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Show ee ESE Sy oa SSSA pau a £ « he to. : oun - ot | tu ents Ur Nn ut De. ance ae ai a ae Pei of : Cae Serine a For Opening Day; Enrollments Cee . a S ? e & . ; aT ae ; ft y P ea SS : . | |dows: first term, Aug. 27 to Oct. Be Jan. = a ue A record number _of Weber) Some 5,800 junior and senior, up for study. This was compared. 26; second term, Oct. 29 to. March a third term, Jan. 14 to ~~ | County elementary, junior andj high students reported for school| to 910 last year. ee “41; 15, and fourth term, March 18 © ~ | ~~ s senior high school students trooped | this morning and buckled down 2ack to school today for the 1962-|to a full day of classwork. | 63 school year. ‘Wahlquist Junior High reported ‘| Some went eagerly and some with dragging steps to greet their - 220Ut | tcachers and get acquainted with _ | the facilities and curriculum. i School officials. INCREASE io May schoo) | about 200 more students were an- |) #998 ticipated this year over last. She |= —ais year said the total enrollment looked | = year -as if it would be around 1,500. Officials at Roy Junior High re-| Serving the increased enrollvtech : Sean Os » | 14.0 600 e students tud ge registered Sais °ve.| for 9 ef initial figures some 950 showed librarians, Slightlyforoverhalfday 8,000 students a ‘\istered sessions reg-at /@ | the ea =} cne combination ye cteey ane elementary andj _ | junior high school. || “= = >| oe a = oe ee ol | atid furious’ at the Valley School ‘|in Huntsville where some 200) 9 elementary students and 170 junior | oS a2 me} Sade showed up for class- | ne Eyen in this fairly stable ee | tha Mrs. school secretary. Registration at school Cheryl the com-| R. - oe City ee Bybee said Ge registered even I | / Qsses | Boos a Ee ae SE = UN | We ae b ee 7 a, > at . County. n ford ie ut 14,00. Portals of - And approxi il th wk aS y Ri e t: Ur week,|) schools|) schools + Banhexse High schoo! will oe roll its minth grade Aug. 20 at|!” aT Nn is : Ogden City . qos hd AR : auditorium Junior High’s at 9 am. si aut : ashington chool at 1 “tH: Smith Will be sery High, : |' | The fee schedule for all students attending junior high schools in Weber District is as follows: | . ~ | student body fee, $2.50; hall lock-|_ = |<, 50 cents; art fee, 50 cents a “semester; es es oe = . Students a 5 gor iT. tj 2 oe oe no|| — with yninth grade, will begin -its signup | with eighth graders: Tuesday. a _ — ents re. lor High, 6 . ciel ‘geaien “ graders | 75 opa 6 until 8 each night. | South Junior High, at unt at 9 am: the << enth Mota 2: poe, tenth pon oe Fort, all stuq : th eek 7 ™ = . - Sa - “on eeresda’on ay, elghth rs - and the seventh grade ee ae ee Th ishi eas | last year. . cae At Burch Creek elementary, ||= \" Calvin ts aes _ senior high schools, senior classes |) = will register Wednesday, juniors ae Thursday, and sophomores’ Fri-|~ day. il ‘start at 7 each |/ 5 | . i Sign ignups will ee Co 7 juni _ e saidFor today the : Weber and Bonneville |( : te S ee a y in 7 < en — had last pa Holmes,| 9 = Plain : . See ! plete registration next ‘principals of the various various _princip. ' Se ee a oe eee Registration oS Students @ _|elementary school’ was reported) P| at 526. by Dewayne Manful, princ- 2 "| ipal. This was 36 students above) = I Cl : C / : tud : Oe ee Ne ; ‘senior high os si eeba Meier a ay School District will com-| - a s ae me | ee . | ToBeHeld | 4 53 ee 00 eee ae ae ee about eee 0Ce ABOVE LAST YEAR | stud ae or of a a=k as eee 8 ea Sosa 9963 3 Se ee a] : 3 3 Registration was reported “fasth) #7 ) | work. an increase = : as ites Oo | - | classwork this morning through- toe Phot cat sar he eaten ment in the Weber School District = 3 ie j} out the county, | 7 A total of 13,352 ae 9605 0 teachers, tea ,, estimated on the basis Is || aze counselors and So attended classes last school year. . a 24. arkos ae ARR BONNEVILLE = tary ‘saidof (== theMrs.Bonneville High, secre School, = : Se : oS a Irish Roach ee home _ aly | book cost is $1.75. | Students new. in