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Show /PAINE& HURST Distinctive M AND a , Ladies’ Ready to Reliable Wear for Ladies oad uae 860 ee Pierce’s YOU DON’T KNOW "TIL YOU'VE TASTED PIERCE’S _——___—s R. L. POLK & CO’S Tracy Tracy Laura Leona mach opr Scowcroft’s W 12th. L student b rear 349 26th. Tracy Lettie b Wilson la. Tribe David “! (Gus Lakas) 170 TRAVELERS GROCERY (James S Papageorgen), Fancy Groceries, Imported Olive Oil, Home Made ( Retail and Wholesale at Reasonable "Prices, FreshI etc, 124 25th, Tel 352. TRAVELERS Bldg. INS CO Travis C tehr Lorin TRAVELERS Mary Travino ‘~ (Hartford) , J M Forristall Agt, bot! * INS CO (Hartford), B H Goddard Agt, 429 2 Manuel lab r 530 Farr Schl r 518 Plaza Apis. "a 24th. Trenholm Claude A mach Cheesman Auto Co rms rear — TRESEDER ALBERT C, Sec-Treas Brown-Carlson-Tre r 480 27th, Tel 1394-M. 7 Treseder Geo pkr Ogden Whol Drug Co, r rear 749 30th. Treseder Geo E lab r 749 30th. Treseder Irvin clk Ogden Whol Drug ‘Co b 749 30th. Treseder Jane E (wid Richd M) rms 843 26th. Treseder J emp Ogden P & P THE CITY DIRECTORY—1919. Western Grain r 458 21st. Tribe Danl L disp S P Co r 407 Plaza Apts. Tracy Mabel P laund U P b 321 27th. i Tracy Melvin B resident agt Purity Biscuit Cor 2709 ¢ G1 Tracy Myrtle emp Everfresh Food Co b Marriott, ae Tracy Otto W jan Wilson Schl r Wilson la. i Tracy: Parley R B& b 241 21st. Tracy Peter F cond U P r 1349 Capitol av. iracy Hose H tmp Everfresh Food Co b Marriott. Tracy Scena (wid John M) matron O UR & Dr rear@ Tracy Silas E sorter Troy Lndry rms 321 27th. am Tracy Silas H sta master O U KR & Dr 2627 Wash av. “4 Tracy Stanley student b rear 349 26th. ie Tracy Thelma M student b rear 349 26th. Tracy Thos A lab Irving Dairy r W 12th 1 s S P track ee Tracy Vera tchr Lewis Schl b 241 21st. a Trakas Peter (Liberty Fruit Store) rms 2504 Wash av. Trakas Thos (Washington Store) rms 1345 Grant av. Trankle John mgr Clean Stge Co r 280 26th. a Trappett Jas rms 2252% Wash av. oa 25th. Travelers Cafe ODEN C————E_ Tribe Chas J barber Co W clk r 548 | r 3186 Wash av. Tribe Frank L slsmn r 3-429 Herrick av. TRIBE GEO H INVESTMENT CO, Frank E Tribe Pres, Alvin M Yribe v-Pres, Arthur G Tribe Sec-'lreas, Investments and Lands, 2357 Washington av.. Tribe Harold L real est r 551 23d. Tribe Henry (Tribe & Jones) r 1328 Wash av. Tribe Hugh b 3864 Ogden av. Tribe H Karl emp Cont! Oil Co r 1642 Hudson av: ° Tripe Leiaud dentist b 3186 Wash av. Tribe Lemuel | B& b 1328 Wash av. Tribe Mabei G rms 556 23d. Tripe Roy L v-pres Home Furn Co r 726 23d. Tribe Spencer A trucker O U R & D b 1328 Wash av. Tribe Wm D brkmn U P r 3864 Ogden av Tribe & Jones (Henry Tribe M L Jones) gr ocers 2212 Wash av. TRIBUNE THE, See Salt Lake Tribune. (See p 4). Tribus Carl rms 2468 Wash av. Trimble Benj G clk Walk-Over Boot Shop r 7 Wilson la. Trimble John B r.7 Wilson la. Triplett Wm A eng S P Co r 880 21st. Tripp E C clk U P rms Arlington Hotel. Tripp Geo W photog 320% 25th r same. Tripp Harold R B& b 320% 25th. Tipp Kenneth S B& b 320% 25th. Troop C Q swchmn O U R & Drms Marion Hotel. Trorlicht Gus sec Eagles’ Club r 884 23d. Trosley Matt died Dec 26 °18 age 52. Trout Sidney J moved to Pocatello Ida. TROY STEAM LAUNDRY CO, S H Hendershot Ngr, 2538-2540 Wall av, Tel 2074. (See left side lines and adv). WAY IS THE RIGHT WAY Treseder Marcia steno First Nat Bauk b 2273 Jeflerseaa v. Treseder Pierce’s Marion steno b 2273 Jefferson av. Treseder Richd W core r 2273 Jefferson av. Treseder R Raymond §& b 2273 Jefferson av. Trialano Jas handymn S P Co r 191 W 20th. Tribe Alvin M v-pres Geo H Tribe Inv Cor 548 24th. Tribe Mrs Anna M r 9 Ivy Apts. Tribe Arnand F b 458 21st. Tribe Arthur messr Merchants Service. Tribe Arthur G sec-treas Geo H Tribe Inv Co r 728 21. te Trihe Chas E slsmn Ogden Whol Drug Cor 841 20th. S. H. TROY 2538-2540 WALL HENDERSHOT, Manager LAUNDRY AV. PHONES 2074-2075 (eee BATTERY MOVING VANS, STORAGE AND FURNITURE PAS eleph POULTRY POULTRY SUPPLIES BABY CHICKS FRUIT BASKETS BOX MATERIAL SACKS AND - TWINE 2354 Washington { Ave. Phone — 1243 COLLECTIONS ACL OT na and FINANCIAL REPORTS Honest Collectors , | RECHARGED REPAIRED, RENTED, ELECTRIC STARTER & xiO©| STORAGE BATTERY STATION| SERVICE | 2359 HUDSON AVE. . TEL. ‘Western Credit Association | Gre - 328’ Twenty-Fifth Street HAY — GRAIN FLOUR a THE TROY Treseder Lloyd firmn S P Co b 2350. E av. Treseder Malcolm carp r 2350 Ea & Feed Co. 24th. Tribe Doris M clk Tribe & Jones b 1328 Wash av. Tribe Fay b 3864 Ogden av. Tribe Krank E pres Geo H ‘Tribe Inv Co and telr First Nat Bank 179 COL. HUDSON BLDG. Phone 977 — | |