OCR Text |
Show OVE APPRVQEL a | j SOO neat acon (Liverpool), J cles Scottish Shoes j 2438 Preterren hea - bid c Nye as’ B08 Ercles Bide Ins Co oo (New re oO REL c H & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash eee Springfield F & M Ins Co (Springfieid : eq, Mass), J M Forristall Agt, 2438 Wash av.| and Hats Pa eee (Detroit), BH Sterling Fire koeine Tog @cSate’ bars tie oO ee: (Indianapolis), Pre- = Palepe ‘ip ‘Bde we Bldg. Co, “under : t N & Trans Co, Meo 615 feeiget cnn Western om oO. hotsIns Bebo Eccles ae onseh 814Kelly & Bldg. Herrick Travel : re i Agt, 2438 Wash Travel Aue ae ath ym ieee arene Travelers Ins Co (Hartford), WN Peirce Agt, 413 24th. ; Union Assurance Society (London), W N Peirce Agt, 413 24th : Unite DERS. Founders *IRON mel and AND ae BRASS Davis Weber Wash & av. Ogden ~ Bench Counties Chinese r JEWELERS oe Hudson C Bldg. aacn baa Ins ire Co he ay, (Oakland), oe yarn National Mathews-=- i Smailey’s, Bank. | Sorensen Outftg 336 Nels, Co, Wa eenOn | Stecher Baer PEe W, 352 Co. Co, & Butts, Co, 2482 eT 92 2223 Wasash av. 328! ; 25th. ee on *LADIES ay The Deseret News sein Lands Co, Linen Salt Lake | ———__ same time as in Salt Lake City ; ’ - . | 24th, Co, 164 26th. 2147 Royal av. Laundry Co, Trey Steam Laundry Wasaten Hand ieory WetWash Washav. Laundry, *LAWN Boyle Hardware 437 25th. (See i Co, Co, 2538-40 Wall av. & ‘Dry Cling 1877 Wash Co, 1881 av. MOWERS. 350 24th Lowe Geo A Co, 2326-28 Wash av. Agee ay. ‘ A W, Court House. Bagley J E, 314: es Nat Bank Bldg. Baumunk P H, 413 First Nat Bank Bldg. Boyd, DeVine & Eccles, 625 Eccles Bldg. Chez Jos, 402 First Nat Bank Bldg. Corn S T, 309 First Nat Bank Davis J C, 215 First Nat Bank Dean G S, N Ogden. DeVine J H, 625 Eccles Bldg. Dobbs S P, 827 Eccles Bldg. _ Eccles Royal, EvansJ E, hone Farr W 518 ane HE, 605 625 Eccles Eccles Pemes Eccles Bldg. Bldg. Bldg. Bldg. : ate Bldg. i Bank THE PAPER TELEPHONE MAIN 386 Bldg. Gideon R L, 311 First Nat Bank Blag. Enhances |} 416 LAWYERS av. TAILORS Farm San Gor sees Le GOODs. Zucker Morris, 2616 Wash av. 24th Smith Model Laundry, National Outfitting Co, 2345 Wash ay. Paine & Hurst, 2467-2469 Wash av. Taylor-Wright Co, 2355 Wash av. Wright Be th WH & Sons Co, Wash av n w cor Wykes M M Co, 2335. Wash av. 2449 Wash av. 2345 Wash av. & ree Lo Wash av. nia Not Bank, Ogden Home Buin ‘Co, Bid Promontory Point Co, 215 213FirstEccles Nat Ban dg. Walker American av. UTENSILS. FURNISHING 24th. LAUNDRIES Burt S J & Bros, 2431 Wash av. Golden Rule Merc Co, 2269 Wash Horrocks Bros, 2427 Wash av. Last & Thomas, 2441 Co, 416 elyi Hote C E & Co, 306 25th. . LADIES i Land WOOD. *KODAKS AND SUPPLIES. Armstrong evan Federal Ogden-Utah Knitting Co, Factory 2347-2349 Grant av, Retail Store 302 hier Mh r a Cc Ne Te ee ee | 25th. 223 Junk & : Junk Trae *LANDS. Forristail J M, 2438 Wash av. Goddard *KNITTING FACTORIES. Lincoln av Goods. and B H, 429 24th. Hussey C H, 2562 Wash cee warren fa. ' Boyle Furniture Co, GOODs. and Japanese 25th | *KITCHEN d State Fidelity & Guaranty Co (Mary : Uniad) 9) sM Forri stall Agt, 2438 Wash av.