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Show {PAINE & HURST S222 GOWNS, WAISTS an MILLINERY of Individuality PHONE SUITS, DRESSES , COATS.5 O C— t Bett: iii Pierce’s R. L. POLK Goodman Mrs Mary Dr 23 Ivy Apts. Goodman Mrs Meda M b 23 Ivy Apts. Goodman Oliver shoemkr 1682 Wash av r 366 Parry Goodman Robt Ritkt clk OU R & Dr 23 Ivy Apts. Goodmanson see Gudmunson. Goodsell Anna (wid Frank J) rms 887 24th. fi Pie Ae. ‘TL ; eam MA Wi a | Ea ! 4\ Pate hl { i Vv. Goodway Jane (wid Edwd) r 2809 Goodwin E emp Ogden P & P Co. Goodwin Goodwin 2916 eng a a Jacl r 675 200. a Co. 8 P Goss Shee Repa GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIR CO (E P Swanson), Shop in Ogt ing, Soles Sewed in 15 minutes, The Busiest av. Wall r 2874 A pkr Walter Gordon Isidore clothing 259 25th b GORDON LOUIS, Dealer in Clothing, Caps, Shoes and Suit Cases, 320 Gordon Mary E drsmkr 120 W 30th ‘GORDON Gordon Mary E Goucher Goucher ; a 257 same. Gents Furnishings, Ha 25th, r 34 Argyle Apts. r same. , Bi. eae (Gcrdon The Tailor), r 257 25th. SAMUEL drsmkr 120 (Gordon L, W 80th r same The Tailor) r 257 25th. SAMUE Merchant Tail GORDON THE TAILOR (Samuel Gordon), Tel 419. (See. ad ing, Cleaning and Pressing, 244 25th, GORDON THE WELL DRESSED ME GORDON THE measurements Tel. { : : Orchard | Hi) ' PRLA | H hal if i mi { jt } av. Gore H hipr Utah Constn Pierce’s Gori Gorie TAILOR moderat 419 Gordon Tillie G (wid Parley) er iy 1 a at eece A T bkpr 211 25th Co. Security State Bank b New a Jog TRANSFER along s sToRAGE EXPRESS 328'2 AND DRAYAGE—MOVING Twenty-Fifth Street aa Brigha: , Hotel. anda29 , Propr New Brigham Hotel, Wall av GORIEsameTHEO , Tel 2430. VANS ‘ relephone ail Gould Gould Gould Gould Oipheum Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Gould Gove Gove av. rms 2106 Wash mer and slsmn Ogden farmer r Riverdale. L W 167 28th. 2354 Washi ngton av. ‘Ave. Phone 1243 27th. — COLLECTIONS 23d. PRGA A ADRS -andFINANCIAL REPORTS _ av. Honest Debts | Jos Graham ener M Lucile maid 2741 Grant av. ille. Pierce mach Ogden. Motor Car Co r Huntsv Walter R mgr Five Points Drug Co r 265 Wash av. 300 — rd. Jos W died Feb 14, 18 age 41. J Percy mech r 2479 Wash av. : Leone dom 831 22d em onam Whittier M brkmn S P Co’r’2911 Pingree av. fand Army of the Republic see p (16). Grand Opera House CoJ F Gross mgr proprs Orpheum é 2520 Wash av... Grandin 2tandin Albon Chas {BATTERY tmstr b G C Grandin. C farmer |>pxioe 99 r e end 7th. Western Credit Association COL. — HUDSON BLDG. | Phone 971 Theatre — RECHARGED REPAIRED, RENTED, ELECTRIC STARTER &. RY STATION STORAGE BATTE AVE. - ~~ TEL. 179° SERVICE | 9359: HUDSON ——_———,, Honest ’ Collectors of Graham r BOX MATERIAL SACKS AND TWINE av. Grace John B beemn O UR & Dr 2369 Quincy Graco Domonic lab r 229 W 21st. Graff see Vande Graff Graham Geo H brkmn U Pr 1245 26th. Harrisville r 769 Co Lincoln John S jan r 1047 12th. Jos T comp Ogden Standard r rear 596 Robt prsmn B F Thomas, f Seth trucker O U R & Wm farmer r Farr West. r same. City h Plain W Leland blsmt Wallace rms 2629 Grant av. Wm W brkmn S P Co r 2215 Lincoln av. rms POULTRY - POULTRY SUPPLIES BABY CHICKS FRUIT BASKETS 22d. S Comn Lee A swchmn O U R & Dr 2948 Lillian clk b 2948 Lincoln av. J messr HAY GRAIN FLOUR r Theatre (wid Lewis) b 2334 Wall Annie 12th. Arvena b 1047 Chester rms 241 Patterson av. Farr West. r Clarence Graham Graham Graham tchr Smithsonian Bus Coll b 25 R & D. Silvio clnr OU mer Grable Harold the importance of | of every style center appreciate to their — wearing only Custom Tailored Clothes made price e individual I Gotch Maret Gottleib Wm - Gouch Frank Goon Chong rms 2354 Grant av. Goon Chong Co Chinese gds 24714 Grant av. Goraki John hlpr S P Co. Gorder Oscar farmer r 3461 Adams av. Gorder Jos lle. Goss Saml B farmer fr Slatervi r 232 Gotch John blrmkr S P Cor rea 24th. 364 Mabel av. H formn Ogden P & P Co r 2315 Sr 529 30th. Gorman Wm B clk RM Co r 2072 Wash av. P S mach G n Alle Gorr OUR&D. Gorsky Harry trucker Studio r 2423 Hudson av. Goshen Geo W ner Goshen 2423 Hudson av. mgr hen Gos W G Goshen Studio r 2103 Adams av. k stoc live H Chas ing Gosl & Dr 867 27th. Gosnell Clarence J swehmn OUR Van Buren av. Gosnell Edwd P BE r 2550 24, °18 age 20. Gosnell Irving A died Oct 2550 Van Buren av. Gosnell Jas clk D & R Gr & T Cor 1066 25th. T installer MS Gosnell Wm erville. Goss Francis (wid Philip S) b Slat 444 27th. ay. av. Hudson THE Western Grain | & Feed Co. & D. Feclk OUR i Serine fohn av. Jackson H brkmn § P Co. Wm CG claim agt Scowcroft’s H Goody Cor 8 P pipeftr M Frank Goodwin r 2809 Co Wks Iron Ogden blrmkr W Arthur Goodway YOU DON’T KNOW BEANS TIL YOU'VE ‘TASTED PIERCE’S OGDEN & CO’S 860 SATE DIRECTORY—1919. ERR CITY (ena i Wiig, aia f et ‘ |