OCR Text |
Show ‘Distinctive Millinery we ns vue PU : i Hi \ ! Bi 4 Vou mi Phone Ladies’ Ready to Wear at il it Hy i t FQ HURST rate AND Wei bug HEE ea a EE 4 | ] ai i CTE Batt fi Pierce’s 126 ; R. L. POLK Dickens Danl R bkpr Ogden Elee Dickens Wm electn r 943 20th. Dickerson Edwd emp Ogden P Dickerson Julius contr 3574 S Co & P Utah b 943 Co. av a same. rms Dickey Fred L, V-Pres Ogden Sewer Pipe & C Co, r Kansas Git Mo ra ua ie j Stites cotis its stredeerss verareeheaye Ss SETTibegeeeaetesteresesst seescsadarets Mt - Heh evestz AM il ban HT pegee t: tn ; 13 +t) poses se r : at ease C7hesee te " at AULD | — } see also Dixon. Aaron C lab S P Cob 2111 Grant av. Amy b 2111 Grant av. : Florence (wid Jas H) r 24414 Grant. Industrial State A, Physician GEORGE Physician TIL | YOU'VE TASTED 4 mi eee se sts) Rares YOU DON’T KNOW Dickson Dickson Dickson Dickson DICKSON mS and Surgeon, 216-217 Eccles a q i with Western Grain Offices 613-616 Dooly Bldg, Salt Lake City, Tel Was ‘cnotis Christ lab D & R Gr 724 W 20th. ee Wm lab OUR & D. Diven Vernon L moved to Boise Ida. 2339. & Feed Co. Burton F res mgr Green Mchy a School Florence E bkpr C F Dinsmore DiPietro Guisseppi Dipoma Jos blrmkr died §S P Nov Co. 19 °18 age Co b 969 24th. 36. 17th. Aldous prin Weber av nr 26th, General aime +2 HAY GRAIN FLOUR and Chattel Loans, -J. r Roy. “ee fee Jefferson Bldg, Tel 603,r 2541 Fowler av, Tel 1874-W. Dodd Mrs Harriet clk The Leader rms 2139 Jefferson av. ae ee ort UIC HR, odds Sarah die ar 22 "18 age 59. Dodge Frank A eng SP Cor 596 24th. Dodson John W r 2932 Child av. Dodson Marie M clk b 2932 Child av. Dodson Martha J b 2932 Ghild av. Dodson Wilbur E lab Hansen L S & F Co b 2932 Child av. A POULTRY POULTRY SUPPLIES BABY CHICKS FRUIT BASKETS . BOX MATERIAL | av. iollege. Norma ey oe SE Fwd R wohian r 4437 34th, | SACKS AND TWINE 2354 _ Ave. | Phone 1243 COLLECTIONS|| PUT EAA and REPORTS Honest Collectors of av. are John (Orpheum Candy Go) rms 2668 Wash av. Honest Debts a er Bote carp rms 2772 Jefferson av. Oar Cleaners Oscar Kavatz mgr 414 25th. ollinga see Dallinga. eo et repr S P Cor 203 2st. i SCIENCE BAKING CO (Albert G Duerr). Wholesale Bae : Retail Bakers and Confectioners, Domet Fred, clk, r 513 Plaza Apts. eect Jas J acct S P Cor 315 27th, eee a ° cae Harry J formn 2258 Grant av, Tel | Western Credit Association | Ogden P & P Co. Marenci rms 208% 25th. _ Mrs Alice dpr The Wistaria : b 2270 Moffit -—~COL. HUDSON BLDG. av. —BATTERY "Ex {Oe VANS _ Telephone 283 fj ae ig a a4 SERVICE Phone RENTED, REPAIRED, RECHARGED ELECTRIC STARTER & STORAGE BATTERY STATION 2359 HUDSON. AVE: . | _ FINANCIAL oe Carlin Nev. Dokersley CS swchmn OUR &D. | Bros Geo (Orpheum Candy Co) rms 2668 Wash 1 Won ara ——aidson Delos D F& b 2270 Moffit av. EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE—MOVING $282 Twenty-Fifth Street Washington & Polk (RL LIBRARY . ion Alfd r Harrisville. Dixon Mrs Gussie rms 286 25th. rd. Dixon Lucile N steno Richardson-Hunt Co b 536 Ganyon rd. a r SoH LON, Dixon Philip B Dixon Robt truckmn S P Co. Dixon Robt J r 2932 Porter av. Dixon Sam! F clk D A Smyth rms 242 25th. Dixson see also Dickson. Dobbins Mrs Hannah M rms 982 24th. Dobbs Evelyn E tchr Lewis Schl rms 1102 24th. ae hs RM Sr 208 24th. B A P, Lawyer, District Attorney, 210 Col Hudson Co mgr € # Jogalong Transfer Co.| _ H ixon Dinsmore & Co r 959 26th. aa 4 Dinsmore Chas F pres CG F Dinsmore & Co r 969 24th. a DINSMORE C F & CO, C F Dinsmore Pres, B F Dinsmore MP; _ Engineers and Contractors, 215 Eccles Bldg, Tel 589. 7 Dinsmore * 402 Col Hudson 8, re Dix Philip A (Davis Co Nursery) he Dix Philip J chemist Ae Bldg, Tel 199,1 & Mfg r 462 DIX ELI, Mrs Martha Se 2530 Fowler av, Tel 277. a Dickson Grace B laund U P b 21141 Grant av. a Dickson Holton C § b 2530 Fowler av: Dickson Lesco L mach § P Co. Dickson M Ruth b 2530 Fowler av. Dies Jos T BS b 228 21st. Dies Louis lab Amer Can Co r 228 21st. Dies Louis jr student b 228 21st. Dieu Alphonse shoemkr 3432 Adams av r same. Dieu Emily b 3432 Adams av. Dieu Gabriel carp b 3432 Adams av. Dieu John J bkpr U $ Forest Serv r 2454 Monroe av. — Dieu Julius A N firmn U P r 3544 Ogden av. 1 Dieu Marcel J driver r 657 20th. > 2 Dillenback Fred W appr S P Co. ae Dills Jas plstr r 1130 Capitol av. . eM Dills Margt E steno Utah Constn Co b 1130 Capitol av. 1:4 Dills Newton B& b 1130 Capitol av. i oa Dinneen Jas P dentist 2465 Wash avr 808 27th. Dinsdale Benj farmer r 766 W 17th. Dinsdale Caroline P died Aug 27 718 age 50. Dinsdale Chester F farmer b 724 W 17th. Dinsdale Florence b 566 Canyon rd. Dinsdale Geo brewer G L Becker Mfg Co r 1948 Park av. Dinsdale Jas R eng OU R&D r 2050 Monroe av. Dinsdale Jeffrey farmer r 700 W 17th. Dinsdale John farmer r 744 W 17th. Dinsdale Lois clk S P Co rms 564 Canyon rd. Dinsdale Marcella emp Amer Can Co b 1948 Park avy. Dinsdale Matthew I farmer r 724 W 17th. Dinsdale Owen J repr D & R Gr 765 W 17th. d Dinsdale Rachel r 148 22d. : Dinsmore AND ecic Free Library, pix Edwin a THE Co), OFFICE ME| 20th. 427 CITY DIRECTORY—1919. ee it 1 | uh O]DEN fT —e & CO’S 860 =x TEL. 179° |) 971 m |