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Show \ Ab, ae FUEL 458 SALT LAKE city CoO. R. L. POLK ® Wrigley Robt L, slsmn Ogde n John L, slsmn Boyle OGDEN Furn Co, r 2819 Wash ay, ® Wykes Leonard J, r 1068 23d. Wykes Maude M (The M M Wykes Co), b 1068 23d. Bevis a ey M M Wykes Co), b 1068 23d. THE (Maude M and May I Wykes, Dai McGaw), Ladies’ and Children’s Furnishi B Wee ington av, Tel 858-J. ee ae Wymer Chas E, solr Gwilliam Lbr & Coal Co, r 2158 Harrison | av. Wynn Wm J, mach, rms 2637 Van Buren av. ‘WYOMING COAL CO, Joseph Scowcroft Pres, D H Pape Gen Mgr, H C Marchant Sales Mgr, Wholesale Goal Dealers, ey Reo ae aye Tel 666. ysong Clarence L, mach Amer Can Co, r 1260 S Wysong Ida, b 421 28th. a a Wysong Mrs Mabel, r 1260 Jefferson av. Wysong Mattie, cashr Golden Rule Mere Co, b 421. 2aume Wysong Saml L, eng, r 421 28th. Wysong Virginia, cashr Golden Rule Mere Go, b 424 28th. x YOUR HOME FACTORY The Best MACARONI SPAGHETTI |NOODLES, Etc | Made by OGDEN | MACARONI | MFG. CO. 1950 Wash. Ave. Xynos Geo, shoe shiner, 2485 INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE, LOANS 429 Twenty-Fourth Street & CO’S Home Bldrs Co, rms 663 25th Poa natee Hugh EK, moved to Coalville, U. ycoff Alva C, clk U S Forest Serv, r 2253 Endio Wykes Albt T, whsmn Scowcroft’s, r 2265 Montes a Wykes B. H. GODDARD | Wash av, r 2474% same. ¥ Yale Harold, emp Amer Can Co, r 359 30th. Yamada Frank R, moved to Los Angeles, Calif. Yamagiwa Harry, barber 222 25th, r same. Yamaguchi N, r rear 267 24th. Yamasaki K, porter D A Smyth, rms 242 25th. Yamato Land & Produce Co, § Tamaki pres, 2458 Wall Yamma Ris, hlpr Angus Kennedy, rms 222 25th. Yangton Albt C, mach, r 560 21st. Yano §S, pkt billiards, 275 24th, r same. Yans, see Jans. Yarrington Alex C, r 1527 Wash av. Yarrington A C jr, clk S P Co, r 560 21st. Yarrington Benj W, formn §S P Co, r 228 22d. Yarrington David C, mach S P Co, b 1527 Wash av. Yarrington Emanuel G, mach § P Go. Yarrington Herbt B, mach, b 560 21st. Yarrington Jesse A, appr, b 2000 Liberty av. Yarrington Rebecca B, b 560 21st. ‘Salt Lake Tribune "Sc PRINTS THE NEWS OF THEWORLD av. #§ Per MONTH CITY Telephone 500-W DIRECTORY-—1917. 459 Yarrington Robt T, mach S P Co, r 2000 Liberty av. Yarrington Vernon R, mach S P Co, r 3516 Ogden av. Yaseda 8, porter, rms 2415 Lincoln av. Yates Absalom, tmstr,.r 2025 Jefferson av. Yates David, cond O L & I, r 1015 22d. Yates Elias, cond O L & I, r 2025 Jefferson av. Yates Leo, motrmn OL & I, r 966 27th. Yeaman Harold T, emp Amal Sugar Co, b 703 W 24th. Yeaman Horace, emp Amal Sugar Co, r W Ogden. Yeaman John W, emp Amal Sugar Co, r rear 866 22d. Yeaman Jos L, driver M L Jones Coal & I Co, r 708 W 24th. Yeaman Raymond §, prsmn, b 703 W 24th. Yeaman Sterling, lab Amal Sugar Co, r 703 W 24th. Yearsley Ezra, mach, r 360 Dan. Yearsley Frank J, mech, r Harrisville. Yearsley Geo, farmer, r Harrisville. Yearsley Jas F, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Harrisville. Yearsley Juanita, b Harrisville. Yearsley LaVon, emp Amal Sugar Co, b Harrisville. Yearsley Lawrence, farmer, r 503 Lincoln av. Yearsley Wm, lab, r Harrisville. Yearsley Zen, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Wilson.la. Yeates Morgan P, brkmn O 8S L. Yee Kong, b 2471 Lincoln av. Yee Lit (Leo Young Co), rms 322 25th. Yerger Frank H, hlpr Newman & Stuart Co, b 364 3d. Yerger Wm G, carp, r 364 3d. Yoakam David A, rms 3217 Wash av. Yoakam Jas, slsmn, r Harrisville rd 4 n city limits. Yochem Paul, linmn, r 1557 Wash av. Yokahama Frank, cook 2604 Jefferson av. Yokozawa K, clk Tamaki & Co, b 2240 Quincy av. Yorgason Chas E, slsmn Utah-Idaho Motor Co, r 504 31st. Yorgason Laura M (wid Robt), clk Kern’s Co, r 451 31st. York Ray A, whsmn Ogden Com Co, rms Oxford Hotel. Yost, see Jost. Younes Jos 8S, slsmn Legal Store, rms 127. 25th. Young, see also DeYong. Young Ada, opr Scowcroft’s, b 3704 Adams av. Young Ada L (wid Alfred D), r 3704 Adams av. Young Adolph, carp, rms 432 21st. Young Alfred D, emp Amal Sugar Co, b 3704 Adams av. Young Mrs Alice B, r 134 W 28th. Young Annie (wid Frank), r 224 26th: Young Arta D, died Apr 7, °16, age 60. Young A Beatrice, tchr Lorin Farr Schl, b 1030 25th. Young Benj E, student, b 2527 Iowa av. Young Cleoda, student, rms 165 26th. Young Delbert, messr Postal Tel-Cable Co, b 8 Stuart la. Young Edgar E, clk Eccles Lbr Co, b 2264 Lincoln av. Young Ellen, maid 824 Wash av. Young Emelia, b 148 33d. Uiah-ldaho Motor Co. Division Two Ono Maxwell, Mitchell and Marmon Autos Smith Form-A-Trucks Service Motor Trucks _ SERVICE 2369 Hudson Av. 31 Tel. 891 | OGDEN, UTAH kates cated ead STATES ~ PUSS 1 Tedae UNITED eet TEREST UEgE edbe dia ied RART ILA SoaDARaG ane e PANTHER COAL™=DEAL"4 ERS a ET Street Tel. 987) |