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Show SHERMAN AV—e SHORTEN AV—w SHOSHONE—on from w of Weber River. from 1872 Wash av. LANE—e SHUPE from 720 32d. SILSIE AV—n av. 1540 Wash from SIXTEEN TH—e SIXTH—e and w from 600 Wash av. SLATERVILLE—n w Five from Points, av. be- SUMMIT—on a line with W 32d, 2 blks w av. and w from 2000 Wash av. 2100 Wash and w from voL. ig? | 2200 from and w | TWENTY-SECOND—e . yond Marriott. continuaton of Jefferson av, s of SMITH—a 39th; Linwood pl. and 46th W BOULEVARD—bet SOUTH 47th, 7 blks w of Weber River. av. Madison from 3160 COURT—e SOUTH and w from 115 N Wash SOUTHWELL—e av. from 3540 Tyler av. SPENCER—e from 2040 Wall av. SPENCER AV—w continuation of Adams av, s of SPRING—a 39th. SPRUCE—on a line with W 4ist, 7 biks w of Weber River. SPRUNT—e from 2140 Taylor av. STEELE AV—now Eccles av. STEPHENS AV—n and s from 140 W 31st, n from 140 W 20th. STILWELL TERRACE—2760-2780 Grant av. STUART LANE—n from 440 22d. SULLIVAN ROAD—e from 3040 Jefferson av, then s e from Monroe av. ‘OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY biks i River. TWENTY-FIRST—e 31st, 2 biks W a line with TWENTIETH—e av. Wall 2639 Weber of w 2 and’ 28th, 27th W TREVOC TERRACE—201 Wash av. TRIBE COURT—S rom 551 23d. . TWELFTH—e and w from 1200 Wash av. Wash N 539 from TREMONT—bet 22d. of 539 W SHERBURNE AV—n w from 239 bik e % from AV—e SHERIDAN N Wash av. 26th. from 1140 AV—s SHERIDAN -_ R. L. POLK & CO’S AVENUES. STREETS AND : 42 Wash av. 2300 from w and TWENTY-THIRD—e Wash av. 2400 from w and TWENTY-FOURTH—e ash av. Wash Wash 2500 from TWENTY-FIFTH—e and w av. and w from 2600 Wash TWENTY-SIX TH—e av. 2700 from and w TWENTY-SEVENTH—e Wash av. 2800 w. from and TWENTY-EIGHTH—e Wash av. TWENTY-NINTH—e and w from 2900 yi ‘ av. Wash TYLER AV—s from 1301 20th, 12th MISCELLANEOUS (Copyright CITY e of Physician—W Wash av. THIRTY-THIRD—e and and av. THIRTY-FOURTH—e av. Wash ae and —ame gid vu Ly THIRTY-SEVENTH—e ash av. TInheY EIGHTH—e w from w from 3300 and w from w from 3200 Wash w Wash 3500 and w mi oot 3700| from 3:800| from THOMPSON AV—S from 939 28th. TOOELE—bet W 31st and 32d, 2 biks w of 2137 Reeves av. to 71st. from 2740 R AV—n eat BOULEVARD—=s of of Weber 134 W 22d, Pa River. WEST w from| w of av. a: RR) 3739 Jackson av. from 2439 Quincy ns TERRACE—rear a AV—now w end 24th, WOODLAND AV—s from 239 224. from 639 32d. AV—s WYOMING YRUBDUS COURT—867 234. 4 Court n w to for | e 24th bet __, Ad s. Commissioners—Moroni y—Second Da STATE 5S Senators—Wwm S and Auditor—J Assessor—O Treasurer+-D. M E M P Storey. L. Higginbotham. Sanderson. Sheriff—H C Peterson, Surveyor—Washington Jenkins County Infirmary—H and] Brown, W. Evans. Attorney_—j Bates. Supt of Schools—-w N Petterson. Supt Tues ter: M McCune. { Barle Pee Salt Lake Ririe. O Larson. — aaiteunaiad. Ow City’ mpplen, ie tio: _ Eee Inspector—Robt Howard. Engineer—Geo F McGonagle. Fish and Game Comr—R H Siddoway,: Dairy and Food Comr—W M Boyden. Harms. Gane dee . G Willi eneral—W utan Architect—Jos two Smoot. § and Reed and ‘Jas Librarian—H W Griffith. ue Coal Mine oe ties Executive. Building, Public 2. Creek, day after: first H Welling Mays. Supt and OFFICERS. H Kin Congressmen—M Auditor—Jos Treasurer—D Attorney G wate! 1 GOVERNMENT. STATE U