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TROPHIES AND BLUE RIBBONS awarded in the recent state industrial arts contest are shown by some of Ben Lomond High School's winners. Front, left to right, are Bryant Russell, Jerry L. Johnson, Charles Hamilton, and ElMont Bingham, instructor; rear, Robert Hansen, woodworking instructor; Tommy Torman, Stanton LeSieur, Richard Johnson and Arlo Phelix, instructor. |
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Show SS awarded in the recent st ate industrial arts contest | TROPHIES AND BLUE RIBBONS School’s winners. Front, left to right, are are shown by some of Ben Lomond High instruc- — Charles Hamilton, and ElMont Bingham, LeSieu r, | Bryant Russell, Jerry L. Johnson, Torman, instructor; Tommy tor; rear, Robert Hansen, woodworking Stanton tor. Richard Johnson and Arlo Phelix, instruc Ben Lomond Industrial Arts. Students Rate First-Again Richard mention. Richard Johnson, two} firsts and one second place; Tommy | first in the state Sears Foundation | Torman, one first, one second and | For Ben the sixth Lomond consecutive High School ary mention: placed er » industrial arts contest held in Salt one third place award. Lake City. | Other first place winners were} ~ Points racked up by the Scots Charles Hamilton, Stanton LeSieur, | |. “nearly doubled those of their near: Jerry Johnson, John Lavender and | est competitor. Almost all students Bryant Russell. who entered were awarded ribbons, Second place winners were Jerry eash prizes and honorable mention. Flinn, Greg Walker, Sam Payne, Entries included lamps, bowls, and Jerry Coombs. Larry Nelson jewelry, metal works, plastic ar- received a second place award and ticles, wood and leather works be- honorable mention; Neal Maw rated | ‘sides electronic articles and me- second, third and honorable menchanical drawings. tion. FIRST PLACES Third place winners were Fred | Jack Behler. La | Roland Tsukamoto took two first Sodenkamp and. Robert Pettingill and prizes, two third and two honorable Mar Hinton, a DISET SS SZ April 26, 1959 Irvin received honorable | . | Arlo Phelix, instructor, was pre | sented an award for having the |, most points won by his students. |