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Show - New Manager| “by Gene Gooch attention all girls! ivy-looking ninth An ~~ was chosen grade brunette to be one of this years ball, managers... Out basket, Sof the several boys interviewed, John Hircock was chosen. A night's work for John consists of sweeping the on making charts floor, how foul. shots are many made -from ‘those! possible, he cleans up the | gym, he referees, takes care of hurt players, and most of all, he talks. to the girls that stay -— after school. | When being interviewed, John said "I think I could learn a lot more by helping the team out," when Mr. he why him asked Cottle wantad. to be manager We've got a real good andl job as this year aris rea lly enjoy my John said. heir manager," Managers Congratulations to Roger es Brown om of. the twa. 7... dependables from'Wahlquist He is 4ft 78 10 ins. tall, lbs. and nas brown eyes. and brown © hair Some of hisduties are are to referee- scrimmag CS, eee floors, pump basketball, cords charts, i care of He said ‘ ager, es most "because alwa ys make and re. take. the players. he liked being He also saidhe of the John out mando- work : Hircock is goofing. arou nd with the girls'*,*. Rog ers favorite’ color is or ange with purple polkado ts. Hig favoirte food is steak atla’mode. Good ~~ ‘luekRoger’ Were all sure you'l} made a good manag_ er. : | | | ) BASKETBALL TEAM The following Eagles Congratulations! Wahlquist have been chosen to defend in the Basketball Season during 1963. sceeesforward Andy Ackermanececcec eees fuard ece Rocky Quintana...c es center cee rec .co eMe ans Joh Kirk cseforward ccs cee cce Rick Faverdece oguard ces sce Warren Wareeccececc sforward eee eee sse d.. lan Gordan Bag and guard oseeseeer Graig Tavddeic cascss ...center on. ers off ist Richard Chr ecesshuard Craig ChamberS.ssceec and Lee Kent forward nsLorward Sint Lori sccectceccce re ok ipa caccesesssrerwa 10 11 7 5 9 3 16 12 8 |