Kanesville Burch Oficers—Every Governor—Simon Bamberger. Secretary of State—Harden B Washington Skeen, Hooper fe ret County Monday. in November. precinct in each COUNTY _GOUN OFFICERS. isy4 be o,24th House—n Marriott, Wilson, Warren. and Taylor. Poe | _. years. { Election ‘COUNTY GOVERNMENT. | PRECINCTS. Slaterville, Weber, Capitol Recorder—Kath Ogden av. WILSON LANE—from Marriott. West ward. City election, first Tuesday after first Monday in February, every: two years. Clerk Ti Memohehs ‘av t0 we Wall av and ee e AtPieio830 Custer av. WILSON ville, Health and Finance; Chris Flygare, Supt Streets and Public Improvements, Water: Supply and Water Works;.M L Jones; Sieg: Public Property and Public ‘ Clk, 306 Pettigrew. Randall, Riverdale, Uintah, Farr West, Libert » Ro Pound Master—Frank A Naisbett. Board of City Commissioners—T S Browning (Ex-offico) ‘Supt Public Affairs, j Ogden. WHEELER AV—w from AV—w WHEELWRIGHT WHITE Weber P me 8 Riv H Froerer, Bldg. ELECTION Brown. Electon Precinets—One Bank ‘Ogden—i, 2, 3, 4, 5—-wards same i election precincts, Huntsville, Eden, North Ogden, Pleasant View, Plain City, Harris-- Street Supervisor—C H Martin. Sanitary Inspector—Geo Shorten. Coal Oil Inspector—R C Taylor. Sexton—A E Wilson. Poll Tax Collector—Claude. Flowers. Harrison av. W 40th, 12 biks w of 5th station OGDEN—2a WEBER— av s w cor 25th. Nat Physician—W R eimmneit, ‘Crop Pest Inspector—C E from av 3400) Voor coURT—s from 521 23d. as Tec and w from 3900 Wash erent e Wry °e Nt LANE—w from 2410 Grant av. MAS Weber River. from AV—n TRACY 40th 6 miles ol ace w and HEIGHTS—Wash WASHINGTON R 1919). First Mayor—T Saml Browning. Recorder—W J Critchlow. Treasurer—wWallace Foulger. Attorney—W H Reeder jr. Auditor—A F Larson Engneer—J M Tracy. Chief of Police—T E Browning. Municipal Court Judge—D R Roberts. Juvenile Court Judge D E Sullivan. Chief of Fire Dept—G A Graves. Wall av. UNION AV—s from 227 W 318t. “ UTAH AV—from County Rd to 40th, bet Wash and Grant avs. from 3040 Jackson av. © PLACE—e UTAH VALLEY DRIVE—e from 1850 Harrison av. 19th, 10 € 1101 from AV—s BUREN VAN of Wall av. miles w of city, bet N Ogden and VIEW—6 Utah Hot Springs. VOLKER AV—n from 740 28th. WALL AV—s from 101 18th, 3d w of Wash INFORMATION Board of Education—L OFFICERS. City Hall—Washington xxi. Secured GOVERNMENT. CITY of Weber River. SWAN AV—e from 2240 Custer av. av, dividing liné bet streets running east TANNER COURT—s from 847 22d. and west. TAYLOR AV—s from 1501 19th, 14th e of WALNUT—on a line with W 42d, 7 blks w Wall av. of Weber River. TAYLOR WARD—-a farmng district in -WARREN—13 miles northwest. West Weber. rom 2159 Adams av. WARREN LANE—w TENNESSEE AV—s from W 34th, 4 blks w av Adams 2155 from ROW—w WARREN of Weber River. to Stuart Lane. TENTH—e and w from 1000 Wash av. WASATCH—bet W 31st and 32d, 2 biks Ww THIRD—e and w from 300 Wash av. cae ; River. of Weber THIRD AV—e from 3140 Harrison av. city limits, AV—from n tos WASHINGTON THIRTEEN TH—e and w from 1300 Wash av 8d east of Wall av. THIRTIETH—e and w from 3000 Wash av.] AV—s from W 34th, 2 bliks WASHINGTON THIRTY-FIRST—e and w from 3100 Wash w of Weber River. av. THIRTY-SECOND—e 1919 Monson. Printer—J. L Meehan. Insurance Comr—Rulon Crop Pest Inspector—J wie S B Wells. Walker. |