OCR Text |
Show ——$—$—$————— mo Ogden-Utah g8 é ] Knitting Co. 2349 Phone Grant Av. E Manufacturers and Jobbers of : R. L. POLK & CO.’S J, Mgr W U Tel Co, 2406 Washington 961-962, r 1055 24th, Tel 1453_R. Dersco John, lab, rms 135 Shorten avy. Deru Chas, r 809 23d. Deru Jos, farmer, DESERET iaee i | i Devoge DEVOTO al ae hi Me bly i f a iets ma Hee Wey a ee a He Wie Dew H ee HENDERSHOT Manager The Troy Way We a a is th is the Right Way Al Hl i, i Pla at i me 0Ai Chas B, moved C, meats, to Los and rms 2137 : Licensed ngeles, 1684 Wash Grant Tel Dick Tel. 2074 Wm, chfr, r 133 Dickinson Emma, i I \ i) ite ll rms 2730 : Credit : Wash COLLECTIONS Assn. a 4 a m q d See Sasa a aaa SR fa Co, b we ESTATE LOANS Adams av. AND INSURANCE Farm Lands es Exchang and Trad es | eiony ’ Florence, ‘ pie. Rachel, r 148 Carnegie a : 4 1 a 4 q Diss Free Bee 4 : Natalie K, clk Park av. | UR 0 : FACTORIES A, farmer, Sa o4th eee ; ith LIBRARY (R L Polk & Co), Wiley Washington av nr 26th, Genera thal Cac csossor, ‘Salt Lake gms ; aa r a Roy. Dixon John, mach Cadillac : ne Ce ee Our S ROLL ; 39. | BUY TA i MADE Ot den. th 884 26th. rms 2627 Wash av. - Goo — Pantone AAA PAY ek j Everything & S M. increase U = j. City, Tel Was O72 23d, 7 462and 1 7tb: mi r. Salary Chattel Loans, 218 Co Boe Dixon Aitca red, >r Havaalle Dixon Henry A, tehr SE ‘ : LARGER » 969 24th. eae % Co | ar rd. 4948 a 566 Canyon A DIX ELI, S F a re Hudson g, Dix Philip a :‘ q anyon ray 2 d. Offices Oe Bix Benj S, farmer, Dix Edwin, chf dep 4 q =o eh F, Ce Dinsmore Chas Florence EH, ND DIRECTORY OFFICE A Bonded for $5,000.00 to the State of Utah 222 Col. Hudson Bldg. TEL. 971 giz 26 Dinsmore qa ") Te Candy Dinsmore Burton F, clv eye a 4 av. Benj, Dinsdale 4 a No Advance Fees. nm We remiti as soon - money le setoive EEE ERA OE ee av. 3378 REAL ; Oe Dinsdale Mary A (wid Jas My nt ayorott. Dinsdale Matthew I, ee Lr765 W 47th. Dinsdale Owen J, repr ee a . Wester il See Harrison b rear FF 4 _ Co, r rd. Dinsdale Howard L, ee & D Co, r 2049 Adams av. Dinsdale Jas R, eng OU 700 W 17th. Dinsdale Jeffrey, farmer, rere. Dinsdale John, farmer, ie Hurst, b 566 Canyon rd. Dinsdale Lois, clk Paine 566 Canyon rd. a av. Can Dinsdale Geo, brewer Bec 4 a a 4 27th. clk Last & Thomas, insdale Se cdale 4 DE cttindad uae Edmund §S, Coeur cementwkr, r eae ams ee av cor 4 Florence, Dickerson Dickerson a i } Madison Amer C0. Dills Newton, b 1130 Capito nr Ogden Canyon, r same. | Dingle Jos G, fruit Be ae Washiav, r 2566 Quincy av. Dinneen Jas me ea Reet 5 3 av. Eccles ils Jas, Jas, plstr, r 1130 Gaptto) b 1130 Dills av. Cappitol av. Dills Margt E, steno Wright's, ee oe gy 7 av. lab Dillree Ray E, r 1170 q Wash Surgeon, 216-217 av. Tel 277. Dillman Willis O, mgr nL , Monroe Peter 2219 aw Abstractor, Geo, r 2906 Pacific av. : DeYong, see