- | Gross Bros, 362 25th and 2405 Wash ay. ire Ins Co (N Y), HA Lewis JS & Co, Purdy Agt, 2377 Keines Cole C & W Co, First Nat Bank. JAPANESE See Canal cor Farr John Coal Co, 204125th.Wash av a | COMPANIES. IRRIGATION . _ 4 WORKS. Son, 2651 Wash ; : w DEALERS. *KINDLING Machinists. xP. (RON AND STEEL. Iro.1 Works Co, 2257-2264 Ogden Hide | Wiehe See n Redan luk Gees neefag Eccles ieee <0, 2357 Wash Wright-Dinwo ody Co, 2389 Washre ar IRON FOUN 4 Office, JUNK ee ata eae Co, 213 Eccles Bidg. 7 Dev . Loan . Ave. Grant av. Uncle Sam’s Loan Office, 278 25th. Upp H F, 2476 Grant ay. > ee ~ ,rude ntial Elk Basin Co, 230 25th. Paul), | ;@Smusson C C, 2428 OilHudso n ay. Union & Nat Fire Ins Co (Edinaren), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wan ; ' Pinion ra “Seottaety) National ine Co (EdinSecurity Mathews-McCulloch esnink Age ash +. a o Ree pe Y Agts, 4 Ec-w Eccles Oe 0 Wash: we wile 24388 Ww povog HOUSE 141-145 WEST FIRST SOUTH STREET ; : mou Co Agt, Pee Ings ! Ins Co Agts, 2482 Wash av. St Paul Fire & Marin e Ins Co J M Forristall g uits 631 : Ce PIPE euljoseB Royal . hone Ccles: ae Bldg. gee Bee Forristalt a M, iat ig HAND ea eBeol;w ee ol Assurance Agts, 2500Co Wash(Londay” Furnishi P SECOND ; Aides rae Hrowhine |i nos Thos bon “Spuooey Royal eran Exchange ee SACKS, BOTTLES, MAGAZINE AND NEWS PAPER OT hag ®Al4 Blog’ Preferred Ins Agcy Agts, 814 Eccles Overcoats 25th _ MathewsHowell Inv Co, 247 McCulloch Co Agts, under First Nat " Bank. | Hunts R Petron ee Ins Co of America Goddard Agt, 429 24th. (New York), B H| Hussey C H, 2562 Wash av. Jenson David Co, 405 Eccles Bidg. — Rochester German Fire Ins Co (Rochester, | Kaiser CE, 807 ind ee mise , thaaee heer eh ABE aot: cles Bldg. , Si i Go Hogie J A 8 Gor sacs (Chicago), DAVID KREINES ae a THE HOUSE THAT PAYS THE P RICE FOR ALL KINDS OF JUNK, HIDES, PELTS, FURS, BONES S c Ins Co B 487 KRAINE INVESTMENTS, Queen M Sen Clothin See Employment Bureaus, DIRECTORY—1917. 2Z ane G0. Nat ae BUSINESS ~ Prussian 8. 5 Utah Nat Bank Bldg. OSEPH 10, P2ip os nee en and Youn (Whiley: a 4s Co (London), J C Nye Agcy Co Agts, 2482 Wash av. Phoenix dns Co (Hartford), Kelly & Herrick | , ash avy. | | ene ine Se (America), J W Reeve| Dressers f 0 vi ||Penns yivania’ Fire ‘ine te Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Philadelphia Underwriters (Phila), Preferred Ins Agcy Agts, , 814 Eccles )sBldg . Phoenix Assurance Moder nl OGDEN . Ins Co #u . | Westchester: Fir e Ins Co (New York & ern HerrStat (Marttord, Conn), Federal | West ick es Lite Meee W (Sane ), Kelly Celene tad Go. (Hartford), Kelly & Herrick| “°°Y® A&¢Y Co Agts, 808(S Eccles aio? Agts, 2500 Wash Palatine Ins Co (London), Preferred trig INTELLIGENCE OFFICES, Agcy Agts, 814 Eccles B QUA LUTY SHOP & Co’s "G6LLS veyspeou 09143 uo Bulunoy uebuessed INSURANCE COMPANIES—Contd 2425 Washington Ave. | R. L. POLK Orient CLOTHES Clothiers and Furnishers deBuessed 486 STRATFORD a _—— THE | Buchmiller & Flowers Co. | |