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Show WAHLQUIST JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL L033 North 1200 West GUgden, Utab i May “ i 3 & = . eo a’ on ’ es’ tae 7 i i ke noe : 86 With you our schocl precedures, | and supply needs, ete. ps ney ; ee *% Se 2 ry ati, : courses e me will be beneficial by all of the school staff. FOREIGN The LANGUAGE language festival The Weber The was ‘7th. ADYVLS schools FFSTIVAL held at Weber that participatwere ed District, lenguages and that Box College Ogéen Elder. City : on School, * participsted were German, French and Spanish. There were also 3 categories: oral comprehention, vocabulary, and conversation. Wahlquist Selender In won 3 and vocabulary, also tied ribbons John 3rd with a in Zinn place person In 2nd year German, versations; she tied first tied went from year for 3rd to German. place James another in Davis. Jack conversation. He school. Margie Gallegher took a person from another 3rd in conschool. In French, Wahlquist won 3 ribbons. In conversation Margie Taylor won 2nd place. Sonia deCelis won 3rd place. 2nd went to Gloria Manning in Orel comprehention. In Spanish, Ann Creezee, rated very good. Alan ratings went to Bonnie Ramona Rees, and Lorna Jones Soto took a good. Excellent Nozaki and Dean Martini. Glen Kawa was tributed with a very x00d, along with Dennis Wade, Jerry Dalpais, and Cheryl Miya. Others rated very good were Steve Wise, Rick Favero, and Pat Bantly. Dean Martini language the top threes; comprehension, in was student Spanish. judged of 2nd in the the in two Outstanding festival. conversation, of the three Dean Srd foreign placed in contests in Oral fields |