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Show NEN PCO TE | COUNTY JUNIOR GRID CHAMPIONS—Wahlquist Junior gridders romped home with the Weber County championship for 1961. Front high row, left to I Myers, manager; Stephen Rees, Earl McDonald, Keith Orton, Kenneth right: Ray White, Craig Kinney, manager, and Ted Campbell, coach. Second row, left to ri right: Coach Bill Caldwell, Dan Williams, Ken Wood, Greg German, Steve Sugimoto, Kenneth Rauzi, Gordon Evans, Jerry Burns, Albert Williams and Brett Costley. Third row, left to right: Coach Wayne Cottle, David Edwards, Phil Janovak, Rock y Quintana, Bob— : Sheets, Ray Bishop, Jim Gordon, Dean Neville, Lynn Humphreys, Grayson Bottom. Back row, left to right: Bob Kawa, David Kingston, Rick Favero, Joe Halverson, Denpe nis Taylor, David Trunkey, Kent Chugg, Travis Crowther, ‘Stephen Kendell, Bruce ee Diehl, Greg Bottom, ae Eldon Muirbrook and Glen Kawa. a Nie a iquist Gridders © a Team Desire Pays Off for 1961 County Title Holders In »-— the "== cp » : oe : | : ee ae "= Pe ae os fin. second »- ©. the one final factor analysis, that what enabled was spot with was the only squad Eagles this season. a 2-2 mark, to beat the Wahlquist’s county league record of the season follows—Wahlquist 25, Roy 13; Wahlquist 6, South 19; | Wahlquist 13, Roy 7; Wahlquist 7, South 6. PRAISES TEAM Spencer Wyatt, Wahlquist school principal, praised the team and © Coach Campbell on their attainment. ‘Quite naturally, we are all very proud of them,’”’ he said. Bill Caldwell is assistan coach, and top overseer of the the ‘county loop is Glen Miller of the school administration... The team will be presented a Eagles of Wahlquist to win the 1961 football title of the three-school Weschool high junior County ber league? “Great team desire,’ answers. ‘Coach Ted Campbell, who piloted the Eagles to their fourth straight \srid championship in as many years. : The Eagles were in no easy ircumstances to pick up the coveted prize, for South and Roy were ighty good. South, which ended - trophy for the school, and the team) members will be feted at a program) of some kind, Coach Campbell ee | ~ : said, SQUAD MEMBERS Wahlquist championship team members are Kenneth White, Gordon Evans, Steve Sugamoto, Albert! _ Williams, Dan Williams, Jerry # Burns, Ken Rauzi, Greg German, Brett Costley. Kent Wood, Keith Orton, Ear] ee O he . McFarland, Bob Kawa, Glen Kawa,) Dave Trunkey, Dave Edwards, Grayson Bottom, Gregg Bottom, ~ Dean Neville, Tarvis Crowther, Kent Chugg, Roy Bishop, Steve — Rees, Bob Sheets, Bruce Diehl,) Eldon Muirbrook. Glen Humphries, David Kingston, Phil Janavick, Dennis Taylor, and Jimmy Gordon. gf Coach Ted Campbell has been tia coach for the past two years. During the previous two years, he ll' was assistant coach. : 3 : S = & . ee . : aa | |