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Show Eccles Building] J. M. FORRISTAL *,901Telep L hone 425 Surety Bonds, Fire, on Liability and Burglary... . _INSURANCE| Steam [Ogden Co. Laundry LAUNDERERS AND DRY per Ee STREET CLEANERS PHONE 175 T 520 R. L. POLK & COw’S OGDEN BUSINESS 521 DIRECTORY—1919 | S: H. HENDERSHOT Manager | he Troy Way is the Right Way Nelson E W 124 W 22d. Newman T A 558 W 24th. Nicholas G A Co 202 25th. Nippon & Co 2453 Grant av. Noorda Henry 225 33d and 2786 Wash av. Olsen Cash Grocery 2253 Wash av. Olsen L D 630 21st. Pepares Bros 158 25th. Petty R T 1684 Wash av. Phillips Zillah 836 234d, Pickett D G 3111 Porter av. Pickett W T & Sons 2303 Wash av. Pribble I E Co 2140 Monroe av. Roma Groce Co 168 25th. Ross F J 286 22d. Russell-James Co, 24th s w cor Lincoln av. Sandiforgd J T 214 31st. Sawyer Bros 1012 22d. Schwartz J J 2234 Jefferson av. Seager Bros 740 27th. Sewell H W 2602 Wash av. Shaw D M 214 Wash av. Shaw W A Grocery Co 203 Wash av Skaggs’ Cash Stores 287 24th 2264, 2364 and 2586 Wash av. Stadelmann H H 1136 22d. Steele-Carlsen Grocery oo 350 25th. Stewart G S 3100 Wash a Storey T A 2856 Wash tia Stratton Wm Riverdale. Success Market 2311 Wash av. Swenson R C Harrisville. Syrlin J B 2972 Wash av. Tillotson J H 2281 Wash av. Toyo & Co, 2411 Grant av. Travelers Grocery 124 25th. Tribe & Jones 2242 Wash av. Union Grocery Co 2638 Wash av. Van Dyke Kate 850 2ist. Washington Market 2472 Wash av. Washington Store 2319 Wash av. Watkins F R 215 25th. Weaver Wm 3284 Wash av. White C L Kanesville. Williams R P 226 Patterson av. Williams & Smith 328 25th. Wilson Bros Co 2781 Wall av. *GUNS Armstrong Browning CE Bros AND & Co, Co, 306 2451 Hudson av. Hansen H C Co, 2468 Hudson av. Lowe Geo A Co, 2326-2328 Wash av. Uncle Sam’s Loan Office, 278 25th. Brown-Carlson-Treseder Co, 2424 Tel. 2074 Wash Buchmiller-Kaplan Co, 2425 Wash Nye Fred M Co, 2409-2411 Wash R&O ve Shop, 352 25th. Wright 4th. W H & Sons HAIR Co, Wash av. av. av. av n w DRESSERS. Beauty Shop, 226 Eccles Stevens Sidney Summerill’s Imp Stove ay. Watson-Flygare Woolworth F W Cross Cross Ogden Co, AND C W Co sate GE 41 Tent ha i a Co, av. W. i av. Pt av. ; Wash ave Wash av n AND also Flour { fe) “8ee 2473 Wi red M Co, 2409-2411 *HEATING W AND Oswell Co, VENTILATING, 2460 Hudson Hop Y & Co, 2471 C. E. Armstrong Lincoln ‘ight W H & Sons HOTELS %e The AND 134% Xooms 223% Wash Co, Wash av n w AND HOMES. 16. ROOMING HOUSES. 25th. 25th. it The 208% EC 427 25th. 24th Ks Mary 420 25th. z Hotel 376 25th. 8 The 238 25th. e House 2518 Lincoln nh Hotel 286 25th. Tt House 169 25th. + Rooming House 304 Fernando 330 av. 25th. 24th: 204 25th. . 2462% Lincoln av. & Co.| ‘Merchants Goods, Kodaks, Photographic Be , Developing Sportin and Printing, Bicycles, Talking Machines, Fi ison Mazda Lamps, Franco Flash Lights with oe onan 25TH Rubber Stamps —e av. av. 'S The 2444% Lincoln av. On Hotel, 2439 Wash av. pts 2266 Wash av. Otel 2415 Lincoln av. *e Hotel €SS The av. Wash ay. Orth *HERBALISTS. av. ._& Hurst, 2467-2469 Wash av. .0 Quality Shop, 352 25th. ilor-Wright Co, 2355 Wash av. Q4t 4th Esther Home for Girls 2507 Adams 475. 25th. European Hotel 368 24th. Fashion Rooms 268% 25th. Freeman Mae 218 24th. Glen Hotel 2456 Grant av. Grant Hotel 283 24th. Gray Bert 258% 25th. Greiner’s Hotel & Cafe 128 25th, Hagoromo Hotel 2424 Grant av. Hawkins Frances 205 25th. Healy Hotel 100 25th. Helena Hotel, 213!