OCR Text |
Show ee a — MURPHY SsceeeCozomy] WHOLESALE aa ONL Y Groceries, Drugs, Cigars, Importers & Roasters of 2435-41 HUDSON AV. Fine Coffees OGDEN, 482 R. HAY a (See ANDGRAIN. i Flour also ba and L. POLK | Feed). Co, 2246 ‘tai al hla / Automobile fi *HEA TING ae AND Seats Lewis, under Utah Nat (for 23 “HIDES, PELTS AND FuRs, ushnell : | Realty B okera i” Co mgt , @ & Loans Busin: ess fr eene ; r oe ” ; maar 33114 Wall av. MFRS C, 427 Wash ay pees ; : ||Ogden Tent & Awning Co, 2268 Wash av. Bros Co, ’ 330-340 24th. HORSESHOERS. Opportunit:ies (See also Blacksmiths,) and Investments |] central Horseshoei ng Shop, 2341 Hudson av. Christy John, 24th. Erickson James,221 2247 av. B t irnstrom Peter, 2216 Wash See asement Russelamsen l & LC. jj Russ Donald9048" son, 285 ash ay. i: Bank 913 Wack aw Brown-Carlson-Treseder 2421 2 , Kimura Buchmiller & rs Co, 2425 av. Nye Fred M Co,Flowe 2409-2411 Wash Wash av. Wash av. er ‘ 132% Boyle : Sais She. 25th. 308 é 2 A, 166 857 Seu 24th. av. 368 Furniture Co, Christensen ee "isk ae 24th. | i 362 24th. , E R, and Plant 5 ,-XPRESS_AND BAGGAGE—MOVING Twenty-Fifth Street VANS Telephone 283 ‘ : BONDS 2482 W as hi ing t on Utah 409 J Bank Bldg. vee Fire), 416 24th. Eccles ‘Bldg. (Accident, ro Fire, CAN CAN R G, 416 mogdard ce in Goddard H Boiler) Dine eed C oaen H (Fire H Burglary, 405 (Fire). iy’ ae Eccles Bia FREEZE IW Lincoln ream Ave. O KODA 7 KS = i 315 and Always in the Market Ogden State Bank Dealer in Hides, Pelts 2269 Tallow, Beeswax & Furs Wall2263-Ave nue OGDEN, UTAH Player phones ° Bicy d Supplcles and = Dainties and inichi Finishing nc ay Ice Cream Phones ms ing Supplies james rae Q. MI. RUNYAN “2 stete _ po Goods —— | r Sporti ANYTHING \ Connocted with ae Co “ (Fire, General), TY See Armstrong (See a eee Soe Life 3 = 2562 Wash av. Jenson David Co (Gene 405 Eccles Bldg Kelly R M (General), ral), base Reed Hotel. Kinds of Frozen East and West C Bldg. Mae eee eae Hunter RP Husse y Eccles : Exclusive Manufacturers of Pure “NotOl Just Just As Good But Better ” 2456 SURETY AGENTS, ' a . Caterers, Extracts, Ice Cream , and Soda Fountain: Supplies Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Ice Cream Sherbets and All Office a INSURANCE Gol Hudson Bldg. C, ~elevator, Geary ce ; The Only ; C0 GENERAL Health, Life, Plate Glass, Steam Boiler, Under writers), 2438 Wash, av. RNISHING GOoDs. rown J eat roerieralt av. TR | av. @oOoDs. Nat Gorry J P, 215 Eccles Bldg. av. 330 Annex, Clesely $28 247414 WE 25th. , Bushnell | rao” 2333 Wash av. flerrick © J & Co ‘Inc, 2340 Wash av. Ogden Furn & Carpet Co, 2422-34 oe New Brigham Hotel, Wall av and 24th. New Healy Hote , 100 York Rooming House, Newda G ar ee eT eee Purinida e General), Lah smoc — Alvg, ooe ianerage, 95, (Auto! cma odes tens Hudson av. ane Wash av. Ogden Transfer & Stor Richardson-Hunt Co, 2419Co, 2340 Grant av. Wash ay, -Incoln Hotel, Lon Star sRooming 23d. é House, 316 25th. Mae cundberg M 202 934. Marion Hotel, B, 25th w cor Lincoln av. Martin D A E, 2417 n Grant ay. Matsui S, 263 Miyah H K, 214 924th. 24th. Mole Apts, 2331 Adans av. , | Montana Montg omeryHouse, Enhma, $447 25th. ; Grant ay. le Rooms, Wright et : 127 ‘25th, Whipple Wilson Bani : Linco ln STOCKS. ree Lincoln Wingrove A C, 221424th.Wash ; Y, 2430 Rooms, : *HOUSE FU n ay. knight Hotel, 2354Lincol Grant, ay, Cottage Legal rande New House, 2409 Victor Hotel, 2510 Linco . Rr Naterds John, 26th. ‘ational Outftg 280 Go, 2345 Wash ay. 369 22d. Hotel, av. ag SUPPLIES. Inc, 2456 INSTALLMENT : Mae Hotel 2466 "Wasn ay. | Weber Linco Hogle J A & Co, 2409 Hudson av. av. ln av, Virginia The, 469 24th. 4th Walker House, 2525 Lincoln av. . 