OCR Text |
Show yi oyle Furniture Company | bite TE wei ie Hl THREE Hpi ay l(t ! Mi i i , | tithe 77 Mew Successors : to | =] y Lee-Hunter Agency Edward Auth i Uh i ey Standard Policy OGDEN Exp 1918 DIRECTORY—1919. Maggie b Marriott. Amt. $ Mollie (wid r J) Saml 2460 ay. Madison Robt W C car repr r 750 25th. SAMUEL C, Lawyer, 605 Eccles Bldg, Tel 87, r 2460 Madison av, Tel 1751-J. Premium “Powell Saml J died Apr 2 718 age 66. Inter- Assured Mountain Agency, Inc. Powell Thos E farmer Powell Wm A Power Perferred Ins. Agency, Ine. r Marriott. W lab rms 225% Power Albt clk OUR Kenneth & Dr T meterrdr 25th. 537 Canyon U P & L Co rd. b 537 rd. Canyon - Power Thos F ®& b 537 Canyon rd. - Power Vivian C &&.b 537 Canyon rd. No. Powers GC mailmn OUR &D. Powers Patk live stock r 210 Patterson av. - Powers Robt S rms 2569 Monroe av. Sales Agents ' Poy Leo Hon died Oct 24 °18 age 44. | | i Stockh Company |ni 14 Ny H CITY Elsie steno US Forest Serv b Marriott. Ethel tchr Plain City Schl b Marriott. Florence b Marriott. John D farmer r Marriott. Property M. T. Jamison | York HAVE BOUGHT BOYLE’S GENERATIONS FURNITURE AT See Prade Mrs Bertha rms 2324 Madison av. Prantil Louis (European Hotel) r 368 24th. PRATT ARTHUR E, Judge 2d Judicial Dist Court, Court House, Tel 1290, r 2569 Van Buren av, Tel 259. Pratt Eugene E & b 2569 Van Buren av. Preece Albt emp Goddard Pkg Co. Preece Bertha L (wid John W) emp Kennedy’s Cafeteria rms 2468 Wash av. | _ Preece Carrie M b 1794 Pacific av. _ Preece Mrs Della smstrs r 2608 Adams av. Preece Ellsworth W r 1794 Pacific av. Preece Hiram brkmn r 874 Canyon rd. Preece Howard rms 2468 Wash av. ee reD ACCIDENT INS CO, T F Timby Agt, 204 Eccles . Tel 36% _ PREFERRED INSURANCE AGENCY, E L Ford Successor, 814 Eccles Bldg, Tel 737. (See opposite), PREMIER COAL CO, H C Day Pres, C A Day V-Pres, C R Hol' g, I! | Hi) Hi ii i MAK IH ie Hi i) u That Your Policies Have This Label sxa- One of several represented by ERNEST Representing Whose L. FORD Companies Assets Aggregate over $200,000,000.00 an €°o * £ Ee Oo - ‘NSURANCLS 814 <I ECCLES yTAY BLDG. Union Portland Cement Co. lingsworth Sec, F N Bletcher Treas, 521 Eccles Bldg, Tel 2068. (See adv page 358). Prescott Wilford lab O UR & Drms 485 27th. Preshaw Bessie M clk R MS b 2320 Grant av. _ Preshaw Preshaw shaw feshaw a naw proshaw reshaw Tesnell Teston Clarence F ™ b 2320 Grant av. Earl A clk OUR & Dr 2336 Madison av. John M with American Can Co r 2320 Grant av. John M jr clk Golden Rule Merc Co r 734 23d, Mattie L elk Golden Rule Mere Co b 2320 Grant av Mrs Prescilla E rms 456 22d. Thos F clk P Or 2954 Pingree av. David E car repr r 2573 Grant av, Carrie dom 2523 Jefferson av. Preston Fay M mach rms 286 25th. SS ROOM Ogden Portland Cement Co. HOTEL LUCERNE“ 2470 Hudson W. E. PHILLIPS Av. Catering Only to High Class Trade ROOMS FINELY FURNISHED—WITH Tel. OR WITHOUT 3018 BATHS Building Specialties 515 ECCLES BUILDING |