OCR Text |
Show Bia ust ) HE ANY(8 pee ta ne ON Wit: Be wi ui A ‘I aie By ail meee Bee alt {Hit th 9 reteeneeeee besetetiesetne et peeegrirsee ets Pe LT, see Ms be Se akes —— nL ee <a re yas Tac Wei R. L. POLK & CO’S Pierce’s FORD you DON’T KNOW Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford malt Bi) | ee Hah OPES a = a ea Vt Bue Th i ba . lM Hh ~— Peet meat a: : E } eeebstt. j . yy bit }{ | i ve mM |' my ; } : : i] BEANS eels | 7 ; tf } | Hl “a aml A . i be Ae Uy) eh) i i! Oa iy : ma? tei e oh as ee a | i Hi yi Bt A Hh at Be ty Be "a 4 Bete av : mi aW 1} i i} ay HN HF L, Successor ERNEST ian a. Eccles Bldg,*Tel 737, r 1182 25th, Tel 1318. Ervin M BS b 117 Poplar ay. Ethe] M smstrs b 3411 Pacific av. Mrs Flora r 32d and Taylor av. Harry G b 32d and Taylor av. Henry lab b 32d and Taylor av. Jas A painter r 3415 Pacific av. Leo b 32d and Taylor av. Lorenzo W music ‘tchr 2370% Wash av r same, McLaren painter b 3411 Pacific av. Mrs Madeline r 117 Poplar av. Mary (wid Hyrum) r 144 W 28th. FORD RUFUS, Grant Storage Mgr Ogden av, Tel 910, r 2424 FORD’S STUDIO Transfer Tyler av, Tel Forter Waithig, |||. aie 4) oun aiiieit & Storage Co, 2. a (Charles D Ford), Up-to-Date Photographel Furnishes HT = ae ——— aa pasa Ss <n wa ee sme ES & > J. M. FORRESTALL, Agent Phone 425 “WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS” CE Sa. 2 ees 2: =e : : — re tae a ns : — mR ae se Prise ete r cies aoe “a= — - P - 3282 EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE—MOVING Twenty-Fifth Street Fred : r 738 S tchr Lewis Meeting Ward steno b 583 Schl House 26th. rms 2129 Plaza Apts. 26th, Tel Madison Live Stock & Feeding Co, 927. i. rs Anna clk Wright’s b 2904 Grant es Arthur D farmer r Hooper. os Arthur L farmer r Hooper. os Chas A farmer r Hooper. ets Clarence §& b 440 27th. 99 a Telephone 283 rae fos! SERVICE STORAGE BATTERY STATION HUDSON AVE. Honest Collectors Western Phone RENTED, REPAIRED, RECHARGED ELECTRIC STARTER & 2359 and FINANCIAL REPORTS COL. HUDSON BLDG. > ——_— “Exi0e VANS av. =... , COLLECTIONS REALE LR Credit Association ais Glayds b 583 26th. at Harold B dentist M V Maloney r 272 28th. ers Alfd BATTERY Washington Ave. Phone 1243 av. emp Hansen L § & F Cor 2022 Farr av. i HAY GRAIN FLOUR SEEDS SALT POULTRY POULTRY SUPPLIES BABY CHICKS FRUIT BASKETS BOX MATERIAL SACKS AND TWINE 2354 24th. | Foulger Ray E b 749 23d Foulger Mrs Sarah E r 2462 Monroe av. Foulger Thelma student b 2462 Monroe av. WALLAGE, City Treasurer City Hall, Tel 697, r 2760 oe ms av. poulger Wayman G bkpr r 39 Argyle Apts. r 583 | Jogalong Transfer Co. | Store) Foulger Heber C tchr Lewis Schl b 438 24th. Foulger Herbt B mgr Five Points Golden Rule r Harrisvile. FOULGER JOSEPH B, V-Pres-Sec 1 L Clark & Sons Co, rp 2564 Brinker av, Tel 2907-J. Foulger Mrs Lucile rms 2030 Wash av. Foulger Lucile E student b 187 W 17th. Foulger O Merle driver Blackman & G Co r 2752 Adams av. _ FOUTS FRANK, Traffic Mgr Hansen 44“i 2 a ig aM Pas es Foulger uts Eva a 501 ECCLES B — Pierce’s — 25th. in. 187 soulk Lola Bonds and Burglary Insurance Hotel. au r Salt Lake City. bert Edwd O mgr Ogden Traffic Bure & Hurst, r 749 23d, Tel FOULGER ALBERT B, Mgr Paine 2904-W. Monroe av. Foulger Alvin B clk Last & Thomas b 2462 r 304 Goddard av. Foulger Arthur B teller Pingree Nat Bank Foulger Arthur K carp r 187 W 17th. Foulger Bertrand L student b 2752 Adams av. Foulger Byron K steno b 187 W 17th. y ay. Foulger David B bkpr First Nat Bank r 2221 Quinc Foulger Delbert B clk U P & L Cob 2462 Monroe av.s av. Adam 2752 Foulger Frank slsmn Blackman & G Cor Foulger Franklin J & r 2030 Wash av. eo Baltimore, Maryland ’ at Nominal Cost for All Public Offic! Employees and Contractors a All Kinds of Indemnity Bonds, Liability, Plate Glass WW || av. Virgi Mrs Lucille rms The cook rms Van Ness Arthur s ae 480-482 24th, Tel 208-W. Fordyce Jas lab r 2645 Lincoln av. Forest Service see U S Forest Service. Forest Service Building 201-205 24th. Fornoff Harold hipr S P Co b 468 21st. Fornoff Homer D hipr S P Co b 468 21st. ae Fornoff Leonard blrmkr S P Cor 468 21st. a Forrest Grant hipr S P Co rms 449 26th sl Forrest Jane C (wid Chas M) rms 850 27th. a Forrest John Rr 2135 Adams av av. Wall 2746 Forrest Mary A (wid Louis) clk Wright’s rms a Forrest M Helen tchr b 2135 Adams av. , Forristall Clifford farmer r. View. Forristall Clifton farmer r View. a Forristall Mrs Hilda N tchr View Schl r View FORRISTALL JOHN M, Real Estate and Insurance, Agt, U © r 425, Tel Bldg, Eccles 501 Co, Guaranty & Fidelity 12th, Tel 508. (See bottom edge of leaves, left top lin ae : and adv). Bae) y i Forsgren Carl S died Dec 2 °18 age 21. a Forsgren Jas W died June 29 °18 age 49. Theale e es Iae saree SOM —Ae SAPS ge aver ese negpeabys asemnatie’ GE ese amliiiaatingre amie Western Grain & Feed Co. Foster Sadie (wid Nicholas) r 210 28th. West. Foster Virginiab Farr Rest Utah Fruit & Cigar (On Fotopulos ee d a 1994-R. Monroe 2030 THE DIRECTORY—1919. 774 21st. Chas H timekpr UICR Rr Douglas av. Ellen (wid Wm W) r 2054 r 655 Geo M pres-megr Ogden Mason Bldrs John M b Co Infirmary. Otis E lab b 339 4th. The U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Gt a) rms clk 860 ne av. Forshs oter rms rear 27414 Lincolnnia. Ins Agcy,| Preferred The CITY OGDEN " j i 1 i He dies , a PIERCE’S y.| ‘ a "TIL YOU’VE TASTED Qeigi i Phone Ladies’ Ready to Wea Ht it i Bi ew ae ae Ai ih PAINE HURST === ; | ; Pee aia TEL. 179 971 | |