the _ sai economics, $2) for the full school year; shop ma-|| ~|terials card, $2 each. The year-|| who have not 6 previously district | regis-| tered should do so on the proper | ' evening for their class level. - | Each night, students will re-( ee == _ | ceive their assignments to classes | _|and lockers at Weber _| High, ac-| cording to Principal Roy Metcalf. | Activity cards and class fees |) _ | will total $5.25. In addition, year-| — | books may be ordered for $5 and) (the literary magazine for 25/3 _ | cents, he said. - | A $1 deposit - | for lockers. | ~ © ‘Transportation for Wahlquist | Junior High School students reg- | istering Monday, Tuesday and) » Wednesday will be furnished ~ > et = by fF ~ will begin at 6 each Registration evening and will continue until 7 933 | || | | /~ ) istering for the fall semester. Weber Distr Superint. €ndent, Bor the Weber County School District, € Spencer Wyatt, Wahlquist princi- || pal, said Saturday. 7) all saudents have completed reg- = | € Tg || | ee : Tn the Web er . beging Mee rough Oct. 95 é will Be a be required |) ~ [RE eS will be available} 9 {upon final payment due. “|. Classwork = will begin be on the? = 4| morning of Aug. 27 for all schools! j|in the district. fa Dr Superintendent f ccm —— | : 3 oe a = ali @3/ . Senior rings ~ term *| 7 SG Cee MOS eee = oS Mr. Wyatt said that there will) be four buses making three stops} - each on the three registration| — _ nights, ; = ‘The first bus will leave from” -/the North Park School in Roy; )?at-5:30 p.m. each of the three@ - > registration nights. It will stop at Wilson sch the Marriott Church S jand fore atreaching Wahlquist, accord-|{oe a a ee » | ; a Dod aoe wllteave Warten Church at 6 p.m. — cS e West}. and pe stop at the West Weber School,| Taylor Church and the Slater-| stop at the Plain City Cemetery, | - and Wall a Wahlquist School, according -_~ principal, Se eae ; as ae en jo SS oe ca . STU DE NTS TO SIGN 10 a.m. carried out | in the senior high | —s al jodibuis d ‘ier broa program for. tren beginning stu-| instrumental programs. ft neepouniy pe otal th ‘The : and the instructor | | | by three instrumental specialists SE ieee Se aa : in brass and percussion, woodWeber High, Darrell Lund, Ster-F + winds, and strings. * Team teaching arrangements ling Morris and Zola Jeppsen;; will be made for the instructors. and Valley Junior, Marion War-) = _ | to combine their talents to teach burton. Nase concert band, training band, or- | -\chestra and:beginning instrumen- } nior ' | tal classes, Mr. Stokes said. 20) High, ; Bruce The primary aim in each class James Pingree. |will be to provide specialized instruction on a more _ individualized basis than has been possible ' in the past, he said. ae school _ | fall, music consultant Arch Stokes | 88signed to the new program are: _ — | said today. | | Bonneville High School, Mark An- | | ‘The instruction will be handled | SUS, Fred Doctor and. Zola- Jep- | ~ 4 The hours scheduled for this from = es About 150 students of Wahl-guist Junior High School who have not yet registered for S| the coming fall term will have : . an opportunity Friday at 9 a.m., Mr. Spencer Wyatt, principal, said today. signing up are to 12 noon. Avenue,| to the| a ; YET Plain City School and then go| down Center Street to the Farr Harrisville Church and then fo, . tionA -| - 150 then continue to} Us number. three will leave | : - U.S.. 89, °91. ae | Church > "ville Wahiquist. West. Church before arriving at} > the’ junior high school. The fourth bus will leave Pleas- | === ant View Church at 5:45-p.m.,f stop at the North Ogden School, the North Ogden canning fac-|~ tory, the Harrisville junction at | - A similar “team teaching” mu- arrangement = NEU emg Juand ee -Five string instructors will handle the elementary school string | ~ program as. well as junior and senior high orchestras and ~ the,” Weber County honor orchestra. They are Harold Brewer, Mr. ae TEAM PROJECT. “sic. staff Roy Erickson will be Erickson, Carl Stuart, Miss beker and Miss Jepsen. Ne- | oe |