OCR Text |
Show | pOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY Building Material) i Sal Lumber a All Kinds a Furnaces 2460 Hudson A ae | a ) | fe R ie t 4% 7 — av. | |] Otto F, formn § P Co, r 2773 Jacobson Jacobson Anna, nurse Dee Hosp. Bernard, clk Anna Jacobson, ay. Grant Jacobson Jacobson Jacobson Jacobson Chas H, clk McIntyre Drug Christina (wid Hans), rms Harry P, bkpr Ogden State Jacob F, grocer, 763 Wash Jaggers Frank, yon rd. leader Orpheum 267 James ~2A5 James James Alvah R, rms if Eliz (wid Thos), James Ella, b Marriott. one mee 2 ae Geo I, opr U P Tel Office, rms Lucerne Hotel. | lo | : Arey rg Co, wat Motor States Mtn mgr gen jr, C y ae farmer, 7 159° W James Henry H, James John, carp, 2a, Orpheum HEADQUARTERS 362 FOR CHOCOLATES AND Our Cream Tests 21% 2522 Washington Ave. Tel. 1941 Donald CREAM Ogden, Utah wanedek | : av. : mer, 2458 Wall mer, P, rms atte amet: imspagt O L: & I, 625 John claim ag W,T, gen Bldg, r d4 Avon a Jay Chas, emp Ogden P & P Co, D tear is sae 539 23d. Jeffery Harvey, clk, rms ANIBEon Agnes, clk Wright's, b 336 4th Jenkins Albt P, brtndr Little Queen Saloon, t 2331 Adams av. Jenkins ADDRESSED—WRITE R. L. POLK | Eccles _ Jay Albt V, chfr, r rear 3282 aaaav. DEeyWash Go,r 2,68 P & Ps\n tne emp Ogden Jay Arthur, CIRCULARS Co.| ICE te & CO. | Mailing Lists of All Kinds ——_Salt Lake City | 209 cot ibe oi : : Bidg. | Co. W. J. BLACKBURI Lois W, r Kanesville. Lorenzo, driver Boyle Ogden av eSchl b 3054 Ogden av. Mina C, student, b 30% Trilby C, tchr Washington on), fi 24th. Candy | . s Grant Hotel. ie Kall, CG H Kawaguchi), Jefferies Milnor, clk First Nat Bans, Stel. . eng, rms. Harlow, elte r 2671 Monroe av. Mrs Agnes, Jenkins } James Howard R, carp, r 457 16th. rms ial “ Service , pts. Jasperson Dolores, rms Bata ital | ‘|James Geo M, r ceHuntsville. Noches tear a av. Jos E, clk, r Kanesville. Jarman Jarman Jarman Jarman arvis es 127 Ea ee | Commercial Jarman Wm OC, blab,3054 Ogden 28th.av. ‘ r 664 Jarrell Walter, James Ph 61 rms CG, Se | | | [0 | Jarrett A W, sismn, rms 528 24th. Annie, farmer, r Marriott. Chas W,b Marriott. SE. |[sames Baitn (wid Abinadi), r' 121 31st. W 27th. James Jarman Jarman _ Ms James Chas W jr, lab G A Lowe Co, r 315 W 12th. James Coal & Ice Co, OM Runyan mgr, 2230 Wall av. Th a | ti -~Accounting Mary H, b Taylor. Wm H, bishop (L D8), r Taylor. Kanesville. Jos B, formn Ogden Furn & C Co, r Jardine a . r 614 Ca av. 2424 Lincoln Jardine i and Co, Pr 2424 r 803.25th. Co, od Anat 423 22d, r Jardine Dorothea, b Taylor. Jardine Jos E, b Taylor. ae James Albt, eng, rms Union Depot Hotel. 237 Liquor emp agts, 2424 Grant av. Japanese Daily News, T Kameyama . Co, r 449 21st. 354 23d. i Bank, rms 648 24th. av, r 737 Adams av. ~ Theatre Orchestra, Henry Janway av. 27th. pee Anna Mary, Japanese American In Jacobson Mrs Anna, clothing, 256 25th, r 267 27th. r mach i elk Kohn Jansen Reinder, hipr S P Co, r_28 | — Jacobsen Nels, blksmth S P Co, r 159 27th. Jacobsen Monroe i wathan Jansen Benj, biksmth, a ee etail = |Sacobsen Mrs Musetta, r 3100 Euclid av. Wigr Russell-James Dik Seth 31st.d), r | 225 | 31st. 225 Beren b(wid mgr Ogden Furn & © Co, r 214 28th. dept ph, Jans Rudol n. Jansen, see also Jensen and Jenso ‘Jans Jans aa Jacobsen Jens, junk, 3148 Pacific av, r Sarde’ Jacobsen J C, solr Prudential Ins Co, rms 2620 Caie€rs i ee ; ae 7 Jacobsen Carl G, moved to Salt Lake City. and f il Dealers Rie ut : eo av. eel, Euclid es b 3100 Aug, Jacobsen ee Wholesale i IT av. Monroe rb 5 81 age 3 4 6, Lake City. OU R & D Co, r Salt Jamieson Jas P, actg supt f ams , tT ~ sas student, b 2642 Jacobs Vilate, i Pea: at : oh rv A, Sec-Treas-Gen in ay, Tel 1632. "46, Co,age r 59. an Nov 23, 2423 died Amal Sugar Wm H,F, emp Wm = Co, b 3282 Adams R&D OU clk M, Jamieson Annie 4 1952 Phone A i eee Repaired. and 540 22d.: W, eng 8 P Co, | r on _ || Jacobs Geo se Riverdale. r r, Jacobs Murray K, farme oe Jacobs Susan R, tchr Riverdale Schl, b 2642 Monr @ . Repainee On ond | ate Put es Son ng of Roofiand eae Cleaned Installed, ? : Co, T 2635 Barnes Walter H, mach Binford-Kimball Motor L PROD TS PRODUC L META METAL SHEETT Letters Motor Co, r 477 Rose ct. Benes 08 oH, formn Binford-Kimball | ‘ | Jobb Co ha fee Multigraph 207 cook,k, bb 124 124 \W 27th. | Me CO.’S W. Oswell Jackson C : } & : Easy Terms OabdEN CITY SRE Ss = R. L. POLK Lowest Prices ‘lipetter Goods vo seit on oe —— 0) | | | | |