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Show S “ SS = - BS : A “ SN NS ANSS SX is hea rt. He loved grandkids to anyone who would | IS ten They all pa deeply. He truly loved his fam ly and was ll of h is Si bl ings, cousins , nephews and nieces He d he never let it turn him cold. He sti ll managed to wri te poetry and reach out to people and create 1a body. He captured your essence He In h iS p hotos your emot ion in jus t the right moment. He told stor les S poetry , expressing h is grie f and his anger through e lived for music, saxophone, drums, keyboards d to play , even jus t his beautiful deep harmon ICa though, man did that br ing h Im Joy, ins tantly accompany any tyle. He just loved to play, to be part of the songs 4is In life. He always said he was head ing ou tto bea d he WAS. He touched so many | IVES He live d d inthe moment and simply. But he was not s imple plica ted and He t and impe rfect and magnet ic an d tell igen at a | ife he | ive d! th by h is paren ts Marshall N Wh | te & Jess ie ell) in h is s IS ters Tomm ie (Watk ins) and Daphne dley) and h IS daughter Stephan ie Surv ive dbyh IS Rabi Veron ica ( Aundrae ) Man jan ique (Lorenzo) 3 lia (AJ) and Bronson and h is 15 grandch Idren ie1e (Ellis) Onet ia (Wh te) brother Ronald and lla, N ’ (Ell phews e Sawyer fam ly and h cous ins an d many spec la | IS longt ime group o f fr lien ds |