also Young. DeYong Fred, wchmn Utah Schl D and B. DeYoung Carl, b 2749 Volker av. DeYoung Frank, mach G A Lowe Co, r 3128 Porter av. DeYoung Genevieve, techr W Warren Schl, b 2749 Volker av. DeYoung Herman, b 2749 Volker av. PeYoung John, clk O UR & D Co, r 2749 Volker av. DeYoung John, oiler S P Co, r 3843 Wash av. DeYoung Jos A, clk, b 2749 Volker av. 2 Louis, Shupe-W ‘ Cross. Dies % LAND 34 Dieu Emi a carp, b 3432 Adams av. Dieu Gabri ‘A N hipr Sp Co, r 3541 Ogden av. Dieu Julius D. died Jan 5, 16, age 65. . Diew ee 2 569 22d. ae Dilley Eugene, Beauty Parlors), r 421 ¢ . Dillman Mrs Frances ee ty Parlors, r 421 25th. 4 av, and = ee Alphonse, shoemkr, 3432 Adams Dieu os emp 4 A 4 av. he Dies Louis jr, student, b 228 21st. 7 Cal. av, r 494 7 47 211 4 Arthur H (DeWit Bros), r 434 Herrick av. DeWit Bros (L E and A H), curios, 114 25th. DeWit Louis E (DeWit Bros), r 2900 Grant av. Dews Clarence W, cigarmkr Max Davidson, r 2209 Dexter Henry, lab, r 180 W 20th. Dick Harold E, well driller, rms Dick P J, emp Amal Sugar Co. Wall Av. vn ' a |i il B, Bonded FEDERAL Tel 159, r 2590 Lae oe me ‘ekson Holton G, student, b 25 Tee Oe. pic n M Ruth, student, b 2530 28 21st os T steno Ogden Elec S ge et ue) 4 a Dick Gertrude L, opr MS T & T Co, b 433 27th. 2538-40 fl It base see also Dixon. pCKSON GEORGE A, A An oe Bldg, Di 7 electn Ogden Elec § Co, b 2749 Volker Diamond Sample H, Room (D A Smyth), saloon, 240 25th. ‘ x \ | (wid Alphonse), DeWilde Stephen, emp Ogden P & P Co. DeWit DeYoung ake BF ; i Mae pit Migr, Deyo : {i (h ea i) al my i ! Virgil DeWees S Hh ee H FLORIAN First Nat Bank Bldg, Tel 2384-W, r 2561 2917-W. (See front cover). Devries oe r ah ae eG ane me y ae a ii 4 hy ih | ital | mae ine Ne iy eh al mee 3 Eugenia Devore A B, lab, rms 2583 Grant av. tat ei Local CITY DIRECTORY—19 Geo W, bkpr, rms 437 Wash av. son 4 4 q a Devlin Jas, farmer, r Warren. i ee mer ee | PA at i Gladwell Me 415 —1917. ——____ 0GDEN a av, Tels Xenophone, mach § P Co. Dever Lemuel A, reporter Ogden Standard, r rear 742 25th. Deveraux Jas, rms Sylvan Park. DeVine aa (Boyd, DeVine & Eccles), r 903 24th. Devine John, eng, rms 169 25th. Devine Thos A, r Court House. ti | , i Alfred 860 ee po Creek: NEWS, Rest Radae 4 Reed Hotel, 1965-W. (See p 4). . DeSilva Geraldine,Teltchr Utah Schl D and B, rms 530 23d. Dessipris H iEy wee fi (| i ie I it tH Pan i Rey chem ell ati r Burch EVENING We'll he | i ———_. Dermody Chas M, clk, b 1055 24th. Dermody Frances, opr U P Tel Office, b 1055 24th. Dermody Lawrence W, linmn U P & L Co, b 1055 24th. DERMODY WM Us Your Troubles. ; “UTA-MADE” Underwear. “‘L.D.S.” Brand of Garments, Ete. I 114 HURST on | aio in Tel. 1209 : i ey O S $0004 anpnA iEankN instrument istrc We Savei You $100 to : Out of High Rent District 2874 Hudson ANG. OE CO ai ey ide DS | |