OCR Text |
Show e | ee Better Goods Lowest Easy Prices a Terms Volker Lumber Co. @ 448 R. L. POLK & Co's). Williamson Williamson Williamson OGDEN John M, lab, r 156 Patterson av Ruby, emp Ogden P & P Co, b Wilso n la Walter C, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Wilso n rd WILLIS JOHN G, Lawyer, 311-312 Col Hudson Bldg, Tel 4128 r3 Wright Apts, Tel 1058_J. de Willis Willis Mrs Mae W, r 2532 Orchard av. Ophelia, died Dec 9, 16, age aa: cold Annie, rms 1914 Lincoln ay. Vilis Geo A (Eecles Bldg Barber Shop), r 2804 Wilson Almer §, clk Last & Thomas , b 1140 o5ih Wilson Andw, fruit srower, 469 12th, r same Wilson Annabelle B, rms 579 Cross. Wilson _ Arnold L, student,b 931 23d. Arthur E, City Sexton, r 2026 oa Jefferson av. Vilson Barlow B, jailor and desk sergt City Jail, r same Wilson Benj A, fruit Srower, 441 12th, p same Wilson Bernice, student, 23d. WILSON BROS CO (T S andb 931 G W Wilson), Wholesale and Re_ tail Grocers, 2781 Wall av, Wholesale and | Retail Dealers WILSON Phone 612 Tels 626-627, conten, oi reprOL & I,r 327 29th. ES H, Mgr Utah-Idah ae Oe motor ac. W1870-J. WilsdmisonteaUlyde, s appr O Jackson Co, 9rms 241 9 r Wilson Conrad J, clk, b 315 Patterson ay. Sty Wilson David B, carrier P O, r 643 42th. wee shiney ey tee Ogden P & P Co, r Kanesvi lle. Yison Dunbar L, tmstr Scoweroft’s, r 2960 Wilson Earl R, student, b 931 23d. : ier Wilson Edna L, drsmkr Last & Thomas, b 2026 Jefferson av. Wilson Edwd, brkmn § P Co, r 122 23d. Wilson Edwd.-E, tmstr, rms 1917 Park avy. Wilson Edwd T, elnr, 480 Chester, r same. Wilson Eliz, r Kanesville. Wilson Ellen (wid Jas), r 126 W 28th. Wilson 237-245 24th St. a Ellen L, tehr Lewis Schl, r 703 12th. Wilson Emeline (wid Calvin C), r 437 Herrick av. Wilson Emma, clk Wright’s, rms Poplar Heights . Wilson Ernest F, cook, r 2708 Pacific av. Wilson Ernest S, clk Coml Nat Bank, b 469 12th. . Wilson Everett, carp C J Humphris, r 1917 Park ay. Wilson E Jean, student, b 469 12th. Wilson E Kate, student, b 424 3d. Wilson Fawn, student, rms 2739 Madison ay. Wilson Fergus O, farmer, r Eden. Wilson Flora M, steno, b 501 12th. Wilson Frank, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Wilson la. Wilson Frank D, trav frt and pass agt U P System , rms 2546 Adams av. Wilson Fred, farmer, r N Ogden. Wilson Geo A, lab, r 631 W 24th. . Wilson Geo E, hostler § P Co, r 2238 Endion av. Wilson Geo W (Wilson Bros Co), r 164 W 28th. : CITY DIRECTORY—1917. Wilson Geo W, billpstr, r 345 Dan. Wilson G Clinton, collr Ogden Examiner, r Wilson la. Wilson Hamilton, moved to Burley, Ida. Wilson Harriet 8S, elk, b 501 12th. Wilson Henry, lab, b 631 W 24th. Wilson Herbt, carp, r 829 21st. Wilson Howard L, r 2128 Lincoln av. Wilson Howard R, metermn U P & L' Co, b 703 12th. Wilson Howell, emp Nelson & Fell, b 2341 Madison av. Wilson Imogene, bkpr Newman & Stuart Co, b 220 27th. Wilson Irvin, lab, rms 179 25th. Wilson Isabella (wid John), rms 2312 Quincey av. Wilson Jacob, farmer, r Kanesville., Wilson Jas B, lab S P Co, r 241 W Patterson av. Wilson Jas D, driver J C Slade, r 315 Patterson av. Wilson Jas R, r 503 Lincoln avy. Wilson Jas T, farmer, r Slaterville. Wilson Jas W, cond, r 3060 Wash av. Wilson Mrs Jane A, b TIT’ J Wilson. Wilson Jeanette, b 272 28th. Wilson Jessie G, died Dec 7, °16, age 16. WILSON JOHN, Book and Loose Leaf Device Mfr, Artistic Library Binding, Paper Ruling, 2465 Washington av, Tel 850, r 479 30th, Tel 2669-R. Wilson John, emp Amal Sugar Co, b Wilson la. Wilson John F, electn, rms 2350 Jefferson av. Wilson John L, fruit grower, 703 12th, r same. Wilson John L jr, fruit grower, 648 13th, r same. Wilson John M, lab, r 2050 Liberty av. Wilson John W, carp, r 931 23d. Wilson John W, farmer, r Edén. Wilson Joshua R, tmstr Jogalong Trans Co, r 137 31st. Wilson Juanita B, opr MS T & T Co, b 3209 Wash av. Wilson Katherine B, tchr Five Points Schl, b 703 12th. Wilson Laron A, moved to Sacramento, Calif. Wilson Lawrence, ctr Scowcroft’s, r 3121 Grant av. Wilson Lawrence, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Wilson la. Wilson Lee H, r Wilson la. Wilson Mrs Lillian P, r 2767 Grant av. Wilson Lindsay K, brkmn § P Co, r 2079 Adams ay. Wilson Louis D, tmstr, r 2823 Wash av. Wilson Marian, student, b 703 12th. Wilson Mary HE, died Nov 13, °16, age 69. Wilson Maude I, student, b 931 23d. Wilson Milton B, bkpr Union Stock Yds, rms 2550 Orchard av. Wilson Myrtle, b Kanesville. Wilson Myrtle P, clk, b 237 W 2d. Wilson Nellie, b Wilson la. Wilson Olive P, rms 2540 Eccles av.. Wilson Orson, r 800 W 24th. Wilson Peter S, r 1140 25th. Wilson Ray D, b 237 W 2d. 0)Weetemeese | Orpheum HEADQUARTERS Candy Co. CIRCULARS R. L. POLK FOR CHOCOLATES AND ICE CREAM Our Cream Tests 21% 2522 Washington Ave. _—‘Tel. 1941 ms Ogden, Utah | ADDRESSED—WRITE i? Mailing Lists of All Kinds & CO. Salt Lake City Addressing! 449 and Mailing : oo Mailing Lists| of every kind! Oo Commercial Service Co. W. J. BLACKBURN! Manager 209 Col. Kudson Bldg. KEEP THE $ AT HOME | caieeeeient ae ee iz te sees Se ——— es 156-164 F De Tel. St. a WHOLESALE & RETAIL 24th red . NN + ” aN a. \ 4 S = Se BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY Mantels, Grates Tile & a be |