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Show << —_ MURPHY Grocery & Drug “ene hi WHOLESALE ONLY | il a it ml Groceries, Drugs, Cigars, Importers & Roasters of Fine Coffees | 2435-41 HUDSON AV. OGDEN, UTAH T hy a8 ig | 80 H q Carlyle The Trimming 4 hlpr8 25th. T ops ie || nit! | ait Hip)ae Seats Hie | av. Bushnell oe Lincoln 2480 ad ie Se 21st. av. : arr Gertrude ony. W (wid Carr Harry EH, brkmn Geo W), Ay Co r same. ’ 3 Carr Robt C jr, appr Ogden arr Rosanna, opr ; Fire Insurance || CARR THOMAS H, Druggist and Loans Tels 239-3001, r 2520 Busidods Carr Wm J, chf clk R M 8, RealEstate || Garr R é Mit ae |) ciscnun Carroll Basement Utah National 3 Bank Tel. | E 8, rms Marion q adf my Twenty-Fifth | Street , ae 283 : _ Eh ant acy farmer, r Plain ork Lg Armstrong Ch, r 2357 Adams S Ch Aa 5 Gary. Mrs Ulty. - Sporting ’ : FE, r 566 : PI |Playerp TANNERS AND PULLERS 0. | 704 23d. rms 704 23d. kN . Tallow, } . penn Top Market Prices Sao x & Furs Wall Avenue RU NYAN Re etate Ban Beeswa ie B P. ; : ms . and Supplies 306 25th Stil 23d. Lake City. . Mi 8 hones | : Bicycles 21st. aa = KODAKS Supplies and oe hs Finishing Always in the Market at Clesely Connocted with | 4 _) e t ce Angeles. W 7 ; | | R22 781-W a Goods re > pte e) eroc, 2354 Wash av. 39 22d, Tel 591-W. Emma , Co. av. Carver Willard C, r Plain City. a. q as B, farmer, r Plain a Garwile J F, moved to Los Cary, see also Carey. ; Po & Sons), eee enn La a . o i a W, Sah ' as : (J S Carver ro. Coo eo | eS City. eet Josiall By1 it lhe ore ARLEY J, Dentist, 715 Eccles Bldg, Tel 2839, 9amto5:30pm,ro aU, C, ; r Plain City. : Carver Willard Willa Carver Reynold, clk, rms 739 24th. _ Carver Walter L, farmer, b Plain City. a Telephone abel C. E. Plain Garver Rev John E, pastor ae . ‘ .. Jas 8 b Gase Eugene D, firmn, rms Case Lizzie F (wid Sidney), Casey, see also Kasey. Casey Harry M, clk, b 837 Casey Jas P moved to Salt 328'2 ington|| q q yy oe @ af .: \ L, F i mt F Jogalong Transfer Co.) MOVING VANS, STORAGE AND FURNITURE PACKING Washington Ave. : opr Postal Tel-Cable Go, r Danl W, Rast S (J S Carver & Sons), r 526 2d. paver aa A : 2444-2446 Washington av, Tel 2600, r 2561 Fowler Tel 126. | Carroll Jas S, metalwkr Newman & Co, b 2753 Wall ay. Carroll Newton A, millwright, rms 239 27th. Carroll Peter J, motrmn OL & I, r 2225 Moffit av. : 2482 ‘ i “ES ° Cary Geo N, lab, b 566 W 24st. | % Ve nm av, 26th. Glen Hotel. cr Rannviene) b 539 aa tf : ay. onq43 BONDS Boe ee Sugar Co, r Plain City. eo 9 Bee Fae if Wash r 28th P, farmer, 1. Conver é& Sons, b 539 22d. Garver Elmer ( Hotel. : SURETY . 