OCR Text |
Show 7 2425 Washington Ave. BUMDING nO et | Ye" eh ; a ; laa Pe , é 25th | Phone {| | i TTT, : | , 4 n ee powell Floreabe) b Marriott. Be poe 4 Pak RR ae a : ; |4 | t G3L av. S 2 Co. Poul alos Ae ae et ae we F s2367 4 i Harrison nue 0. : : trucker 0 UR & D Co. [ooes tony, , see also Paulson and Poulson. ie The Deseret News sei] | : Salt Lake ae # i Poulsen Andw, farmer, b Pain City. Poulsen Annie C, b e end 2d. | a : , | same . time as : @ : Buren av. Dower Alpes wacker OUR & D Co, r 537 Canyon rd. | = 257 2 Van ae r aiprs B sand 2 Powell Lola E, rms 2252% Wash av. Powell Maggie, b Marriott. dent, rms 2560 Jefferson av. Pc ch ae ete collr, b 2560 Jefferson av. ot 605 Eccles Bldg, b 2460 Madison av. lawyer, C, Saml Powell owell Saml J,r 2460 Madison Oy Marriott. r og a: ri i Ok Power | : Raymond, ; Dec died 23 a8 7, "4 ‘16, 6,,age Paper of All UWS OPO OE cre: | S\ ak | TELEPHONE ae MAIN 386 . 141-145 WEST ane Kinds Log | — FIRST SOUTH ? STREET ETC. : yy aM °IL> UWI -V HONT AWGAT Ped paipuyy, J as Ul Jeo OUL yoy so;oW av. ; Co, r 858 26th. Bowell Anna b tobe Piggros Gehl, b 2460 Maison a Powell ith A, stud, ns 2500 Testersoay.n 4 4 ‘| Potter Sarah J, r Ho 663 27th. oeamoen ee Potter Thos EY anna St. 0 8, : ; pees Gjlete (wid Arent), r 836 21st. 2480 Monroe 24 he 306 nok Potten mete Poulter tec Moroni §, a real est, rms Poulter Thos, moved to Provo. Iter : yeyy 352 av. ert eeka SABE) rier Poulter Want W Irvin, student..rms 2480 Monroe ay. : UM M ; i \ Monroe sj} ropr, A First Classnd V oe : aurant, When You Want to Be Satisfied Us, “We Know How,” 370 24th, Toate Be Sure and V | ; Post Office, Wm W Browning postmaster, 24th n w cor Gr 71%, Posting RAS a Ruesmkt190,2rsame, re Win Ab 620 27am SFO pestia Potter Clifora 8 (Potter Cate & Buitet), vied av, r same. M, clk Wright's, r 2367 Kingsford av. ma vonee Poulter Moroni C, moved to Logan. 480 and Mats | 2556 Gramercy Poulter Glenna, student, rms 2480 Monroe av. & Clay vemod S ul 1 RY aint Boaltcr Cee 26th. B | r Kanesville. wou} ; ti| | | i> ie) . j ie | poulter le iar) mer, ae rPins 4 Kan detis . ane Eee Co Assessor, Pet Mou a me : Hujyew H - Linford. ice Alice L, b 918 224. Poulter Carl, moved to Logan. | Sewer Pipe A Mrs Alice, r 918 224d. : paueer: ae Paulson BING-jess|y Ogden cn see. also Poulson Jos, lab, rms W | eujjose6 ay. av. b 2127 Wall av. vo apes, Ween B, sec-treas a ebeo|wW i $ s mir eae ouglas ay. 21 2 20d. *D M Poulsen, J L Blosser), saloon, 2263 Behisen ee | n Co W™ § O'Brien Mgr, Shoes [ro Was ral hinavrgto fol seers ee : | ; , Tr hy eouu} ; El | lab, ‘“Spuooes is , Suits oe | Furnishings Ry 4 -ay; , Pera U ; 7 Overcoats |PorTOLA CAFE, motacd bane Soon, By Tr ee Co, Mgr Thomas D Dee Co, r 800 Washington Porter Ross, b O Men || Porter Hoy, lab Hood ones ay. av , , . ie oe a et oo Tie ee Wa ; G, Poulsen Ruth R, opr Scowcroft’s, } "4 W Oke eh ou farmer, b icon peter M (Poulsen & Blosser), r 362 23d. Be mor oS ef r 800 Hyrum, OAly of Ne Borce Clothing Be ) oie | First. Neu, PORTER |RICHARD B’ ,: V-Pres V-Pres First National Bank and Young p incol 30th, Seaisen jan Plain City Schl, r Plain City. \ ‘Poulsen Jos, farmer, r e en farmer, r Plain City. Poulsen ree r C,E, farmer, oe Poulsen 1 Dressers | i 0,r 470 Hosp, D, eevatent sec-treas rDee b 3024 Ogden ay. Renee ee e av. tmstr, b 2127 Wall oe Secon Se risen Hans, Wall av. Poae Moe Mea ude Men and bat ; Wash2d. av, r 175 farmer, 2309 b e end Poulsen Geo O, barber; | : Modern ? same. 4758 T - geBuessed n Ogden Com Co, r 717 26t T, whsmPita John Wae CHone Porter rohn Dore * isen Geo O, farmer, r Plain City. Jy Porter J Gilbert, teller Utah Nat Bank, b’470 30th. Pee SF Sees Pou Co, r 304 33d the ee SHOP || ae 3 Porter Jas W, hipr A W Mook, b 2001 Donelae av. , He ey ; | 327 te silane vin Porter 7 ee QUALITY Pore Tee toe it Ree th : 5 Borter H adys A, b 3024 Ogden av. | 7 a C Hansen & Coe 470 30th... Porter See H eden, Sioa’ mach pace Edgar, 0 & Co, r 857 m = SA 30th vebuessed Furn Co, : b 470 Porter Earl, , clk Boyle : ) OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1917. fy — ——_. Ghris, clk D & D G, r 271 N Wash av. oulsen 9 4 be end 2d L, repr G ’ C Bishop, Cleveland eeulsen "G6LL$ JeIspeod R. L. POLK & CO.’S Porter Dean B, hrnsmkr J G.Read & Bros R Sa | | CLOTHES Bujuno, ECCLES STRATFORD : Clothiers and TAGES _ . Ls a eS ep OVS QUYYVIEL, ‘S oy Buchmiller & Flowers Co. a ; — aes _— |