OCR Text |
Show ee enter a chatty Rag here> i a R. L. POLK& CO’S SOCIETIES—LABOR SECRET 48 10 OF. GDEN CITY DIRECTOR ORGANIZATIONS. ORGANIZATIONS. LABOR AND TRADES Assembly—Eagles Central Trades and 52320 Home. Electric Ogden Lodge No kah and 4—2320 No Street e of Lodg Assn City Rebe Amalgamated Queen America, No 418— Railway Employes of Washington av. Home. Eagles rear 373 28th. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. Bakers Local No 138— Hall. No 53—lI oO on av/ B arbers of America, of ingt Union Wash Int’nl 320 n’s 7—2 Maso Stone & Ogden Branch No 77 Brick av. ORDER Lodge av. No No Camp No Nest Ogden AMERICA. OF Home. 9990—Eagles’ ..- OWLS. OF ORDER » Washing- 18 44—2416 WOODMEN MODERN Utah OF av Washington 4218—2416 HIGHLANDERS. . ROYAL Ogden Castle No 525—Moose Hall. rae 4 ete uM ark et Ye Bia Rvare ere Teta k Er tho # FE Pi Lodge ‘ Ogden Council 248—2320 No OF THE WORLD. WOODMEN Weber Camp No av. Wash 74—2320 ‘3 NEIGHBORS OF Wash av. WOODCRAFT. Home. Metal Workers Union—EaglesNo 356, A Musicians Protective Union STREET RAILWAYS.- Classified Section. 1 THEATRES. on. jy BPO Classifiea Secti sang Auxiliary), Hall. United Brotherhood : a bartender & Railway F of commission commissioner | mir WARDS Ward—aAll AND -. Home. teacher . transfer treasurer - upholsterer veterinarian --- domestic cosa «.. oy uD side rthwest whsmn wil opposite wholesale warehouseman Speddler physician we Consolidated Wagan & Denver & Rio fokae nace aoa ities Saints payee ie | Ogden Pressed ie steig --.-Oregon Ogden a Ogden & tt eee Railway ate ae + ae Archibald pee ugust UR F fen he in & ce Mail Service Pacific Pacific Co Railroad Uiih Power& Lone Union Western ABBREVIATIONS GIVEN Brick. e the Short Line Railroad Railway & Depot Northwe stern Railroad Co Union eee av av .. photographer av and south of 25th. : 2d Ward— Ogden River. and north of 25th to north of Ogden tory terri l —aAl Ward 3d River. east of Wash territory 4th Ward—All Ogden River. and north of 95th to territory east of Wash 5th Ward—aAll ; ’ ‘and south of 25th. southwest Switchmap south southeast South side i Baan ortheast department district employee q Engin- Wash ma milliner deputy — ‘ of superintendent manufacturer ... rician and west messenger _+ Manufacturing musician contertiauke fae tak on r. . mrUale contractor. ear . elevator BOU NDARIES. territory mesehan seamstress special Stenographer compositor | tots." nioutmen ~ Labor Shop—Eagles. ---- president principal pressman publisher Post Office residence road real estate - repairer Reverend rooms secretary salesman machinist collector 236—Union of Firemen laundre‘eSS lithographer + an ashier r chauffeu Glare Lodge Utah ay ; ipacersen Home. eers—Eagles . of Firemen and Engin United Brotherhood )—Eagles Home. eers (Ladies Auxiliary of Way e enanc Maint of d United Brotherhoo 4st See (Ladies a ee meee Unio Tailors Union No 444— Labor Hall. Unio —_Union Teamsters OOF 68—I No Lodge Ogden Trainmen, 73—1 0 O F Hall. No Typographical Union - bookkeeper building block all. Auxiliary). (Ladies Conductors Railway O W Hall. Star of Utah Div No g3—-W n Labor Unio 569— Sheet Metal Worker s, No Hall. n Labor Hall. Oo inspector . baggageman Adams av. M—2602 yes, Ogden Div No Order of Railway Emplo 41—Eagles Hall. of AmerPaperers and Decorators ee Hall. ca _ No 22—Union Labor 252— No ers, Finish Plasterers and Cement Union Labor Hall. . Hall. Labor Plumbers Union—Union — | Wasatch Div No 494-—— Pen RO —2320 Wash av. Ogden .circle No 581 —2320 Wash av. Segd Lily Circle No 174 Ms Int’nl Union of America, Local Home. No 367—Eagles n—Eagles Home. Cooks and Waiters Unio Hudson 115—2339 Electrical Workers, No a av. Desert can Ameri e) (Locomotiv Engineers Hall. Div No 55—I O Oo F BrotherInt’nl Auxiliary Grand Engineers Clara. Engineers, Locomotive of W Hall. O W 237— No Div Barton Hall. es Garment Workers—Eagl Employees, No 58i— Hotel and Restaurant Union Labor Hall. Hall. eos TRAVELERS. COMMERCIAL UNITED F Hall. Hall. Labor 1—Union No O HERMAN. OF SONS O 3240—1 No Camp Exeelsior AMERICA. OF NEIGHBORS ROYAL helper eg Ogden ton LOYAL MOOSE. eecurala housekeeper insurance CHAD QO USER AZmr ws a POM i— No Temple Calanthe Sisters, bs eg all. 0 f P Hall P of Rank—kK 2, Uniform Lineoln: Co No Hall. : Pad av. Grant 9g—2353 No Cigarmakers’ PYTHIAS. OF KNIGHTS Lodge Ogden : assistant Ameri of Carpenters and Joiners Wash av. —2416 av. Washington 1—2320 No av. THE OF ASSN BENEFIT MA CCABEES. WOMEN’S ie Silver Hive W ashington 4—2320 No Tent plasterer east side architect ace GARSOCOORMON. OF KNIGHTS Silver ; examiner express east Dh apprentice Hall. America, No 3—Union Labor Clerks—2320 Wash Brotherhood of Railway av. Labor Hall. Car. Builders Union—Union ca, No 450 MACCABEES. THE accountant addition atv Washington ABBREVIATIONS. Labor cen roi NAMES oes ward Elizabeth Frederick Michael Nathaniel Benjamin Commerine arles Christian Margaret ee | |