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Show Fole y BARGAI Variety 2410 Ave. Sto OGDEN’S ONLY DEPARTMENT STORE N BASEMENT OF HOUSEHOLD aoone ECONOMIC HOUSEWIVES ~~ Washington 426 ag R. L. POLK & ee CO’S caben erry DIRECTORY—A918. ce Gratton Maggie M b River iverdale. 3 Bratton Wayne b ee ere a gtratton Wm grocer Riverdale r Strawn Chas J motermn UICRRr COLLECTS ALL KINDS OF BILLS Mercantile Reports Furnished Loans NATIONAL Stratford Francis W BANK EVER Streeper Ethelyn b Rentals a Special . Negotiated PHONE FIRST "Gtreeper Block 242-246 Wash av. Streeper OGDE pres Bd of Education r Wilson 1 Stratford Frank W mach § P Go r 2759 Wall ay. ~ Stratford Geo E r Wilson la. Stratford Horace B (Stratford Decorat ing Co) r 2129 Q Stratfor d ce Wall Paper Rica Low Prices Special Inducesite Myrtle Stratford Stratman Virgil hlpr Redfield-Kin Jos died Nov eae clk Paine & Hurst b 2324 Jackson Stratford Priscilla clk W E Hart b 635 21st. b 2324 35. Stratt Wm rms 2472% Hudson av. oe on ARTHUR E (Stratton Bros), Jackson Striffler : a av : pr Riverdale, a (S Parlor) r 2571 Lincoln |) early. Contracts! Stratton Laura ER &(widM Chili Wm H) rms 743 27th. Pe jag Give Us a a nr ti! STRATTON BROTHER aa Arthur E. Stratton Wm. Borak, Mgr. : Phone 563) 2370 / | jaa Ne Ss ar et ema e aon, D> AUTOMOBILE REPA NOVELTY REPAIRIN MACHINE WORK Up-to-Date Repair | Geo M r 2176 Monroe Striker AswchmnOUR&D Strimple Eva moved to Stringer Edwd eng r 8 % Stratton Birdella M student rms 769 28th. ||STRATTON BROS (Arthur E Stratton), Auto Repairs, | i Po ineton av, Tel 688 eee ara te fatton Clifford farmer r Riverdale. Stratton Edwd farmer r Riverdale. ( Stratton John L & Bros Co b 713 Wash av r same. prob L Lester 1 tromberg Arvid & Stromberg Stromberg Eliz See Elmer F b Hogs | nity ; Modern Shoe Repairing Phone 212-J 9, Payee at rear 1¢ ash av. ce rear 2358 Washington Ave. Mo. ae ash 2029 av. Jos carp r 2055 Adams av. Thura V carp r rear 1977 Wash FRED Bought Ogden, on Utah av. Madison av. av. J, Live Steck Dealer, Beef, Calves, Sheep and or Slaughtered AND HOSIERY Strong Geo rancher r 37th and Pacific av. Strong’s Canyon Water Co E F Bratz sec 417 Eccles Bldg. STRUBEL Good av. incer Mary C student b 804 W 25th. Stringham Afton cashr Boyle Furn Co b 798 26th. Stringham Alice (wid Ashby) r 798 26th. Stringham Laura A (wid John C) rms 218 N Wash Sirombers Stromberg Clark’s SHOES Commission, Broom aa Hotel rsame, Tels 556-557. (See adv under Classfied Live Stock Breeders and Dealers). Strump Wheatley B clk r 165 W 27th. COMMERCIAL & ELECTRIC Struppeck Paul carp rms 2468 Wash av. tuart see also Sitewart. Stuart Calvin contr 2952 Wall av r same. Stuart Chas E lab S P Co r 254 28th. Stuart Claude E clk P Or Unita U. pert David K v-pres Utah Corrugated Culvert ams av Stuart Edna FE student b 2206 Adams ay. F Go r 22 Stuart Floyd C student b 2952 Wall av. fuart Loretta E steno Golden Rule Meré’€o b 2952 Wall av. Stuart Verna b 2206 Adams av. Stubbs Winifred tehr Mound Fort Schl rms Plaza Apts. Studebaker Bros Co Emer Crockett jr mgr 2224 Wash av. “a * OUTDOOR: ADVERTISING -PHONE 289 PLOTS hl ( UP-STAIRS Stuhr Earl A B& b 2665 Grant av. Kelly & Herrick “ssa c Closely Connocted with ANNERS AND PULLERS both East and West aw" : a s in the Market at Top Market “T0 Pp ‘2263-2260 Dealer in Hides, Pelts Tallow, Beeswax & Furs Wall Avenue | e eaning : Paint Washed 4 av. Stricklord H B emp Ogden P & P Co rms U S Rooms. Striffler Ethel L died ay 11, °18 age 34. H clk U P & L Co b 2129 Quincy ay. "aie Lawrence H moved to Great Falls Mont. Window || Stratford Marianna (wid Edwin) r 2184 Jefferso n a Stratford steno J G Read Pre Cleani studen b 713 Wash & ah ad Expert Horace Stratford M : hee Streeper Saml 7 ay oe peace ly t Wm T lab r 40th an gden av. eter Calvin G carrier P Or 474 16th. | and confr Plain City Streeter Geo Gagtsg UICGRR: [ Streeter Mark L Be Chae ue eter Vivian student r Plain City. Dicker Alex swchmn O U R & Drms 243 26th. 755-J BLDG. Florence Lawrence F Me eeper Norma ee ats at Se |