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Show 364 eareetraetin Seo . oat RL POLK. &@608 | R. L. POLK, Pres, and Treas. Li Polk & Company Salt Map Lake of Salt Se City Lake Directory City , Salt Lake City Street Guide Householders Guide of Salt Lake ec reas and gee County Directory olse City and Ada County Directory Utah State Gazetteer and Business Directory Pocatello City aie ay and B te k Cc Utah dounty ty Directo staan SS = SS | pele BATESTAS BROS., Proprs. a ae 7 ae City ae Cheyenrie City Directory Laramie City Directory Logan City and Cache County Directory Sparks, Carson City and Washoe County Directory Spri City Direct OE ——— a Fort Collins, Lovelafid and Larimer County Directory Address Circulars and Advertising Matter of all Kinds. Ce pone Na — hee Nie : : ee : ee SALT LAKE CITY. UTAR Famous SEGO LILY CHOCOLATES|} Branches Delici vroue Hattie elepnone Boise, Pocatello, J r 435 Ices Light Pool Merinda . Pool . 2437 Wash. Ave Phone — <= 9. LCI D ee i Raymond (wid Wm) Porter oorman Edith emp Goddard ce a i # Bhoe a -oe Pkg Co. 2 O U R'& D r 347 32d. 728 | Poorman Thos J swchmn O U R & D r 2659 Eccles av. LOANS — INSURANCERES.& TEL. REALTEL.ESTATE, 301 26 OFFICE | isa 5 scthal end: sa sen sind ereep aaa Lak PAs O1nce Under First National Bank © ie J Utah a Girdeu av. | . g 10 cam Co oye Tire & Repair r 857 Co b 30th. 470 30th. nen Di be Se . aiv. av. : ee | Rock Springs Thos D Dee Coal Co, Co. r 800 Ogden PORTER WM Building L, Real Estate, Farm Lots for Amer Red Cross’ sec av. Salt, base Works av, Tel Co ORTERFIELD WM Washington Auto Co b 3024 B, Sec-Treas Ogden D Portdig 74,224, Tel 1500. OFr ig Grant av ee ee . Wm W Browning POST ; Pp OstmaVas@ELEGRAPH-CABLE ashington Tel 222. Andw W av, shoemkr 720 Postma Bowke - Mgr Lands, Loans, Houses and 2374 Popcticld Sara M opr MS T & T Co b 771 22d. ME and 725. av, Ogden rr olb |'Satisfaction” Postmaster, 24th n w cor " 27th r enine av = |, 28 Out of High Rent District We: Save You $100 to $200 ‘on Each Instrument ve 7 2422-2428 Ave. een | CO, Wm S O’Brien Mgr, 2438 carp r 944 Binford °874 Hudson Ave. cor 29th av. |} Sewer Pipe & Clay Co, || Washington E thing in J.| RB M.ReePantone& Son PrAnos ERT L s = idee Tel r Same. Porter Wm S r 1984 Wash ay. potter W Spencer mach Cheesman | Iron Washington Porter Ross b Ogden Canyon. Porter Saml lab Amal Sugar Co. J. A. McCulloch Agence} 2prem eee 1876, a. a Morris. 5 vulcanizer - fl E lab G A Lowe Go PPoole Jos Edith 4pr rear 230 W 22d. Poorman Jas G swchmn _ a a & Edgar cep Porter O Cleveland clk R M §S rms 3 Browning Apts. er Ralph E delmn J O Woody Ptg Go b 30214 Ogden orter Bebecca R (wid Saml) b 1070 Oak. _ mi: 28th. r rear 232 W 22d. Sith Langworthy Porter 3024 _ PORTER RICHARD B, V-Pres First. National Bank, Superior a Pool Isabella (wid Wm) rms 527 7th, Lunches Ee Nate a eS F farmer r Marriott. RM Sr 1070 Oak r Ogden Canyon + E tin ghee ae oP | — Ponce Philip farmer r W 12th. ‘. one John clk hmn Porter Landon R blrmkr 8 P Co r 3884 Ogden ee me. econ Lines Gyan a . Wasa Colorado Springs, P av. Porter John H v-pres Union Portland Cement Co r Denver. ie y De ae Noe ee ee : sa 23d. , "a Pomeroy Jas W student b 435 28th. Ponce Alex farmer r W 12th. Ponce Bec ‘: a — : Ice Cream |} Ponce John farmer r W 12th. and Arthur Gh ue rice _ ae, “tf studentb 435 28th. (wid Alfd) 0 Porter : Pueblo, Cheyenne and Reno. Pomeroy A Loretta Pomeroy : at Ogden, ia meerorter Gladys A b 3021 Ogden av. ick _ Porter Jas W mailmn OUR & Dr 6 Argyle Apts. Porter Jas W lab rms 2106 Wash avs | ae i releohond , The av. Harris Ey Porter Eva L student b a. ae oo ‘i P Pawaic ts pitkcteny| sed Hal Salida City and Chaffee County and Boulder City Directory We 212 rms Lndry } Z Nevada State Gazetteer and Business Directory a eeruaea ory and Las Animas County Directory = do. 355 Heights (Romanzo Beck) bdg hse 437 24th. Bee Vivian mach es Scoweroft’s rms 2853 Pacific aS 70 a Ogden. a Reno, o@DEN CITY DIRECTORY—1919. n Thos K timekpr § P Co r 266 234. Chas brkmn U P. Violet emp Model at Casper and Natrona County Directory Ave. Bone Popenoe Harry O clk R MS rms 2306 Harrison av. ve a: " Washington av. " poorte John H lab Bell Bros Feed Co r 2023 Madison an — DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS Ogden City Directory 2425 . Poorte Edwd A driver b 2018 Madison av. — - Ppoorte Herman lab G A Lowe Co r 2018 Madison av, F. W. SUDBURY, Sec. andMer 7 R. Furnishers —— R FUSNISHINGS FINE : Iglothiers and oa R EPAIRS AND SUPPLIES fans ) ACCESSORIES, I cueGARAGE, nee eee uti {BUCHMILLER-KAPLAN CO.| _ Tel. 1209. al areiatgpiibdiemmanthinaail a a Ogden, Utah)} Phone 2261 | ah| : |: |