hyrum J, farmer, r N Ogden. Luella, NY ‘Tel. 1941] INSURANCE Ave. 2522 Washington Sion OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD DINING CAR & HOTEL SERVICE, F Gentsch Supt, Wm OGDEN OGDEN’S LEADING CONFECTIONER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ICE CREAM DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF CITY CHILI AND TAMALES, HOT UOCOA, ETC. £ y Clarence Wheelwright Wigr, Univers al Famous L-K-O Comedies, 2476 Wash- V Rockefeller Chf Clk, Bushnell en —— Orpheum Candy Co. S av. Steele av. OPPMAN BENJAMIN, Pres R & O Quali ty Shop and Real Estate 352 25th, r Reed Hotel, Tel 65. | CONCRETE GOOD FOR ey Tallow, Beeswax & Furs Wall Avenue and Supplies 306 25th St. ll |