4 ‘ 2203 “Wash ay. S505 Gomceteen av. Hotel, Co “INDUSTRIAL . van, Ness Hotel, 15044sville25th. Verleen Rmg he Ice Cream av. n Depot. viah Hotel, : 2456 Ogden City Ice Co, 2379 Huds on av. swanson Helen, 2468 Grant’ ay. syimar The, 526 25th, rautston Hotel, Hunts ville. Teonn geDepoK A, 2422 Adam Unio t Hotel, Unio s av. | va Inc, NYE , Independence I Co, 2230 Wall ay. | James Coal & CIce & Co, 2230 Wall av. Jones M L Coal & Ice Co, 2240 Wall ay. all ay Wall 25th. ay. rant Co C MFRS. ICE DEALERS. Lincoln , Cream *ICE CREAM Brown 95th. 1, 663 25th. LM, Stephens Stone pe S a «oti, Hotel National, 249 25th Jensen H C, 2363 Adams. av. Ratatat Co, , av. Shepherd E M, 2220 Lincoln ‘ay. 2303 ee ashington Hotel Wall ice 483 CREAM ln Gerd ing Cand Crea m Co, 1874-6 Wash av. Orpheum Ice y Co, 2522 Wash av. Uintah Dairy & Farm Co, 3667 Wash ay. 25th. Sherer Mary, . : Grant av. The Jenets tape 2548 Brown ay. e. 24th Hotel, 2424 Wm, 20514 . Hotel, 959 St yPaul Hotel, , 4312 24th. Glohe The, iis 462 acne OR. ey 283 25th. Salvation Army Hotel, 259 25th. Saville Hotel , 2446 Grant “a, ort ICE 25th. 427 House, Rex Hotel, 22514 Royal av. Hotel Kennedy yo (eaek, Canyon. Lucerne.’ 2470 Hudson Apiarists. BLANKETS. Read J G & Utah National Aan DIRECTORY—1917. Raym 25th Reed ond Hotel The411-offs 421 95th ; QOms, 268 ia % Se Hagoromo HONE Y Aptani DEALE RS. Sob es ee *HORSE 1 Fife $1 ; Hot Pretti ‘ ae Lincon y ay Bees j 217 House, Iné Hotel, popla r View Heights, 437 Ogden 24th.Canyon, . 95th BUSINESS 25th. House, Rooming Pas Rooming _{ 224th. 204 179 Ono Fuku , Linco Ono Kyodtaro ln o, 24652457Linco ln av. ay. Oxford Hotel, 247214 Hudson av. Palace The, 246 25th. 25th, Grant Hotel, Utah Canning Co, Pacific av cor 29th, s Fire Insurance Tel. 3376 : 2444 Lincoln 276 25th House, Rooming ll Mary, 420 Hotel; 376 95th, 25th, Lizzie, 225216 Wash ay. The, , 238 Hotel 920 25th, 2 Ryere te : Ogden Olive O’Nei Sa Cottage House, 2518 Lincoln ay BUILDERS. *HOMINY and Real Estate | 7 HOUSES, | “reston Hotel spb neo™ a Fire mh Ogden Home rs Co, 213 Eccles Bidg. Venema GeorgeBuilde A & Son, | and 16. ROOMING enver House, 169° 25th. Ogden Junk House, 2059-2061 Washi av. _| Eldora Rooming Runyan O M, 2263-2269 Wall House, 304 25th. Ellsworth Fernando av. , 2272 Wash Empire Hotel, Mh‘HOME | ETc ’ Belmont Tt Ale pobieg Broom Cargill Carly le Central OGDEN ¢). Ee po The, 208% 95th Bennett Block , 2583 Grant Bismark Hotel & Cafe, 128 ay. 35th. ac Bank. Lincoln av d _ a mvs Arlington Hotel, 2439 Wash ay Astill Apts, 2266 Wash av ne Baba Hotel, 2415 Lineol Bauscher E J, 2539 Adam ay s ay. Bank. Nat AND C p Angeles The, Anne x The, Western Htg & Ventilating Co, 2448 wash av. Zitzman . i y Co, under Utah Side Curtains ||7'2™2" SupplSupply co, un *HERBALISTS. Cushions, Etc. Hop Sam FY T & & Co, Co, 2471 2464 Lincoln ay. | Andersen av. Covers 427 ay. VENTILATING. ‘ Dee J Stanley 4 Alpine The, 13414 25th. Alta Hotel, 22314 95th 2454 Grant av. Jackson W OsweCo, ll Co, 2460 Huds on av. Meek A W, 2574 Wash Tops . See page 21st. ay. av } ms oe, . HOTELS ie Coal & Feed Co, 236 Wash 25th, Wash HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, Utah Grain & Elev Co, Wall av Grain & Feed Co, 2262cor 20th. Wash of i. 352 Co, = ney emanate Mfrs. Shop, Bone & 24th. ay. Oe Western Williams Quali ty w H Wright wash ay. ingree Rich ardsonJo P JP, C, 2616 248 Wash 24th, UTAH 2467-2469 + OGDEN PORTLAND CEMENT { Hurst,, ——— a} co’s ata HecheThos ee Farr : ay. & Co, 297 Inter-Mtn Produce Co,0 Wash Wash ay. McFarland & Sons, 225 2214 24th. Ogden Reed & eh oupplies 306 316 25th St | ~ at |