/o 25th. Hermitage Hotel Ogden Canyon. Homer B M 3829 26th. Honey. Lizzie 276 25th. Hoover H H 2203 Wash av. Hotel Lucerne, 2470 Hudson av. Hotel National 242 25th. Knight Hotel 2354 Grant av. Kyle Minnie 254% 25th. La Grande Cottage, Co, 2424 See page Feed. Farr Thos & Co 2270 Wash av. Inter-Mtn Produce Co 2214 Wash} McFarland & Sons 225 24th. Petersen Bros Huntsville. Pingree Job jr 2616 Wash av. Richardson P C, 248 24th. Richins & Arrowsmith 205 Eccles f£ Utah Grain & Elev Co 1999 Wall av. Western Grain & Feed Co, 2354 Was Williams Coal & Feed CO 236 21St. cor av. miller~Kaplan Co, 2425 Wash av. IL & Sons Co, 2356 Wash av. Variety Stores, 2410 Wash av. GRAIN. and 29th. See also Blacksmiths. HOSPITALS HAY cor *HOSIERY. he Parlors av BLANKETS. n-Carson=-Treseder av. HATTERS. Shining Pacific bristy John 257 24th. imstrom Peter 2216 Wash av. hussell & Donaldson 2858 Wash “Iiamsen L C 2048 Wash av. ye Sims N L 384 25th. Shoe 7 iid Wash Paine & Hurst, 2467-2469 Wash R & O Quality eee 352 25th. Co, MFRS. HORSESHCERS. National Outftg Co 2345 Wash ay. © Nye Fred M Co, 2409-2411 Wash av Royal *HOMINY av. Hudson Co, 2409 Builders Canning CAPS. Taylor-Wright Co, 2355 Pear W H & Sons Co, 4th. Wall Bidg. Eccles 22d. 247 E J, rear gden Home *HORSE ea 2425 av. 4en Tent & Awning Co, 2268 Wash ad JG & Bros Co, 330-340 24th. MACHINERY. AND Buchmiller-Kaplan wen Wash Agricultural HATS i : w 2268 S59; Wash BUILDERS. Co, 813 sthwell & Swaner skson 330-340 24th, Bros Co Bros a HARVESTING See Wash FURS. 2059-2061 *HOME 2279 2414 Wash Co, House, AND nyan O Mi 2263-2269 Wall av. Wool & Hide Co of Ogden, 2358 SADDLES. an Awning Read J G@ & Studebaker House, Hdw Co Co 2363 PELTS ay. 2532-40 Repair HARNESS Jackson Bldg. en Junk Boyle Hardware Co 350 24th. Foley Variety Stores, 2410 Wash a Lowe Geo A Co, 2326-28 Wash av. Sawyer Bros 1012 22d. American Hairdressing Parlors 415 24th. Beauty Shop, 53 Lewis Bik. Boston Hair Dressing Parlor, 421 25th. Marinello *HIDES, HARDWARE—RETAIL. See 25th. ; Lowe Geo A Co, 2326-28 Wash av. Salt Lake Hardware Co, 2648 Barlow Stevens Sidney Imp Co, 2532-40 W AMMUNITION. *HABERDASHERS. 2538-40 Wall Av. HARDWARE—WHOLESALE. cor 150 26th. Legal Rooms 127 25th Lincoln Hotel 330 23d. Lane Star Rooming House 316 25th. Lucerne Hotel, 2470 Hudson av. Madson O B 2539 Adams ay. Marion Hotel 25th n w cor Lincoln av. Modern The 133 25th. Montana House 160% 25th. Moriyasu Umakichi 2462 Wall av New Brigham Hotel Wall av and ‘24th. New Healy Hotel 100 25th. New York Rooming House 362 24th. Newdale Rooms 132% 25th. Ogden Rooming House 179 25th. Olive Rooming House 217 25th. Ono Fukutaro 2457 Lincoln av. Owl Apts 2210% Wash av. Oxford Hotel ees Hudson av. Palace The 246 25th ‘Paris Rooming House 2548 Wall av. Park Apartments 2583 Grant av. Park Rooms 352% 25th Parker Iva 333 24th. Pike M C 2468 Grant av. Pine View Hotel Ogden Canyon. Poplar Heights 437 24th. Raymond The 278 25th. Reed Hotel 411-421 25th. Rex Hotel 225% 25th. Royal Hotel 25 22 Wall av St Paul Hotel 427-431 25th. Saville Hotel 2446 Grant av. Shepherd E M 2220 Lincoln av. Sherer Mary 2303 Lincoln av. Sherman Margt 200% 25th. Shriver L E 2252% Wash av. Smith N I 663 25th. Swanson Helen 2417 Grant av. Toponce K A 2422 Adams av. Union Depot Hotel Union Station. U S Rooms 146 25th. Utah Hotel 369 22d. Utahna Hotel 2468 Wash av. Valley House Huntsville. Van Ness Hotel 150% 25th. Verleen Rmg House 2409 Lincoln ay. Credit Bureau RELIABLE PROGRESSIVE EFFICIENT 6 THE STATE OF UTAH FOR $5000.00 The eponaeul Geoan Bureau collects more money and ompiem more people than all other Ogden Agencies combined 202.203 Eccles Bldg. Phone 691 35 LESSEE av and Brummitt Investment Co. BUILDING LOTS and HOUSES on Easy Payment Plan TRADES EQUITIES in everything of value considered 2417 HUDSON AVE. Phone 39 |