OCR Text |
Show \" ae Ogden-Utah Knitting Co, 2349 Gra ' \ ’ ‘ aha “UTA-MADE” Underwear. “L.D.S.”’ Brand of Garments, Ete, Hf yi - : a } ry! R. L. POLK & COWS re Thompson Thompson ' Cecil J, b Ro y. Chas, 'r Kanesville. Thompson Chas, hostler Everett Livery, rms Thompson Suompson A, elk Wright’s, Cordon H, farmer, b 433 ee a e 27th r Roy. ‘tele Thompson Drusilla Mannie Thompson Earl O, barber noe Mao e Wm Thompson Thompson hompeon P A Gysin, r 15 Argyle Apts, Ear! Esther, O, tchr Central Jr High Schl, Thompson Harry Thompson Henry Thompson eau aah a shi Manager uni : #1 Hap? Hii HE eine: me Dia J (The L, B, Henry Horace, b Plain Cit (wid Jas i P, Annex), farmer, wool farmer, r 276 25th. Plain City, b Riverdale. same. Jas Thompson Thompson Thompson r Riverdale. Jos §, farmer, b Riverdale. June FE, tchr Slaterville Schl, r Slaterville. Leland W, farmer, r Plain City. T, expmn, r 2762 Park av. on Lizzie, tchr Smithsonian 2538 W al il A 40 Thompson Shelley, Thompson Simon Thompson emp §, Amal farmer, Susie, b Wilson la. B Coll, b 2621 Sugar Co, r W Weber. AV. |/ Thompson Wakeman 8, r 265 Wash n.av. Thomps Washington J, r Kanesville. Tel. 2074 || thompson on Wm, firmn SP Go. r Monteilo , Ney. Thompson Wm E, aud U § Forest | John A, cashr : ee Thulin Julius, Thumulke Thurston ay ae LOANS and Grain, Tel 307, A 480 Cross. Lowe b 518 dy Co, reeras Co, 4th. Harrisville CHARLES and r Wilson r — rd. H, Factory Mgr GEORGE M, Store Retail and Harrisville rd. | Mgr n Thurston meat ctr, r 738 Ogden Christian §, lab, r 199 28th. Hotel H (G r 2069 Thurston), Adams JasE. formn OU av. R&D Thurston Leonard 8, b 199 28th. Thurston Lewis, Thyberg COLLECTIONS | — ; Ogden-Utah is receive er cee econ Rae. Fee i) ‘ fi eee OUR FACTORIES R LARGE Increase PAY Co, r 178 17th. Chas BUY U TA F | : l Out of High Rent District We Save You $100 to $200 on Each Instrument 2874 Hudson Ave. cor 29th ROLLS | clk, r 937 Canyon rd. rrier P O, b 937 Canyon rd. Tatas ahac neue, b 257 W 21st. Tillett Jas H, lino Ogden Examiner, r 257 W 21st. y Our! Huntsville. in Western Credit Assn. vortatatstte | | | J. M. Pantone &Son p Everything ya NO S Bonded for $5,000.00 to the State ae Utah MAKE av. Thurston: Pearl M, b 17828th. 17th. ee | | Ai Knitt- b 199 on Trades blksmth Jas Erickson, b 516 31st. Fritz, Jas, Lands Exchanges Ogden-Utah r 430 26th, Tel 2055-W. Farm | la. Ath. Herrick av, Tel 2439-W. eter 419 r 137 518 AND INSURANCE Thurston Eugene L, hlpr 8 P Co, b 178 17th. Thursto Thurston ae Ae — i “a 434 av. Thurman David J jr, tchr Utah Schl D and B, r 1928 Jackson av. Thurman Merle, student, b 1928 Jackson av. Thurston Chas pumper OUR &D Co, r 3118 Ogden Thurston Christian H (Thurston Hotel), r Huntsville.ay. a Serv, r 1066 25th. F & Co Exp, r 3299 Ogden av. W b r 422 iSEN ea ae E, G , Thorstensen Helen (wid Carl E), r 425 28th. Thorstensen Jennie H, clk Ogden-Utah Knitting Co, b 425 28th. Thueson Alice P (wid John), r Plain City. Thulin Geo, stmftr J L Welshans, r 516 31st. ae ee aOR Cae r Riverdale. Rena pO nitting Co AN av, . REAL ESTATE N Ogden. Groceries, Hay itp C0 ee or Me bhornton, Ww eye ain.” ‘ r LAND intel 2337 Adams lee bea nd'0 L & I, r fi ae se Re ou g iene taht ano heriete Gente THORSTENSEN oe big ae 1640 Washington . Thora Madison av. ~ Thompson Mrs § C, clk Wright's, rms 2602% Adams ay. Thompson Tillie M,b § § Thompso Thomsen Boole Py The Troy Way)Thompson Louisa ey gh siverdale. is the Thobso Mansel tchr H, farmer, n Metta, r Roy,rms Thomps on Lewis Schl, 2452. Madison av. Right Way |jfbhompson Milton W, farmer, b Roy. Thompson Orlaf E, blrmkr, rms 2113 Reeve av. Thompson Ralph M, farmer, b Roy. WILLIAM, ing Co, "eae fy ey ‘A ey se potas ee eg hie Thorsted Jas G, con poor Sides oe Ge r Roy. Thompson Po ye Pore reawar pO ae we er Geo A eeeihon. re FRA a r aia Feed, ie on 2, b Riverdale. grower farmer, T aoe. ee THORNTON 7 a Thompson Lillian A, laund OS L, b 2762 Park av. | Thomps hi ty | i mtBites i RN ompson Harvey F, E eerie S HOT || Thomps poompson on John John R,L, b 433 27th. farmer, . re Gordon Harriet Spore Dore SO ‘ae one ale. ae EC raoE An mm FE DERAL ay. re tae: ea Bron eee es toe 17 25th Thon Selma, student, rms 717 25th. Ses phorabere Frank Ty iemn 0 one ores leorne Eugene, cond U P, r a RSE atce da ime Mh ae nae ee Ezra, farmer, Roy. Frank W, faviner’ Pay Phompecn, Gena Ae) tea Thompson Geo §, farmer, r Riverd . Thompson Thompson ae r 45 Argyigg b Wilson la Thomson Eliz, b 2659 Wash giana) . 860 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1917. es npr Pr: b Roy. Cora a ce i . : Hudson ay j !hompson Chas A, eng, r 902 27th. Thompson Chas F, r Roy. Thompson Chas H, r Wilson la. Thompson Christine (wid Jas A), r 2646 Monroe ay. Thompson Clara, : PHONE —} 04 baat iT oer in Al N E & + | RS | reies Gen Tel. 1209 Ft MADE Goo DS | |