263 4 a MS'T & T Co, b 2166 Adams Depot, (wid Winfield 8), Ae CARROLL FRANK W, Dist Mgr Mountain States Tel & Tel Co, _ Bite . agt Union 7 INSURANCE Garver Elmer H, lab, r Plain City. ra 4 Tent & A Co, b 111 31st. O, ams av. and Agt Rexall Remedies, 300 25th, Jefferson av, Tel 749. rms New Brigham Hotel. B, bge L Ju GENERAL same. Pe | 913 | Carroll Thos F, eng U P, r 2753 Wall av. | re ey 1 ‘ mpportanes iP Carroll Catherine (wid. Jos), b 2753. Wall av. and Investments || Carroll Emily, pkr Ogden P & P Co, rms 2203 ue av ’ as bath 2 HER av. bms q 7 | Jeffierson Carrillo Fehsa, dom 2635 Jackson av. ( Bed alg ‘opr 2766 28th. ments, 4 , Rutherford 263° C0 Sea Garver Byron W, emp Amal ¢ | ore ROnE Canes a Pooh ate ast. a grocer, Scowcroft’s, C, traffic mgr Carr Lott 8, student, b 111 31st. a 25th. b Cartwright Winfield 8, Ser be 4 8 P Co, r 9 Corey Apts. Brokerage av, Hotel. Marion, Cartwright Eliza E q Co, prey Ceeatge r 1344 Carter a cae fda, i dep Shue ay Candy Co, b 1016 25th. bis Lhe va AGENC rd. ‘IT, lab, © 140 Shorten av. Garter Jas Lawrence J, plmbr Utah Co, r'66¢2 99d 24d. @ | & ea Carr John i aay: , rd. 1832 Wash Garter Mrs Harriet A, nurse peo Garter Henry E, lab, r 180 W 28th. § Emily, clk J CG Carr, b 2766 Jefferson. av. E Eugene, mgr T H Carr, r 12 Fairview Apts. Realty and hd , Carter Eliza CG, laund OS L, rms Garter Faye I, steno Union pera 4 . ie i Canyon Canyon Carter Thos W, insp S P Co, r 2843 Pacific path 2639 ae a eLy ti 1055 1055 4 Carr Geo E, clk Hi Jetta A, b Carter P & P Co, b 652 Carr Frank, dept supt U P & L Co, re end 12th. hey Carstensen tudent, Garter Carr Carr i 4 & I, r student, b 1055 Canyon rd. , Carr eae ei clk OL et 7 Ogden Carr, see also Karr and Kerr. 23rd 427 : M. 4 emp , | Carstensen Carney Vincent P, repr 8 P Co, b 2735 Lincoln av. Carr Anthony, messr McIntyre Drug Co, b 141 31st. Side Curtains Carson ‘sean Carstensen 5 Ort 4 i. estons Ee Carr cars Dellas as, H,Hughstudent,8 8 Gz,rms Creston 2156 Hotel. Adame ow eh carruthe 1X. tehr Pingree Schl, rms 2874 Wash ay. Carson Haze dE, agt Pullman Co, r 1 Browning Apts. ler av. Carpenter David, Carpenter Leo, cook, rms Covers 4 4 ; at pen Garroll Vivian Tea aon ee Eleanor, clk Leader, rms 1146 Wash av. — Wash- i. I. C. NYE! ——_—_ | ee i D), r 3 Fairview Apts. Grace W Harris Librarian, Automobile || Carney Leo J, b 2735 Lincoln i ——camenerry Dinecrory—1017. ( _ ington av bet 25th and 26th, Tel 209. _ Carney John KE, eng OU R& D Co, r 2735 Lincoln av. Mfrs. of me i met i i furn rms, 238 P Co. Carnahan Mary G (wid John CARNEGIE FREE LIBRARY, Co. poh ik wt fe Olive Olsen), r Wilson la. Demaggio, ) Carnahan Catherine G, died Mar 23, ’16, age 37. | vee aly (Mrs Carmack Wm, Carmelo DR CONCRETE GOOD | 7 7 Carlson Reuben E, firmn S P Co, r 2361 Jefferson av. Carlson Wm, brewer Becker B & M Co, r 544 Douglas. & ae R. L. POLK & CO.’S OGDEN PORTLAND CEMENT FOR i Carlson Jos L, r 2684 Wash av Carlson Ole G, emp Utah Cereal F Co, r 361 28th. UTAH Auto Top | re | amu — ————————————— | | |