OCR Text |
Show yelp iy » Shea PAAR SS, pee ee Seen Building Material | _ 156-164 24th St. Tel. yle. Furniture Company ‘THREE GENERATIONS HAVE BOUGHT | Mill Work and WHOLESALE & RETAIL 128 FURNITURE AT BOYLE’S : EE | QUALITY oes SHOP : BAUMEISTER of | Men and 3% hid. tiie 2 Clothing | Overcoats gat Suits eb 1\Furnishings|] Ae ae ae <3 sere eTe Lege, yrent oS . CIEsiel PP ek Grant ay. Baxter John A, painter, r 1403Bros, r 532 & S, clk S J Burt “ ‘ Co, r 2717 Wall av. Baxter Frank H. lab, Ogden P & rP 566 21st. a ) Beck a ae 21st. each Rowode %, disp | Baxter fcr. ms oo Buren an as & Beach), Bosch Wm (‘Thom r E (wid Albt 954 Bean Geo, blmkr, rms 124 234d.Orchard av. St Eleano Bean Genevieve, Bean Viola, clk Ogden steno, rms 2566 lab, rms 304 Beard, see also Baird. *\|Beard Edgar, Examiner, b 25th. Bros Beardslee Chas P, cashr Browning Beasley John EK, r 1207 Wash av. Beason, see also Beeso n. av. Beason Lew W, FBS, b 2656 Jefferson Beason Thos R, r 2656 Beason T Don, Me ™, rms Jefferson 24th. 2566 Jas Orchard : av. 23d. 2665 or | ra 541 | A, farmer, BS, r’ i Boker | : CO. | oe b eke UTAH G Caden ea 24th. 2573 Grant av. Heights) er. C Products Becker UL is, Jv-pr es ent gy b OAs stod Blaine 43 Bees are Lincoln cr ay. eames A, musn, r rear 2465 Monroe av. Pree eee HORE Products chfr, rms 2964 Grant farmer, r 2145 Adams eRoy, Jeremiah, ee pee Student, b 2445 Adams ay. ECKER Pa S ,died Apr 20, '18, age 88. ‘ LAUNDERERS - DRY CLEANERS|| | Ogden, Utah | { ey-isen 19th Soft: Drinks, 7 J. Co, r 2408 Van Gh ay. s w cor Lincoln aia McKELL, Suits 409-10-11 and av, Tels D. GC. 401 Fourth Floor Col. Hudson Building ass Phone oun 0 Ray | Night Pe r View. 1506 5 r Becker | one TRANSFER Treatments s Albert ODUCTS CO, Gustav L Becker Pres-Treas,Becker's [... ecker. V-Pres; | Conrad E Bohn Mer, Mfrs 2665 Monroe av. 9147-2153 ROYAL AV. | : Scalp Romanza (wid Soha! Poplar _ S, lab, r 350 10th. Ck r,Ulysses Becke see als. and Bekk ae Bake Becke Alht ; ay. ‘TELS. 367-368 : 28th. OGDEN, Boo etter, av. Co, r 761 | and C, BR, b 1506 24th. alg Book av. E), rms Beamer Henry, eck Beck N ae 2760 Wall av. rms BYBEE BLOCK Geo, a S P Co, r 2747 Wash av. Beach Mrs Ruth, rms 218 24th r e 631 ' av. Douglas and ; Hats ee bee Phone Co Ue las Sree oe e, ee ose Prevese Seer neeee venpeseose H, emp Amer Linen Co, r 813 20th. Baxter Eliz A’ (wid Jos), r 2069 Music, TELEPHONE Beaver Meda M, b 327 35th. Beaver J Marvin, b 327 35th. Beaver Wm A, lab, r 327 35th. vis eee ‘a bldr S P Co. 1S , ctr Wash Mkt, r 3281 Beck Geo, : poultry breeder: : 54 9 37th bee alee 25th boss aageeens pier asc DSeS CSD atch oe seesenr cs oac : pire dae se>. scot he sg TS PU av st J 54 bie anpape av. Baxter Cassius C, paperhngr, b 2069 rmsDouglas 2002 Jackson av. Baxter Dewey B, lab Amer Can Co, of SYSTEM Specialists in Skin LEWIS — 4 Bh, 352 i Yn eeies| | Bldg, Tel 729-W, a Ry Baxter Wm, chkr U P Lndry, b 2069 Douglas av. 14 a Baumeister Leona, student, b 361 32d.Eccles R H, Attorney-at-Law, 827 BAUMUNK <p 2442 Monroe av, Tel 2467-W. aa ee Conserv Hair Goods and Cosmetics | Jos 2647 Wash. ay. 7 Baxter Lawrence A, driver Amer Linen Co, rms OS = 32d. Baumeister Jos H, BS, b 361 ; 356: r Bros), aumeister Ogden EMMA oi Sees, eats Hips ean tchr _ The Beauty Shop | yw, 94 i of All Kinds, Cigars, Ete, 365 24th, Tel 1887-W JOs Baxter Edwd MARINELLO Shoes ie pe SO Poe L, DIRECTORY—1919. Beattie Rose, emp Utah Canning Co, b 172 W ey. eta lee 7 ce 21st, r same. mma ByDee), Ogden’ i Parlors, 53 Lewis Blk, Tel SAL (abe Te ae anch, Proprs The| Baxter Jas B, wringer U P Lndry, ee -{ ae r 573.26th: Co, Henry), and (Joseph BROS Soft Drinks aumeister Young Men : Olga M, clk Wash Mkt, b 452 22d. Otto W, drugst A R McIntyre Drug Bauman Bauman |) Dressers ef oe J i sha 2b riod Geo, clk Browning Bros Co, b 452 22d. Bauman ” Modern Vera av. CITY Beattie Frank, mach S P Co, r 172 W 28th Beattie Lillie, emp Utah Canning Co, b TS W 28th 432 22d.° 3:0 Bauchman Saml GC, mldr Ogden Iron Wks, rms i) Bauer, see also Bower. Apts, BAUER MISS ALMA, Teacher Of Piano, Studio 215 Plaza r 216 same Tel 1492. Bauer Helen, died Feb 4, 18, age 84. Siu Baum Edgar G, eng S P Co, r 619 23d. See) Oe | Bauman, see. also Bowman. ae Bauman Adolph, eng S P Co, r 452 22d. i} OGDEN Beason Mrs oe ie . 18, 718, age 98. Bauchman Anna L, died May 2 | a | b 2201 Lincoln av. —- {| Battice Fred R, disp UICRR, ver Battle Olive H (wid Geo W),r Wilson la. rms 427 Fhthy ss Baty Libby, clk Wolfer’s Cloak.& S Go, wis raas | Bauchman., see also Bachman. . e i. R. L. POLK & CO’S 44 - THE TISAI Laboratory 426 Ogden, Utah |