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Show Victorian Era Relived at Ben Lomond By Judy Hodson “The musicale presented a distinct acconiplishment. Everyone came.” So reads an excerpt from a victorian era diary. But the excerpt might have been written | last Monday. Members of Miss Margaret Neal’s first period English class at Ben Lomond High en| tertained the group at an imitation | victorian-period musicale. The program featured vocal duets, trios and group singing, among them songs with words by | famous victorian poets. The operas of Gilbert and Sullivan also had a place in discussion and _ song. | French, American and English music of the times were compared and illustrated on the piano and flute. In “Alice in Wonderland” manner the morning musicale ended with the serving of the queen of _heart’s tarts. Hostesses Anita Baird, Clydene Green, Karen _ Morf, Linda Oborn, Jean Ed_ wards and Carol Summerill made the unique contribution. The program grew from class study of victorian literature. Excitement and anticipation filled Ben Lomond when girls became lively cheerleaders. and songs Ready for next six cute new and varsity to lead yells year’s games are Kay Parker, Ruth Goff, Eileen Monsen, Linda LaBrecque; Ronna Grouer and Kathleen Heiner. gratulations "59-'60. Con- to you yell leaders for Scots enjoyed a day of welcome vacation Friday as schools were dismissed for the annual Loyalty Day parade. Scotties vacationed aft- er marching the morning in fine form during hours of the day. Al- |bonnettes and the ROTC units drilled for the downtown audience.| Thirty girls of the concert girls’ glee traveled across town Thursday| to host the school, Ogden High, for | the Region II vocal musie festival. The singers directed by Edward Sandgren, were among choral groups from other high schools in ‘Region If. The girls, in bright spring dresses, sang four numbers. | Jack Boyle’s students are he- ginning te “bone up” on current - events. It seems that Mr. Boyle decided to test cots en current affairs and just a bit of everything. This his students saw ex_ actly where they need improve- ment. Se don’t be surprised if you see some Ben Lomond Scot wandering paper! the streets, nose in newsHe's enly studying. Friday afternoon the seminary held its annual party in Ogden Can- yon, Students enjoyed games and refreshments and waited for the announcement of new seminary officers. . When the announcement was made, Paul Tanner took over the presidential office from Bill Pace; Donna Barnett, vice president, turned her office over to Carolyn ‘Read; Judy Skinner became secre- tary in place of Karen Stoffers and Dortha Jackson became replacing Jean historian, Edwards. Quick glances out of school dows are common among students and win- these days faculty. All) realize that the days of waking at 7 a.m. will be no more after May 28. Only three weeks away, or 15 ‘days, whichever sounds the short-. er and Scots will be playing in the sun, vacationing and just taking it easy. { Special plea: Please hurry, vacation—we need you desperately. Thought of the Week: Most of us| know how to ‘us know when. say nothing—few |